Anyone catch COVID and lose their sense of taste and smell?

Willy B. Goode

Well-Known Member
How long did it last? I am on day 6. My wife and I both tested positive but since she had it before, her symptoms are much milder than mine. I'm a first-timer. We are also fully vaxxed. I am generally feeling ok except for fatigue and clogged sinuses and runny nose. Just wondering how long this loss of T&S might last. Sucks but yes, I am fully aware of the fact, and counting my blessings, that it could be much, much worse.
Ugh. I had it several times, but never lost smell/taste. The first time was the worst. It was horrible fever/chills/sweats and feeling weak for about a week. Then it took about 4 weeks for me to feel 100% again. The other times were like bad cold or mild flu that fully recovered in a few days.

I drank lots of water, ate healthy, rested up, didn't smoke.

Good luck!
I myself havent had covid, YET. Ive had 5 shots, and Ill get another if recommended. Im 64, be 65 in 3 months, and will get the newest shot. Ive also had ZERO side effects from the vaccine. 5 shots of Moderna. Sore arm was the worst side effect.

I will also state Ive not had a cold, or the flu since 2006. And man was I sick. Flu. I was freezing to death, and had terrible muscle spasms. I thought I would have a heart attack it was so intense.

But several of my friends are going on almost 2 years with fucked up taste, and smell.

But worse than that a friends daughter got a hole in her heart from covid. Also is causing her valves to leak. Shes so fucked up, walking to the car is like climbing Mount Everest, with no oxygen tank. Shes 48. She will never recover.
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I'm not sure if I've ever had it or not. I haven't seen a doctor in over 20 years, so I'm not keen on what one might find if I actually were examined. Been several times over the past couple of years where my nose has been more jammed up or runny than usual, but it's been broken at least 2 or 3 times so I can't really trust what my nose says. Never been a very high-energy kinda person, but over the past few years there HAVE been several occasions where I felt just completely run-down a week at a time for no apparent reason. Never lost taste/smell, though. I've only had the first wave of Pfizer shots. The first shot made my left arm stiff and achy for almost 2 months. Second shot was fine - it was weird.
I had it twice and neither time was i blessed with just a lack of smell.
First time, no fever but major shortness of breath. Second time no breathing trouble but flu symtoms, with a high fever 100-104 for a week. Actually started losing my hair.
How long did it last? I am on day 6. My wife and I both tested positive but since she had it before, her symptoms are much milder than mine. I'm a first-timer. We are also fully vaxxed. I am generally feeling ok except for fatigue and clogged sinuses and runny nose. Just wondering how long this loss of T&S might last. Sucks but yes, I am fully aware of the fact, and counting my blessings, that it could be much, much worse.
Yes I did and if I remember correctly I lost it for 1-2 weeks. I was smelling weird odors and blowing my nose constantly then I lost my sense of smell. It sucks but you'll get it back. Get well soon!
Covid sucks. I know many with Long Covid. Hearing, vision, balance, heart, organs, lung, brain issues etc. It's real...a friend of mine is waiting for cochlear implants after going deaf from Covid. He's been waiting for over 2 years and will be waiting a while longer. Because there are so many others with Covid related Audio Vestibular issues infront of him according to his Nuero Otologist.
I had it 0 vaccines only had it the once tho wasnt too bad in my case i lost my sense of smell and taste and then it came back but not the same level that took a while but it came back after a bit to the same level as beforehand im all good now though it was weird i have a good sense of smell but at the time like chem strains smelled like super sweet and fruity yet at the same time i remember i could smell the lemon type bud i had no problem there lemon was lemon which was strange its back to Normal now at least
been 2 years since my infection. Completely lost my sense of smell although still hathe basic 5 tastes, sweet, sour, salty etc.

It’s still nowhere near what it was. My sense of smell is almost 100% but my taste will never be the same.

I was pissed at first cause I love food, smells, weed but now I’m over it. Just need to accept the fact and move on.

A strange side effect is after smoking weed I can barely smell/taste until it wears off.

I hope yours fully recovers because having lost it I realised smell/taste makes up 40% of our sensual experience and can leave one quite depressed!
been 2 years since my infection. Completely lost my sense of smell although still hathe basic 5 tastes, sweet, sour, salty etc.

It’s still nowhere near what it was. My sense of smell is almost 100% but my taste will never be the same.

I was pissed at first cause I love food, smells, weed but now I’m over it. Just need to accept the fact and move on.

A strange side effect is after smoking weed I can barely smell/taste until it wears off.

I hope yours fully recovers because having lost it I realised smell/taste makes up 40% of our sensual experience and can leave one quite depressed!
Aye hope your wrong mate hopefully with time and training u can get it back to at least near what it was i hope bud fingers crossed i got lucky then again i thought i was immune i was working all the way through the pandemic in glesga minus 3 months shoulda had it a million times wasnt till i moved gigs then i caught it lol such is life
My events were about the same as @Tracker 's .. just got over the 3rd time around, but never lost taste or smell, although food tasted just a little "off" for a few days, but otherwise, that's about it. 1st event was long (4weeks) to feel 100%, second time was a non event, just felt like bad allergies for a few days. This last time (July) hit hard like the first time.. took a good month to feel 100%. Never vaxxed.
Aye hope your wrong mate hopefully with time and training u can get it back to at least near what it was i hope bud fingers crossed i got lucky then again i thought i was immune i was working all the way through the pandemic in glesga minus 3 months shoulda had it a million times wasnt till i moved gigs then i caught it lol such is life

It comes back almost 100% (my taste) when I stop smoking for a few days. But where’s the fun in that? Haha