what ive learned, is that spend that money get your plant tested and wait for results.

Nothing worth risking then infecting your whole garden and have to deal with the mess and blame the suppliers tbh. Yes its unpractical that they are selling the cuts, but also your responsibility to make sure you do safety checks before introducing it into your garden.
what ive learned, is that spend that money get your plant tested and wait for results.

Nothing worth risking then infecting your whole garden and have to deal with the mess and blame the suppliers tbh. Yes its unpractical that they are selling the cuts, but also your responsibility to make sure you do safety checks before introducing it into your garden.
Learned that life lesson the hard way last year.
not going to bash strainly, I still believe there are good folks who take pride in their work. But for now, I will no longer be ordering clones due to the summer heat even if Overnight is paid.

That's fair. I've only purchased seeds.I got tracking information last night, item is in transit. Exceptional service.
I do not consider it bashing, exposing foul business practices. My only speculation is that the clones are potentially fake and hoping the mold will kill and look like grower error, but both highly possible because of other unacceptable business practices. Not to mention purchase last summer from Ben's that sent 2 spot spider mites from warehouse grows and immune to everything. Lost $1500 in top shelf genetics, and a year of electric, time and results down the toilet. Finally gave up, threw all out, and took 6 month break with multiple bug bombs. Looked at only negative reviews from a year earlier, and same problem, same strain. Posted on ICMag about strain and mites from strainly, and got 5 PM's they knew what seller, since they had them also. Honest people can make great living providing clones without being scammers.

I am warning about sleazy business practices that strainly knows about and goes out of their way to protect people knowingly infecting peoples gardens with plants guaranteed to die long before HLVD would be apparent, and before the plants can be identified as not what they say they are. Changing names, not listing how long a seller is there, preventing legitimate feedback, allowing fake feedback, using an Indian Ocean domain to avoid accountability, aiding and abetting the spread of disease are all sleazy business practices. This is not 4300 posts about an even acceptable company but someone a legitimate seller would not want their name associated with. I assume there may be some legitimate seed sellers. Tumi now has Mother Plant test that tests for HLVD and Mold infections which is what they spread for $40. These plants were not victims of heat and arrived on 80 degree day handed to me by mailman. They use BS excuse it was the heat when the plants would have taken weeks to get to this point. Botrytis does not happen overnight. The clones I received were obviously old and since the mothers were infected, they were dying from bottom up. All they care about is the plants living for a day, then they can blame the buyer because it will look like root rot, but roots look healthy. The stem gets infected and no nutrients can get up stem. Notice how they removed 3 sets of lowest leaves since they were rotten, and how bottom of closest plant is turning brown fro stem canker, which takes weeks.


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Another part of strainly scam is pathetic website with no proper checkout. If you do not use their checkout they say you were scamming them, but they provide no way for a proper order to be placed. There is no way to utilize offers of so many clones for a certain price, and if you order multiple clones they add shipping for each one, even if free shipping offered. Was told by Danky Ass who changed name to Legit Cuts they could do nothing about it, and wanted to send link, which strainly forbids. So basically a pure scam. Always wondered why sellers that were there for long time had so few reviews once they get a few bad reviews they change their name. Just looked and half the sellers names are new. Probably a handful of sellers using many names. Now only buying from direct website that takes credit cards/paypal and lists their address, so they care about their reputation. Have found some very credible sites. Even sellers that claim testing can fake it, and continue to sell infected clones, which probably are not what they say.

If strainly had any positive morals whatsoever, they would shut down bad sellers until every plant they sell is tested. Instead of coddling people selling infected plants, they should be kissing my butt.
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Honest people can make great living providing clones without being scammers.

Yup. The dishonest sellers don't care if you lose money on the clone, or if you lose a flower room or your genetic library. They care about the fast buck. Reputation and integrity are built over years. It takes one bad review to destroy it forever. My feedback on their site is perfect. I just had to walk cuz of all the sleazy shit happening there. Felt it was bad for my reputation.
Yup. The dishonest sellers don't care if you lose money on the clone, or if you lose a flower room or your genetic library. They care about the fast buck. Reputation and integrity are built over years. It takes one bad review to destroy it forever. My feedback on their site is perfect. I just had to walk cuz of all the sleazy shit happening there. Felt it was bad for my reputation.
You make it over to discord?
Yup. The dishonest sellers don't care if you lose money on the clone, or if you lose a flower room or your genetic library. They care about the fast buck. Reputation and integrity are built over years. It takes one bad review to destroy it forever. My feedback on their site is perfect. I just had to walk cuz of all the sleazy shit happening there. Felt it was bad for my reputation.
The buyer should not have to test every clone they get. With Tumi's mother test for $40 it tests for HLVD and mold. If mother has any of those it should be burned. Really bothers me they have been doing bad business for at least last year. People would pay a little more for knowing clean. With the dishonest sellers make us distrust everyone, they could fake the data collection of the test, especially if the genetics are fake, and they do not want it to live to find out. With discord, know nothing about sellers and interface looks 1980's bulletin/chat. I would only buy from GMO since so much positive feed back, but only excepts smartphone payment.
The buyer should not have to test every clone they get. With Tumi's mother test for $40 it tests for HLVD and mold. If mother has any of those it should be burned. Really bothers me they have been doing bad business for at least last year. People would pay a little more for knowing clean. With the dishonest sellers make us distrust everyone, they could fake the data collection of the test, especially if the genetics are fake, and they do not want it to live to find out. With discord, know nothing about sellers and interface looks 1980's bulletin/chat. I would only buy from GMO since so much positive feed back, but only excepts smartphone payment.

I know of two of his cuts that aren't legit, and so far he hasn't addressed that to my knowledge. As far as I know he still sells them as verified.

I could be wrong, maybe he's told his customers about it. I'm not current on his postings.
Which cuts?

White Truffle is confirmed not Beleaf's cut.

Death Star is not confirmed fake but he got his cut shot down over in the Death Star thread at the mag.

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Actually, looks like there's some new comments over it in that thread, so I guess the jury is out on it. I'd be watching there to get some confirmation one way or the other.

The White Truffle was confirmed by me personally. I ran his cut and also have Beleaf's cut.
Actually, looks like there's some new comments over it in that thread, so I guess the jury is out on it. I'd be watching there to get some confirmation one way or the other.

The White Truffle was confirmed by me personally. I ran his cut and also have Beleaf's cut.
I have his (gmo) deathstar going outdoors right now, I have nothing to compare it too. I love the lore that comes with these old cuts, didnt even realize how dank this cut was. I personally got it cause I grew out a pack of palpatine from dvg and was really good smoke so I figured why not try one of the parents. Still have pollen from one of the males, gonna make a deathstar bx with it for personal preservation.