Blaze & Daze

LOL! So how long after did you leave? Let's face it - kids do have a limited Dad Joke tolerance.

LOL na I adored him and his sick sense of humour, he was my superhero.

One time when I was around 15 me and a couple friends were hanging out in the backyard. Dad came out and said did you know raccoons die after they have sex? One of us said no and he said oh the one I screwed died then walked back in the house. I just shook my head. He was always saying shocking things like that.
... Oh those calzones look good ... I couldn't finish that! ...
Their pizza's are equally as good ... George St. just a little bit north of the Holiday Inn.
... I got my eye on the watermelon burger and pickle fries this year. Cannot be words than the pulled pork on a krispy kreme donut ...
I dunno - "this cannot be worse than that" should not be the basis for a food order.

"The Works" put a location at Hwy 2 and Liverpool Rd in Pickering and we stopped in shortly after. I order the "Hunka Hunka" ( I think that's what it was called ... it's not listed on their menu anymore ) which is a burger patty with peanut butter and banana. It's a take on Elvis fav - the fried PB and nanners sandwiches. How bad could that be ... thought I.

Final result - I would probably prefer the pulled port on a Krispy Kreme donut than another Hunka Hunka. ( Which I now see that The Works no longer offers. )
LOL na I adored him and his sick sense of humour, he was my superhero.

One time when I was around 15 me and a couple friends were hanging out in the backyard. Dad came out and said did you know raccoons die after they have sex? One of us said no and he said oh the one I screwed died then walked back in the house. I just shook my head. He was always saying shocking things like that.

I'm going to have to remember that one for when mine is a little bit older.

She's 13 now, so the dad jokes are mostly sedate with occasional tastes of mildly inappropriate. She had a friend over and there was a silent moment where no one was saying anything and I popped in, "So while I was waiting for you guys to get here I saw the strangest damned thing in the front yard. There were these two huge black birds, and they were stuck together at the wing side by side. They were flipping around and I couldn't figure out what the hell was going on." At this point I had the wife, kid, and friend captivated in the story.

"So I opened the door to get a closer look, and I'll be damned, a couple of Vel-Crows had landed in the yard."

My wife's head hit the table so hard she bounced, my child got up and walked away in shame, her friend sat there trying so hard to not-laugh that tears had started streaming. It was then I was informed that their dad didn't do dad jokes at home and it was a new experience.

I took off the gloves at that moment and was insufferable the entire night.