Examples of right wing media propaganda

The purpose of the news is to tell the user the truth, to serve the consumer. It is not to repeat and embellish lies, that's propaganda that masquerades itself as news and it serves the purposes of its creator. It does not serve the public who is lied to and manipulated, used and abused, instead of being served. Sometimes this has deadly consequences, like with covid, vaccines, J6 and Trump himself.

The purpose of the news is to tell the user the truth, to serve the consumer. It is not to repeat and embellish lies, that's propaganda that masquerades itself as news and it serves the purposes of its creator. It does not serve the public who is lied to and manipulated, used and abused, instead of being served. Sometimes this has deadly consequences, like with covid, vaccines, J6 and Trump himself.

The two time Peach with MULTIPLE INDICTMENTS, but Biden is the corrupt one

The two time Peach with MULTIPLE INDICTMENTS, but Biden is the corrupt one

It is funny, but it sucks in tens of millions of people and puts a POS like Trump and other republicans in power with the nuclear launch codes and a finger on the economic self-destruct button. The party is filled with dangerous lunatics who have no loyalty to the constitution or rule of law, they are anti American and anti-liberal democratic. Trump is who the founders warned you against and took measures to divide power so it could be avoided with checks and balances. Trump betrayed the constitution, his oath, the founding ethos of the country and the example set by Washington and those who continue to support him are basically traitors too, this is not politics, they are stepping outside that into civil war. Democracy requires trust and integrity, good will between sides and Trump and the republicans have been undermining that and are generally following the fascist playbook for toppling a democratic government.

Can you play baseball or football against a team that breaks the rules, cheats and tries to kill players on the other team? Where there are no umpires or officials, and everything depends on the honor of the players and teams, and they have no honor or integrity? The republicans have attracted every nut case, bigot, psycho and flawed character in America, Trump was an asshole magnet who drew in those like himself. The base of the party has been poisoned to death and they will get worse before they get better, the con artists riding herd on that bunch of miscreants have their work cut out. They are driven by lunatics and broke in many states because they elected nuts and morons for party officials too.
NBC exposes that man’s rabid nonsense. Meanwhile at Faux … a different subtext

This is serious.

Don't believe the sea water sloshing around your knees, believe me, besides, homeowner's insurance is just a scam that the banks force ya into! It's Biden's fault yer home is worthless and about to be washed away, climate change is a hoax! Like Trump, reality will eventually come crashing in and drown them.
Damn those highly educated elitist anti-trumpers for standing in the way between republicans and a proper education. :dunce:
There are reports that we might have a bad hurricane season this year and when they hit that 100F water around Floridia... Reality is always a better, but a brutal teacher, provided one lives to absorb the lesson. Mother nature will whip the lesson into their asses.