Blaze & Daze


Mid 70°s and rain :blsmoke:

So I took some golden teachers last week and desired a cup of coffee........I'm back on the grind lol. Have had my two large cups every day since. If I could only remember to brew it the night before and try that cold brew everyone's talking about lol

How's everyone today?
Just put it in now, a longer steep doesn't turn bitter until like 40 hours.
...high exposure to sawdust can cause cancer?
Man, I am learning all kinds of new stuff today.
Someone has decided to snooze here in the basement office this morning

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I have not even put the headphones on yet. Hearing soft doggie snoring behind me is extremely soothing.

Are you going to make it to the CNE? We're going on Saturday. The music acts are full on disappointment this year. Jan Arden is playing Saturday. I recognize the name but couldn't name a single song. I think we'll skip the bandshell this year. It's pink floyd themed with a exhibition and cover band. :spew:
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It's actually raining here. The center of the circulation is just south of San Fran now. Supposed to make 85 this afternoon. Haven't been able to open the house up due to humidity so my electric bill is going to suck.
No earthquakes around here, yet.
I have mouse #4 to dispose of on the patio this morning, had no idea they were out there.
... Are you going to make it to the CNE? We're going on Saturday ...
Taking into account the distance between here and there - and looking at planned weekend activities between now and Labour Day, that's not gonna happen this year.
... Jan Arden is playing Saturday. I recognize the name but couldn't name a single song ...
Jann Arden's claims to fame:

... The music acts are full on disappointment this year ...
Par for the course. Prior to seeing Glass Tiger on Thursday night, we witnessed a pretty poor opening act in The Monowhales:


She really tried to get the "Get Off My Lawn" crowd going ... didn't work though. And the irony of ironies - we are all on a large lawn known as Del Crory Park.
Taking into account the distance between here and there - and looking at planned weekend activities between now and Labour Day, that's not gonna happen this year.

Jann Arden's claims to fame:

Par for the course. Prior to seeing Glass Tiger on Thursday night, we witnessed a pretty poor opening act in The Monowhales:

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She really tried to get the "Get Off My Lawn" crowd going ... didn't work though. And the irony of ironies - we are all on a large lawn known as Del Crory Park.

Wait Monowhales opened for Glass Tiger? LOL aren't they a geriatric band?

I saw the Monowhales at Sugar Beach and again at this years sound of music festival. Fun band!

Going by your links there's nothing to see at the Jan Arden concert.
So, that was a “tropical storm”, eh? I’ll tell ya what it was…weak sauce. The cats didn’t even freak out, and they live outside 100% of the time.

Really though, I’m glad it was mild by the coast, hope everyone else fared well.
It's a totally different animal when a storm goes from south to north as opposed to the normal opposite direction. If the circulation would have been farther offshore the outcome would have been different. Glad it was minor in your area.
... Wait Monowhales opened for Glass Tiger? LOL aren't they a geriatric band? ...
Glass Tiger? Their heyday were the late 80's to early 90's so not considered geriatric. The tribute bands we've seen these past few years is what would be considered old fart stuff.
  • The Last Waltz - The Band
  • Hotel California - Eagles
  • Mania Revisited - Beatles
  • Fandango - ZZ Top
  • Transit - Chicago
  • LRB - The Little River Band ( LRB are not a tribute band. They are what's left of the original Little River Band from Australia )
  • British Legends - Queen, McCartney and Stones
... I saw the Monowhales at Sugar Beach ... Fun band! ...
If you consider shitty distorted guitar fuzz merged with What's Her Face screeching into the mic to be a fun band ...
... Going by your links there's nothing to see at the Jan Arden concert ...
And she is even more boring in live performances. I watched a CBC special - live Jann Arden - and I bailed on that program even before she performed either of her hits.