Do republicans really hate everyone who isn't part of their cult? It certainly appears so.
trump says “This is a great day for America, People with extraordinary ability and everything else necessary for success, including future greatness for our Country, are finally being rewarded. This is the ruling everyone was waiting and hoping for and the result was amazing. It will also keep us competitive with the rest of the world. Our greatest minds must be cherished and that’s what this wonderful day has brought. We’re going back to all merit-based—and that’s the way it should be!”
If that were true, he would be the guy who cleans out portapotties between rentals.
pence says “There may have been a time when we needed to affirmatively take steps to correct longterm racial bias in institutions of higher education, but I can tell you as a father of three college graduates, those days are long over,”
Well, I'm certainly glad you had that brief exposure to seeing a few minority students when you visited your kids on campus. That surely qualifies you to declare the institutional racism you help perpetuate " long over" .
nikki haley says “God bless the Supreme Court, for correcting things on religious liberty and correcting things on student loans.’ She argued that the affirmative action decision was especially important “because the liberals continue to try to put minorities down.”
...What the fuck planet did this bitch come from? cause it surely isn't this one.
tim scott says "Today’s Supreme Court ruling overturning President Biden’s illegal student loan scheme is a victory for common sense. You take out a loan, you pay it back. This decision frees taxpayers from shouldering debt they never signed up for. America needs to “stop selling the drug of victimhood and the narcotic of despair.”
I'm not even sure where to start with this fucking rob zombie movie extra...That a college education now costs 1200 times as much as it did in the 1980s? That affirmative action isn't "selling the drug of victim hood, or the narcotic of despair? That republicans are destroying the dreams of hundreds of thousands of kids, and dooming millions of others to a life of repaying usurious loans, that are the only way they have to get out of the deep round rut that years of politicians like scott have forced them into?
If a single one of these racist, hateful, privileged, entitled religious zealots ever holds office of any kind again, then there is no justice in America...And the supreme court is already on the job of killing justice in America.