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Conservative lawyers argue Trump is legally disqualified from holding office

1,671 views Aug 11, 2023 #Trump #GOP #January6
Two conservative law professors who are active members of the Federalist Society have determined that, "If the public record is accurate, the case is not even close. [Donald Trump] is no longer eligible to the office of Presidency, or any other state or federal office covered by the Constitution." Noah Bookbinder joins to discuss.


Ursus marijanus
Funny. I'm so unhip I've never seen the movie.
‘Sokay. I never watched MadTV or Family Guy. I’d do poorly at Jeopardy. I can monster the general knowledge questions, but about half the questions revolve around pop culture, to which my indifference is exceeded only by my way above average ignorance.

Only reason I saw the movie is because I was married to a more normal human.


Well-Known Member
If Trump is convicted of J6 crimes (shorthand for a host of conspiracies) in the spring or summer of 2024, this could be used to disqualify him from the ballot. He doesn't need to be convicted of these crimes to be disqualified, but having several actual convictions would put the seal on it and Trump would not appear on the ballot in most states I figure because of the 14th amendment.

It looks like Trump's J6 trials will be over by spring or summer at the latest, before the GOP convention and happening during the primary. Let's say super Donald makes it through the primaries and wins them, even with an ongoing trial. He is likely to be convicted and incarcerated before the convention and perhaps sentenced by then too. By then this little fact about being disqualified from the ballot will be widely know especially if he is convicted of specific crimes covered by it, the implications will be all over the news. Now let's say they nominate him from his cell at the convention anyway, he would still be disqualified to run in half the states and all of the swing states by local officials and people will be suing state officials in red states to keep him off the ballot there too.

If Donald is the GOP nominee, they lose, and he can't run as a Bull Moose independent, it would be harder to get on the ballot without republican support at some level. Donald is running away with the GOP nomination and running right into jail, a conviction and disqualification over the 14th amendment. There is no way he can be president and they are wasting their time nominating him. Whoever is the distant second in the GOP will get the nomination while Trump goes to prison, I can't see the GOP convention nominating him if he is convicted over J6 crimes before the convention, even if he won the primaries. Now that would rip the GOP from asshole to pie hole with an internal civil war and blood bath, Donald wins the nomination and doesn't get to run for the republicans, killed at the convention while he is in jail awaiting sentencing. :lol: Think many of his supporters would stay home if that happened? Would they vote for Donald's RINO replacement or write Donald in on the ballot, like the liberals are telling them to.

The constitutional case that Donald Trump is already banned from being president



Well-Known Member
He explains why this academic article is a really big fucking deal and how judges will cite it etc. It puts the seal on Trump's run for POTUS, even if he wins the GOP nomination, they will be left high and dry on the eve of the election, with Trump both disqualified from running and in jail.

One wonders if they are tired of "winning" yet...

After Donald is convicted of J6 crimes in the spring or summer of 2024, his run for POTUS is finished, he doesn't even need to be convicted, but after he is, the calls will grow much stronger to disqualify him from the ballot even if he wins the GOP nomination. I'm sure the GOP establishment realizes this and will move to get rid of Trump if he is convicted before the convention, even if he wins the primary. He will simply be kept off the ballot in most states and those who don't keep him off the ballot will be sued by citizens they won't even be able to write him in on the ballot.

Right Wing Lawyers TURN AGAINST Trump and Make SHOCKING Request

79,441 views Aug 12, 2023
Michael Popok of Legal AF reports on a new case made by 2 leading right wing Federalist Society law professors that Trump participated in a Rebellion and Insurrection against the US and right now is disqualified under the 14th Amendment from ever holding office again, a position that will no doubt end up being cited by courts and judges up to the Supreme Court going forward as the DOJ and others seek to have Trump ruled disqualified.
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Well-Known Member
I would look for a bunch of lawsuits during or before the primaries with conservative establishment republicans suing to get Trump disqualified from the ballot before their state primary, I doubt the democrats will act until it is too late for the GOP, but not for the election...


Well-Known Member
Let's say some anti Trump republicans sue to get Trump disqualified from the ballot over J6 before their state primaries. Does he get disqualified from the republican state primary ballot too with not even a write in allowed? Many of these red state judges are federalists and might disqualify Trump even before his trial and certainly would after he is found guilty. Donald might not make the primaries if they torpedo him using the 14th amendment and republicans are the ones most likely to do it first, the democrats can wait awhile, though I'm sure they will be disqualifying him in the states using the courts too.
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Well-Known Member
The courts will have to settle it with people suing to keep Trump off the ballot and Trump suing to get back on. The courts will have to bring order to the process and set standards of standing etc. Considering the case against Trump and the disposition of conservative judges and justices, it won't go well for Donald. All this would come to a head just before the primaries, with conservatives using the courts to get rid of Trump before the primaries begin. After he is convicted of the J6 crimes and indicted for others after, he would be disqualified for sure, and that would likely be determined before the election.

The GOP appear to be in a catch 22, if they don't act to get rid of Trump before the primaries, and convictions, with some in the conservative wing taking the matter to court.

Let's talk about Trump vs Federalist Society members....
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Well-Known Member
I checked Newsmax and Fox yesterday and no Trump crying out.
She put the fear of Jesus into him with jailing until trial and a speedy trial if he wants to continue to try it in public instead of the court. Donald is going down and he is disqualified from running for president any way or will be before the primaries and before the election for sure. I'm sure many in the GOP want Donald out of the way ASAP, by jail and by having some in the party disqualify him from the ballot or even a write in by going to court.