Is this how you get a cat???


Well-Known Member
So my wife is chatting with the neighbor last week, and he points and asks her "is that your guy's cat?" to which my wife said no, but the little bugger walked right up & rubbed on her leg, lol :lol:
I started giving it food on the side yard because it seemed hungry, and is SO DARNED SWEET no way this thing is feral.

So i guess it's ours now? LMAO :lol:. I can't let it in, because my senior cat FLIPPED OUT when she saw it at the back door. So, i guess we have a porch cat now
Correct, that is how you end up with a cat. Source, that is how we ended up with our cat. General rule of thumb once you've fed it for over a week you are responsible ;). We left our outside for ~4 weeks until he acclimated enough to grab him for a vet trip. Check to see if they are tagged before investing too much....
Correct, that is how you end up with a cat. Source, that is how we ended up with our cat. General rule of thumb once you've fed it for over a week you are responsible ;). We left our outside for ~4 weeks until he acclimated enough to grab him for a vet trip. Check to see if they are tagged before investing too much....
Both my wife and I took some time to pick some burrs out of his tail (not sure he's a "he" but we're calling him "he") and he didn't attack either one of us. No collar, no immediate signs of ownership other than very sweet human-friendly demeanor. My wife got him gacked out on some catnip treats today :lol: she said a lady & her dog walked right by him & he didn't budge, which leads me to think he's dog or other-pet friendly as well. Someone HAD TO have owned this guy, I hope they respond to my post on RING but I'm just helpin him out until then. He's alert, aware of cars n such, NO WAY he's feral.

I wouldn't even give a shit if he was like all the other feral shitheads who pass thru my yard :lol: lol