BREAKING: CNN drops Monday bombshell on Trump and Rudy Giuliani, reveals that one of their top allies just “turned over thousands” of incriminating “documents to Special Counsel Jack Smith” regarding their attempt to steal Biden’s win. But it gets WORSE for Trump & Giuliani… CNN reports that the incriminating evidence “hasn’t been previously disclosed” to Special Counsel Jack Smith” — and include a whopping “600 megabytes” of incriminating data and documents. CNN reports that the Trump ally, New York Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik, “was part of the team led by Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani trying to uncover fraud that would swing the election in favor of Trump,” and that Kerik “had tried to shield” the documents from Special Counsel Jack Smith. Adding insult to injury for Trump and Giuliani, CNN says that “Keri’s is scheduled to sit down for an interview with the special counsel’s office next month,” and that “the materials now in Smith’s possession are witness statements, research, a log of communications and other documents produced by Giuliani’s team.”

it just gets better and better
BREAKING: CNN drops Monday bombshell on Trump and Rudy Giuliani, reveals that one of their top allies just “turned over thousands” of incriminating “documents to Special Counsel Jack Smith” regarding their attempt to steal Biden’s win. But it gets WORSE for Trump & Giuliani… CNN reports that the incriminating evidence “hasn’t been previously disclosed” to Special Counsel Jack Smith” — and include a whopping “600 megabytes” of incriminating data and documents. CNN reports that the Trump ally, New York Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik, “was part of the team led by Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani trying to uncover fraud that would swing the election in favor of Trump,” and that Kerik “had tried to shield” the documents from Special Counsel Jack Smith. Adding insult to injury for Trump and Giuliani, CNN says that “Keri’s is scheduled to sit down for an interview with the special counsel’s office next month,” and that “the materials now in Smith’s possession are witness statements, research, a log of communications and other documents produced by Giuliani’s team.”

it just gets better and better

The republicans gave him enough rope to hang not just himself, but them too. When they pull the trapdoor on him he will drop so fast his head will pop clean off and the scaffolding will collapse around him in a cloud of dust. Trump is a fool there is no doubt about that, but those who supported and voted for him are bigger fools.
I think the only way MAGAs will ever learn the error of their ways is if we activly stop using the term MAGA and start identfying them more accurately treasoners
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Traitors works too, but we invent new words in English all the time, it is an open-source language and is constantly evolving and picking up new terms.
Any proposed new term needs to go through a vetting and acceptance process. Otherwise Urban Dictionary would be a repository of real words. That would be chaotic and ugly.
Ive found that it is generaly easier to let ppl deal with my shit spelling then deal with all the stupid shit autocorrect had me posting
When I encounter an unfamiliar term, I generally look it up. I’ve learned by this procedure. So when the search comes up blank, I consider it courteous to ask.

BREAKING: Donald Trump has a complete meltdown as his legal problems multiply and lashes out at Special Counsel Jack Smith and AG Merrick Garland on Truth Social — proving that they're rapidly closing in on him.

Trump screeched that Smith and Garland are engaged in "prosecutorial misconduct" and "election interference," a blatant smear attempt aimed at delegitimizing their perfectly proper professional behavior.

"Do you think that A.G. Garland, and Deranged Jack Smith, understand that we are in the middle of a major political campaign for President of the United States?" whined Trump. "Have they looked at recent poll numbers? Why didn’t they bring these ridiculous charges years before - Why did they wait to bring them NOW - A virtually unheard of scenario."

The answer, of course, is that the polls have no bearing on the law. Trump committed serious felonies. His decision to run for president again — a decision he made in large part to try to save himself from prosecution — has nothing to do with the investigations. A good polling response is not a get out of jail free card.

Trump then really lost his mind as he launched into caps lock mode—


These are the word of a man terrified of going to prison. The real "damage" would be to let him get away with his crimes. It would only encourage him to try to overthrow our democracy again and next time he might succeed.

Donald Trump belongs in prison.