What did you accomplish today?

Finally rounded up the last of the components for my July 4th party ( weather
permitting . Have been getting downpours and a shit-ton lightening and very high winds all week . Forecast looks kinda shitty . These are components for the outside of the "hull ". This UfO is a slow moving beast.....max altitude 1027ft.
Sound effects included......
What am I looking at?
Hmm I was sitting in my boat drowning worms, drinking beer and dozing. I'd been catching and tossing back Carp and Bluegills. That was until the jetskiers showed up and thought it would be funny to 'rock my boat'. Joke was on them, my kids had a water balloon sling that took giant fish like it was made for them. Boy were they surprised! I laughed my ass off when I knocked one off his jetski. They left and I continued catching fish and releasing them because I had tried cleaning a Bluegill once and that was enough. It was very small so I just crossed them off the fish I will eat list. I'll have to remember this, thanks.
I would have loved to see you bluegill bombing those jet ski shitheads.

I’m not going to try and change your mind about bream but I love eating those bastards. I use a table spoon to scale them and fry’em in bacon grease , batter them in corn meal. I usually don’t bother with’em unless they’re as big as my hand or bigger.
I got the GPz running on the 5 year-old non-ethanol premium in the tank and took it for a ride around my shire

the rear brake wasn't working so I pulled out the master cylinder (with some difficulty) and cleaned out a bunch of gunk- the rubbers and the bore seemed okay so I cleaned everything up with fresh brake fluid and put it all back together. I'll put it back in the bike tomorrow and see how it goes.
I would have loved to see you bluegill bombing those jet ski shitheads.

I’m not going to try and change your mind about bream but I love eating those bastards. I use a table spoon to scale them and fry’em in bacon grease , batter them in corn meal. I usually don’t bother with’em unless they’re as big as my hand or bigger.
Be careful, if you actually eat the fish you catch, I just might come visit you. :bigjoint:

To be fair I actually knocked him down with a huge ass carp, that I actually HAD planned on eating but I decided that slingshot and jetskier were time for me to try my first catch and release. It was heavy too, and fat.

NB you made me google Bream!! Turn about is fair play :cool:
Beer shelf filled. Pair of butterflied pork loin chops thawing on the counter, might do the mushroom stuffing for them again, that was pretty good. I have no need to venture outside until it is BBQ time. Better to heat up the grill than the house with the oven. A nap just might happen shortly.
What am I looking at?
Very light weight, about 0.5oz a piece , LED safety lights, all with 5 modes......strobes, flashers pulse , concentrated light beam....red,whit blue colors
with different steady color or combinations. " attention getters " . Some will be attached to hull hovering from about a thousand ft to 500 ft. Other lights will drop down from hull at 100 ft intervals . Sound effects, like take off an landing plus an ominous invasion type sound ( got my Bose hid in the woods at edge of lake ). I like the sounds of the " Tripods " from " War Of The Worlds " , plus other sound effects. I'll go way out to float and fly over lake tonight when most people will be celebrating the 4th.

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Very light weight, about 0.5oz a piece , LED safety lights, all with 5 modes......strobes, flashers pulse , concentrated light beam....red,whit blue colors
with different steady color or combinations. " attention getters " . Some will be attached to hull hovering from about a thousand ft to 500 ft. Other lights will drop down from hull at 100 ft intervals . Sound effects, like take off an landing plus an ominous invasion type sound ( got my Bose hid in the woods at edge of lake ). I like the sounds of the " Tripods " from " War Of The Worlds " , plus other sound effects. I'll go way out to float and fly over lake tonight when most people will be celebrating the 4th.
actually sounds fun be prepared to swim back just in case and I highly recommend a flotation device
Very light weight, about 0.5oz a piece , LED safety lights, all with 5 modes......strobes, flashers pulse , concentrated light beam....red,whit blue colors
with different steady color or combinations. " attention getters " . Some will be attached to hull hovering from about a thousand ft to 500 ft. Other lights will drop down from hull at 100 ft intervals . Sound effects, like take off an landing plus an ominous invasion type sound ( got my Bose hid in the woods at edge of lake ). I like the sounds of the " Tripods " from " War Of The Worlds " , plus other sound effects. I'll go way out to float and fly over lake tonight when most people will be celebrating the 4th.

Very light weight, about 0.5oz a piece , LED safety lights, all with 5 modes......strobes, flashers pulse , concentrated light beam....red,whit blue colors
with different steady color or combinations. " attention getters " . Some will be attached to hull hovering from about a thousand ft to 500 ft. Other lights will drop down from hull at 100 ft intervals . Sound effects, like take off an landing plus an ominous invasion type sound ( got my Bose hid in the woods at edge of lake ). I like the sounds of the " Tripods " from " War Of The Worlds " , plus other sound effects. I'll go way out to float and fly over lake tonight when most people will be celebrating the 4th.

actually sounds fun be prepared to swim back just in case and I highly recommend a flotation device

I'll try to get pics, however my camera sucks picking up on things at night. I'll bring
It down low and give it a try. I would like to attach a death ray to hull......pick off some party boats , blow up a few docks , cause mass panic ......
I grilled burgers and made fries, not a remarkable accomplishment but perfect timing , I beat a surprise pop up shower by 10 minutes. I checked the radar before I started…. nothing not so much a single cloud and now not even an hour later red and green everywhere. Ohh well my belly is full and I can drink and smoke without having cut anymore damn grass.