Anybody ever gone gold digging/dredging/panning?

It is illegal in NY as NY claimed all mineral rights to any found on NYS land. And being a surveyor, I know rivers with black sand deposits and huge quartz veins in our area. I have a 35 lb chunk of quartz at my house I “liberated” from a job. This is from a visible vein 30’ wide and runs 90’ up a hill. That’s the visible part…
I don’t own the mineral rights to my property. Fuck that old bank that snatched it up in the 50’s. They prob don’t exist anymore anyway.
they bucket dredged up pretty close to my property but i’m above that lower valley floor area. We got some pretty decent flood gold on here but nothing like what they got down lower. It’s still mine fuck the mineral rights bullshit :-)
I don’t own the mineral rights to my property. Fuck that old bank that snatched it up in the 50’s. They prob don’t exist anymore anyway.
they bucket dredged up pretty close to my property but i’m above that lower valley floor area. We got some pretty decent flood gold on here but nothing like what they got down lower. It’s still mine fuck the mineral rights bullshit :-)
Harvest and store!!! Say a distant relative found it in the long-ago before stupid laws were enacted. You would think they would want the gold! Get rid of the national debt… or at least put a dent in it
It is illegal in NY as NY claimed all mineral rights to any found on NYS land. And being a surveyor, I know rivers with black sand deposits and huge quartz veins in our area. I have a 35 lb chunk of quartz at my house I “liberated” from a job. This is from a visible vein 30’ wide and runs 90’ up a hill. That’s the visible part…

oooooo its here in NY state, but this is why you will never hear about it. even with metal detecting any precious metal pulled out of the ground, technically is New York states. dirt fishing is a hobby i love, almost ad much as regular fishing!
New series
I got buddies who pan like Dozer Dave, which i’d say is the most common. I pan more like good ol goof ball Tom Massie which is a more side to side. Once you get the gold down in the bottom of the pan you pretty much got it licked though.
At about 8:45 in he does what I call the side to side. Do that, bring it back and re-stratify the material again. Then the side to side action and repeat. Tom knows how to speed pan.
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