A borer in my a plant stalk.

Squash bugs arent stem borers, You get something different, Squash stem borers come from a pretty little red moth that looks an acts like a bee We have corn borers also but dont seem to bother weed plants. Been dealing with the little shits for close to 40 yrs.
Yes, I know. THat was one of the points I was trying to make.
Oh heck no. I probably wouldn't even wait around for whatever pesticides to work. I would inject that hole full of super glue or something, and entomb the little sucker for good.. Tunnel borers? :eek:

I've only ever experienced finding a bug tunneling its way up a branch like that once, but it didn't even leave a hole? Perplexed me. I thought it was some kind of mutant fungus gnat larva or something. Thought I had root rot affecting only that branch, in DWC hydro too.. Do we have stem boring bugs way up north west too?