New Member
PROMOTE the general welfare.
Sort of sums up my arguement!
Sort of sums up my arguement!
Provide: to take measures before hand; to supply what is needed.......................Promote; to contribute to the growth or prosperity of; launch. Don't you see the "contribute to the growth and prosperity of", as a way for the government to help the less fortunate or in your mind is that just to help the corporations? Launching new programs intended to help the less fortunate, is that not the intention of welfare. "Promote the welfare". This concept has been eroded by greedy assholes and allowed to die on the vine. You and your greedy friends want to keep all your "hard earned Money", like 3% of 3,000,000 or 90,000 for a days work is justified. It's like legal robbery.And you don't see the difference between "provide" and "promote?"
I don't believe many of us realize how many "elites" in our government from both sides want us to be dependent on them. They are all very bad.Well, you've made a lot of good points. I completely agree that the elites have taken over the executive and legislative branches of the federal government. That's why the recent defeat of the amnesty bill was so important. The sane people in the legislative branch listened to the people for a change. There is a new media threatening the elites ... its called conservative talk radio. Millions of listeners phoned their reps and demanded that the amnesty bill be defeated. Interestingly enough, we aren't hearing a peep from the mainstream media about how talk radio had a hand in this defeat. Wonder what they're trying to cover up? *lol*
By the way ... on the money issue, the federal income tax is all part of the hoax/scheme.
yes, i am generally a very optomistic person. but the very systems in place; judicial and political, have been tainted and are suspect in my opinion. the very freedoms described by those who framed the constitution have been given away.closet.cult, force yourself to abandon the cynicism and lack of enthusiasm for the very real prospect of a better day.
Jesus? The "fresh fruit" guy on the corner?If only Jesus would bring the bacon.
I certainly agree with this. I'm amazed that the internet isn't under some major control yet. The TV is definently lost to corporate interest. With all that is going on in the world, what do you get on the cable news stations? The missing pregnant mother 24-7--- Paris Hiltons jail oddesy----the crazy astronaught lady, etc. The news is: No news today, sorry, Paris Hilton is out of Jail, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHEHEHEHEHE. Bullshit. There are only two "news" programs on TV worth watching, Lou Dobbs and Keith can say that again...
so you think communication freedoms are the beginnings of loss of political control, huh?
in my cynical view i see laws and regulations comming in soon to parry these outside sources away.
example: free, independant artist, internet radio sites were going along great untill new regulations tripled their maintainance cost, putting many out of buisness. This is a clear example of a completely unjust law written for one purpose; to maintain the monopoly of the airwaves to large corporate assholes with lobbying ability.
expect law after pointless law to be created as time goes by to further the grip of control that the government has over the people, to counter the waining control of traditional means like religion and terrorism.
But, but, but, VI, I thought you were an elite, so you are living in fear Now,~LOL~, the po boys are a comin to get some.I honestly believe the elites in government are in for a VERY rude awakening in '08. The so called aminesty bill is bringing the people together regardless of their political persuasion. Its no longer going to be left and right ... but what's right and wrong. Communication for the masses are just too great for the power brokers to stay in power much longer. Consider this conversation we are having via the Internet. Consider conservative talk radio. Consider balanced TV news broadcasts. The elites no longer have complete control of the information. They know it. They fear it. They will fail because of it.