Can't Work Commercial Growing

I wouldn't want to work at a commercial grow more so for fear of bringing something home..
She gets Freebies from the Dispensary. She had some Chocolate. I ate two little bitty pieces.

She calls you better go set down and get comfortable.

Man I was messed up all day.
I find this funny being in a illegal country n all so could you not just bullshit them and say you used to grow but dont anymore i mean seriously when it was illegal you all lied about it why wouldn't you now as others said id be more worried about bringing stuff back than taking it in as others have already stated also i thought serious legal grow ops use air showers and stuff like that for prevention anyway ?
I find this funny being in a illegal country n all so could you not just bullshit them and say you used to grow but dont anymore i mean seriously when it was illegal you all lied about it why wouldn't you now as others said id be more worried about bringing stuff back than taking it in as others have already stated also i thought serious legal grow ops use air showers and stuff like that for prevention anyway ?

When I got my Permit it was Common Knowledge. Heard from the Law first day.

I got way too much stuff going on to worry about bugs all the time.

Got a Big Nice Greenhouse and first thing people wanted to know is if I was going to grow in there. Well yes I am! Got Petunias, Geraniums, Banana Tree, Lemmon Tree, going to start Peppers and Tomatoes. Hopefully sell a bunch. LOL
Here in Missouri they need to losen up some and make it easier to grow outside.

Some don't worry about such. Know a guy that has grown on his deck for years.
I wouldnt work at a commercial facility ever anyways. Places like that suck the fun out of what you love to do and make it work. Treated generally like a disposable tissue, or yesterday's leftovers. I'll keep fun fun and work work.
I work to live....not live to work.

That's about what I thought reading the job descriptions and seeing the compensation .
That's about what I thought reading the job descriptions and seeing the compensation .
Working for rich people who don't see a plant that heals, they see $$$. Remember...most of these people are the ones who were totally against weed, they just do it because they think it'll make them money. Want to turn something you love doing into stress? Work at a commercial facility. Now I'm really generalizing commercial facilities. I'm sure there's a few that aren't as I describe but for the most part....they're awful and treat people poorly. Remember there's hundreds of 18-19 yr olds that think it's super cool to trim weed. If they don't like you then you're out that revolving door and the next monkey gets boots strapped on and scissors in hand wide eyed and bushy tailed until they're done with him/her and next and next and next.
Here in Canada, the big thing was hiring lead hands for the grow, and paying them well, getting them to write down all their methods and ways etc then if the crop was a success they'd fire them and keep all the paperwork, hire some schmuck for half the wage and tell them here follow this paperwork. No joke.
It's evil, greedy capitalist pigs.
Working for rich people who don't see a plant that heals, they see $$$. Remember...most of these people are the ones who were totally against weed, they just do it because they think it'll make them money. Want to turn something you love doing into stress? Work at a commercial facility. Now I'm really generalizing commercial facilities. I'm sure there's a few that aren't as I describe but for the most part....they're awful and treat people poorly. Remember there's hundreds of 18-19 yr olds that think it's super cool to trim weed. If they don't like you then you're out that revolving door and the next monkey gets boots strapped on and scissors in hand wide eyed and bushy tailed until they're done with him/her and next and next and next.
Here in Canada, the big thing was hiring lead hands for the grow, and paying them well, getting them to write down all their methods and ways etc then if the crop was a success they'd fire them and keep all the paperwork, hire some schmuck for half the wage and tell them here follow this paperwork. No joke.
It's evil, greedy capitalist pigs.

I wonder if they use motorized Trimmers?
I use to buy Farm Seed and everything was to be pushed through.

We had 16 year Olds and they were worthless because the Government said they could only do so much.

Then I was also training College Kids. Traveled one time to see how to run a piece of equipment more efficiently. Before it was said and done I showed them what they was doing wrong.
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I wonder if they use motorized Trimmers?
I use to buy Farm Seed and everything was to be pushed through.

We had 16 year Olds and they were worthless because the Government said they could only do so much.

Then I was also training College Kids. Traveled one time to see how to run a piece of equipment more efficiently. Before it was said and done I showed them what they was doing wrong.

The places that put out quality indoor always hand trim. The places producing ounces that go for $30 are machine trimming for sure. I've worked at one relatively large mid's factory and they used a motorized bucker and then sent it through a trim machine TWICE because the blades were so dull. It was then dried on racks in small nug size form in roughly 5-7 days before binning. You can imagine from a growers perspective that such a process is quite demoralizing. Anything good that was grown was ultimately flavorless trash by the end. And then owners like that wonder why no one wants their weed. These people start these rec farms and literally are not even pot smokers. To them, all pot is the same, it just a tool to get other people high. They've been sold some "Green Rush" they read about in their Mad Money Blog or whatever and think its the same as growing petunias and is their retirement plan that no one else could have possibly thought of. It sucks because these are the people with the cashflow to start things like this since banks don't want any part of giving loans out while still federally illegal. I can tell you that growing weed in a 20 banger and growing weed at large scale are two very different things and you almost have to have different expectations and ideas of what "good" is for each. That being said, even some of the most successful rec grows in the country are pretty much making mids and people are lapping it up(Jungle Boys, Cookies, etc).
Working for rich people who don't see a plant that heals, they see $$$. Remember...most of these people are the ones who were totally against weed, they just do it because they think it'll make them money. Want to turn something you love doing into stress? Work at a commercial facility. Now I'm really generalizing commercial facilities. I'm sure there's a few that aren't as I describe but for the most part....they're awful and treat people poorly. Remember there's hundreds of 18-19 yr olds that think it's super cool to trim weed. If they don't like you then you're out that revolving door and the next monkey gets boots strapped on and scissors in hand wide eyed and bushy tailed until they're done with him/her and next and next and next.
Here in Canada, the big thing was hiring lead hands for the grow, and paying them well, getting them to write down all their methods and ways etc then if the crop was a success they'd fire them and keep all the paperwork, hire some schmuck for half the wage and tell them here follow this paperwork. No joke.
It's evil, greedy capitalist pigs.
Same with the money people here hiring expert growers, milking them for their knowledge and having some low paid chimp maintain what the top hands set up. Then fire the actual expert. I watched it happen multiple times to multiple friends here. Screw that industry.
I remember one time we had some Bad Bugs in Wheat.

College Boy ran to the company saying he found a problem.

They got with me asking if I was the one finding the Bugs. Yes why I took care of it using a strong chemical in the Bins.

That was when they told me that this other guy said he had found them.