Need a new truck. What are you driving?

we'd move just for ska brewing and cuckoo's chicken shack. and purgatory is an easy drive to ski
Well, if beer is such a passion, I guess Durango would be the place for a person. All I see is a college town with shitty dispensaries, overpriced breweries, and a main road into town lined with nothing but big box stores and car dealerships. Also 5-6 very run down trailer parks a stone throw away from downtown.
Plenty of poverty and wealth in Durango just like in Cortez.
BTW set your clocks back to 1960.
That's kind of like how downtown Cortez is. Which I like. There is a walmart but no other big box stores and all the downtown stores seem to be independently owned, family run and have been for generations. Great restaurants too.There's actual character in that little town.

Just like with every town, there are going to be lower income families, trailer parks and maybe a truck or 2 up on blocks. But the city has multiple parks, walking, running, skate parks, a bmx dirt courses, a disc golf course and a really nice library. All pretty much in walking distance of eachother. Hardly dumpy.

My biggest complaint about sw Colo would be wind. Which might have been one of the reasons why the Ancestral Puebloans disappeared. That in combination of no rain or firewood.

So yes, I took offense to the negative talk about Cortez lol. That is my second home and recommend anyone who has not visited to do so. Mesa Verde is something that just has to be seen with your own eyes. Pictures dont do it justice.

I'd avoid buying a brand new truck now. Everything new nowadays is a pos
sorry but i don't have the same rosy view of cortez as you. i've only been twice, durango probably 10.

durango avg home price is close to 1M, cortez is probaly 400k . night and day.

i'll give cortez credit for one thing: it's much nicer than farmington NM. lol
Yup, better stick to Durango if you're worried about how much your neighbor's house cost;)
Not to mention the people are way more down to Earth in Cortez. Actually from there. And I have cousins that live in Durango. Its a trailer, but you're right, that trailer is worth a lot more in Durango.
No offense , my friend. It just wasn’t our bag. I did score
Some really good weed, though …I gave all I could to the community and tried to help that hospital best I could but it was a no win situation. I have never experienced so much corruption in my career. It’s a real tragedy. It’s like that town does not want to progress and it’s a real shame, It’s very pretty, has so much potential.
I dont know, progress isnt always good. Cortez has always seemed to be an honest, hardworking community made largely up of the descendents of Ancestral Puebloans. The first settlers, really. Maybe they want it that way?
Shame about the hospital. Best of luck in the new State.
Yeah, maybe . I gave so much of myself to that job and got absolutely no thanks or appreciation for my hard work ….and I wanted to do more but was told “ it’s political “ keep your mouth shut. It was one of the hardest jobs I ever ever had. I made some huge changes for my Dept , cleaned it up and left it in awesome shape for whoever follows in my footsteps . Unlike the disaster I was left with. Thanks for the well wishes. All the best to you as well!
i meant to say the 75 series landcruiser with a tray on the back V8 or 6 say 2005-15 must be cheaper getting a RAM in the states

states, Rams downunder are expensive
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