Seed bank genetics

Oh Canada!

Well-Known Member
Looking to try a different seed bank.
Does anyone know a seed bank with top quality legit strains? I have heard the seed game is full of fakes.
Try buying straight from the breeder instead. I try to avoid most seed banks although there are a few on here that are good.
Fresher stock from the breeder plus freebies and such.
I wouldnt go as far as saying 'fakes'. We call them pollen chuckers. It's just guys throwing x pollen on y buds and call it this or that. True stable genetics have been worked for generations, creating less variation. Pollen Chucks are just F1 hybrids. Could be good could be bad. Who knows.
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How do I ho about doing that? I live in Canada, any suggestions?
Me too
There's many breeders you can buy from.
I order from Spain regularly. (Ripper seeds)
Here in Canada there's Jordan of the islands who I've also ordered alot from. I can't vouch for his stuff now, I've heard some bad stuff around legalization and I duno if it's all been worked out or not
There's also sacred cut seed co
You can reach him on Instagram or email. I haven't ordered from him for a bit and duno if he's still going or not, but his stuff is fire. Anything fpog.
There's many more. I'm sure someone else will chime in. Good places to start though.
How does one find these "small breeders" that everyone keeps talking about?

I happened to make friends with a breeder 20 years ago, unrelated to cannabis, through music actually. But, for those who don't already know someone, does anyone have any advice on how one might meet a breeder these days?
Maybe try instagram. I haven't but the people that I've received seeds from have instagram accounts. Just trying to help, not trying to shill.