Colloidal Silver Spray Outdoors


Wondering if anyone has used colloidal silver spray to make seeds outdoors? Is it viable? what are the pros & cons? when to start spraying?
I've been thru some learning curves on feminized seeds.... I did not use colloidal silver but know somebody who did,
didn't work, this could be a miss-trial? What did work (next attempts) was STS a two part chemical mix combined into
one concentrate to be used full strength or 9 to 1 dilution (distilled water) then sprayed onto the pollen giver. Pollen
giver can be entire tree for massive pollen cloud//collection or just a single branch. Since you said "outdoor" the
wind and honey bees may pollinate other trees near and far.
The STS can be bought ready to go or made on demand, details on the subject can be found "Here" and on you tube.
Checkout what info is here .... search "feminized seeds STS".
As to the timing of application (can be tricky) what had great success is having pollen giver(s) going into flowering with
mothers & another pollen giver about 1 month behind. This was tested with great results.... having abundance of
"feminized pollen" in front of bloom, during and behind. This was done with greenhouse trees in veg mode too a separate
light deprived structure for blooming.
If you plan on pollinating outdoors just keep in mind that pollen can travel long distances and hit your neighbors plants that might not want them to be pollinated. I think doing the reversal indoors and collecting the pollen to apply to some branches is much kinder to those that grow near you. Just my .02 cents.
Thanks for replies we're in the sticks no one close by that grows that I know of.. but I'm considering doing the pollen giver in my shed and starting the spray at week 4 of August. Cooler that time of year heat won't be an issue if I run light at night. Just have to put snowblower out under a tarp for awhile. I see the STS on some videos. I'll look into getting some.
Thanks for replies we're in the sticks no one close by that grows that I know of.. but I'm considering doing the pollen giver in my shed and starting the spray at week 4 of August. Cooler that time of year heat won't be an issue if I run light at night. Just have to put snowblower out under a tarp for awhile. I see the STS on some videos. I'll look into getting some.
There's a few companies that put out a ready to use STS spray if you don't want to source the ingredients yourself. You'll need a very accurate gram scale to weigh out the two chemicals if you decide to go that route. Best of luck with the reversal.
The plant you want to reverse should be hit 3-5 days before flip and then every 3-5 days after flip. Outdoors is tricky as flower starts on its own clock. As soon as you see the first pistils outside you should start the reversal process. You should do some searching for Tony Greene's STS thread online. I used to have it saved but I can't find it now. He does a great writeup on STS strength and number of applications to do.
Howdy folks,
Pollen Giver: I've tried both with success, sprayed tree(s) 2-3 times for 1 week before
going into bloom & sprayed at the start of bloom... continue spraying until a noticeable change
like nanners. Stop spraying, the tree will go into a "gender bending period" release pollen & die
(do not breath, have skin contact nor consume tree after, this is a toxic process...trash it).
I use the term "pollen giver (or donor)" because I sprayed entire tree-nodes, it is possible to do a single
branch carefully for "self pollination".
Pollination: Oscillating fans in front of pollen giver(s) (confined blooming mother area) or paint
brush onto flowers from collected//stored pollen.
Sprayer: The best hand sprayer for STS so far.... from a beauty salon supply, "fine mist" (5-8 fl oz trigger bottle).
The control & pattern release.... bitchen!
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