Examples of GOP Leadership


Do republicans really hate everyone who isn't part of their cult? It certainly appears so.
trump says “This is a great day for America, People with extraordinary ability and everything else necessary for success, including future greatness for our Country, are finally being rewarded. This is the ruling everyone was waiting and hoping for and the result was amazing. It will also keep us competitive with the rest of the world. Our greatest minds must be cherished and that’s what this wonderful day has brought. We’re going back to all merit-based—and that’s the way it should be!”
If that were true, he would be the guy who cleans out portapotties between rentals.
pence says “There may have been a time when we needed to affirmatively take steps to correct longterm racial bias in institutions of higher education, but I can tell you as a father of three college graduates, those days are long over,”
Well, I'm certainly glad you had that brief exposure to seeing a few minority students when you visited your kids on campus. That surely qualifies you to declare the institutional racism you help perpetuate " long over" .
nikki haley says “God bless the Supreme Court, for correcting things on religious liberty and correcting things on student loans.’ She argued that the affirmative action decision was especially important “because the liberals continue to try to put minorities down.”
...What the fuck planet did this bitch come from? cause it surely isn't this one.
tim scott says "Today’s Supreme Court ruling overturning President Biden’s illegal student loan scheme is a victory for common sense. You take out a loan, you pay it back. This decision frees taxpayers from shouldering debt they never signed up for. America needs to “stop selling the drug of victimhood and the narcotic of despair.”
I'm not even sure where to start with this fucking rob zombie movie extra...That a college education now costs 1200 times as much as it did in the 1980s? That affirmative action isn't "selling the drug of victim hood, or the narcotic of despair? That republicans are destroying the dreams of hundreds of thousands of kids, and dooming millions of others to a life of repaying usurious loans, that are the only way they have to get out of the deep round rut that years of politicians like scott have forced them into?
If a single one of these racist, hateful, privileged, entitled religious zealots ever holds office of any kind again, then there is no justice in America...And the supreme court is already on the job of killing justice in America.
back in the 1980's you could include student loans when filing a bankruptcy. That kept the loan companies from loaning too much to students. When they changed the bankruptcy law to exclude student loans and that allowed universities to charge what ever they wanted because the loan companies knew they would get paid. Tuition went thru the roof.
back in the 1980's you could include student loans when filing a bankruptcy. That kept the loan companies from loaning too much to students. When they changed the bankruptcy law to exclude student loans and that allowed universities to charge what ever they wanted because the loan companies knew they would get paid. Tuition went thru the roof.
Much like what insurance has done to the economy as a whole
The circular argument Trump made where he claimed a person's success meant they have a "great mind" reminded me of this recent quote from Liz Cheney: It sounds like a line meant to draw a laugh. But she's dead serious.

Liz Cheney on what’s wrong with politics: ‘We’re electing idiots’

Ex-congresswoman Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) offered a blunt assessment of her former profession Monday night: “What we’ve done in our politics is create a situation where we’re electing idiots.”
Liz trying to both sides the issue. Correction: "What cult has done in our party is create a situation where Republicans are electing idiots."
Much like what insurance has done to the economy as a whole
Around the mid-90s health insurers took over from doctors in deciding what care one would receive. There was a palpable shift toward high-handed adversarial behavior by the insurers.

To me it is one of the more corrosive instances of the golden rule:
those with the gold make the rules. It’s part of the same hydra that partially controls elections by applying dark money.

Very difficult to legislate relief when it now became obvious that a portion of the highest court in the land, to say nothing of the legislature, is beholden to money.
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She's a Cheney and is not to be trusted.
Dick was a pure dick.

Considering how very different my offspring are from me, I’ll extend her the benefit of the doubt.

Then there is that man’s niece.

Cheney’s work on the Committee might possibly indicate that she finds current GOP politics to have become irredeemably dirty.

(which places her in an unpopular minority, and that increases the odds that she chose principle over pragmatism.). Jmo

(add) spellcheck kept replacing dick with duck. In that spirit, behold Duck Chainy.

Dick was a pure dick.

Considering how very different my offspring are from me, I’ll extend her the benefit of the doubt.

Then there is that man’s niece.

Cheney’s work on the Committee might possibly indicate that she finds current GOP politics to have become irredeemably dirty.

(which places her in an unpopular minority, and that increases the odds that she chose principle over pragmatism.). Jmo

(add) spellcheck kept replacing dick with duck. In that spirit, behold Duck Chainy.

View attachment 5304441
Well, that's you and your offspring. We're talking Cheney's here. I won't let my guard down.
Like Pence, she gets no pass from me for simply doing the right thing.
Liz trying to both sides the issue. Correction: "What cult has done in our party is create a situation where Republicans are electing idiots."
She is still a Republican, so when she said "we" it's reasonable to assume she meant GOP.

She's a politician. She's not going to say things that alienate people she's trying to convince. I wouldn't expect her to.
Dick was a pure dick.

Considering how very different my offspring are from me, I’ll extend her the benefit of the doubt.

Then there is that man’s niece.

Cheney’s work on the Committee might possibly indicate that she finds current GOP politics to have become irredeemably dirty.

(which places her in an unpopular minority, and that increases the odds that she chose principle over pragmatism.). Jmo

(add) spellcheck kept replacing dick with duck. In that spirit, behold Duck Chainy.

View attachment 5304441



Being a little better than the average fucking horrible republican doesn't make you a good person. She voted with trump 93% of the time, voted against impeaching trump, and only showed a vestige of a spine after 1/6....that is the SOLE thing she did that i can respect her for.
Well, that's you and your offspring. We're talking Cheney's here. I won't let my guard down.
Like Pence, she gets no pass from me for simply doing the right thing.
A wise policy.

Pence did one right thing, but his dominionist maunderings since prove to me that he embodies the worst of the GOP.

All the fascist evil without the erratic buffoonery. and he is videogenic to boot. He is a dangerous man.



Being a little better than the average fucking horrible republican doesn't make you a good person. She voted with trump 93% of the time, voted against impeaching trump, and only showed a vestige of a spine after 1/6....that is the SOLE thing she did that i can respect her for.
Point taken.

The primary lesson to me is that she is what now passes for a moderate Republican.

The entire party is having a Thelma&Louise moment.
only if mother allows him to be...
