

New Member
Hillary may have banned smoking in the White House, but there was still some puffing going on in the Oval Office. bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
Obama is at least going to try to fix things, Bush is just sailing along, in his life raft, watching the ship he captained sink. He should be the first one under the water, the captain always goes down with the ship.
obama appointed the head of fannie mae to his cabnet and the fed reserve president from new what they call him..and the former fed chariman..paul you really think you got some change hu?LOL..same change you had for at least 40 years..the only change you are going to get with obama is the change in your i all remind me of a bunch of children watching WWF and thinking that its real..if i remember right i just seen bush approve all these bail outs think that is free market capitalism? not me...insanity is doing the same thing..over and over again expecting different results.....:wall:


New Member
So what do you think McCain would have done that would be so much better? He would just be like 4 more years of Bush and take a look around at where that has gotten us......... :dunce:

obama appointed the head of fannie mae to his cabnet and the fed reserve president from new what they call him..and the former fed chariman..paul you really think you got some change hu?LOL..same change you had for at least 40 years..the only change you are going to get with obama is the change in your i all remind me of a bunch of children watching WWF and thinking that its real..if i remember right i just seen bush approve all these bail outs think that is free market capitalism? not me...insanity is doing the same thing..over and over again expecting different results.....:wall:


Well-Known Member
yeah I'm not excited about the appointed staff to work with Obama he did in fact promise change but I think that at the expense of his camaign he surrendered over to the dark side he is now in the pocket of the same "American" power that has ran this country for years


New Member
Maybe he's afraid too much radical change all at once will get him assassinated. It could very well be that he's picking some names that people know to help ease the transition.


Have you ever heard that saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? Well it seems to me that his ememies are right there where he can keep a sharp eye on them.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he's afraid too much radical change all at once will get him assassinated. It could very well be that he's picking some names that people know to help ease the transition.


Have you ever heard that saying "keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? Well it seems to me that his ememies are right there where he can keep a sharp eye on them.
Are you OK with his cabinet choices?


Well-Known Member
So what do you think McCain would have done that would be so much better? He would just be like 4 more years of Bush and take a look around at where that has gotten us......... :dunce:
you just got you four more years of bush no matter who you picked...dont you get it? there is NO DIFFERENCE..ONE MIGHT BE SLIGHTLY WORSE THAN THE OTHER..THEY ARE BOTH SOCIALISTS....NEITHER MCCAIN..OR BUSH..OR OBAMA OR BIDDEN OR ANYONE OF THEM HAS SAID A THING ABOUT DOING AWAY WITH THE FEDERAL RESERVE..THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS WHERE THE PROBLEM IS..IF WE DO NOT GET RID OF THAT NO MATTER WHO YOU PUT IN THE OFFICE..CONGRESS OR ANYWHERE ELSE WE ARE GOING TO HAVE THE SAME SHIT.....and continuing to economic slide and eventualy third world status..insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different republicrats are fucking insane...:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
the people obama appointed to his cabnet are the same mother fuckers that caused this economic cant even believe im watching this shit..fucking unreal..its like the fucking twilight zone with three hundred million stooges...the people he appointed to his cabnet should be in fucking prison..especialy the fannie mae the media gives him a pass..the media has been kissing this fuckers ass for 2 years one durring the whole election even questioned what was coming out of his one asked him how he proposed to work his plans out..or how he was going to pay for them>?every time durring the election ..his economist would go on a cavuto or a finnacial show.he couldnt anwer questions asked of him by economists...and after the clown would leave they would all laugh at him..because they knew..this is the most lieing mother fucker they had ever way is any of obama's shit workable...that is why he is telling people..well..we are just going to have to put off all that shit i promised durring the campaighn ..the economy is in is obama/s solution..borrow and spend out way out of debt..and line the pocket's of his banking cronies with tax payer bank just put 50K people out of work..over a half million people lost their jobs last month...fannie mae is not going to forclose on homes now..they are going to try and rework mortgages with people losing their homes..that have NO JOBS..LOL,,,even with the 35 billion or whatever of our money they are going to give the auto makers...the auto makers are burning cash at the rate of like 5 billion a month....the bail out will last just long enough to get the car companys through to a obama [presidency.then collapse and bankruptcy..the unions are shiting their greedy little socialist pants..they are all about to lose their retirements pensions and medical bennies...millions and millions of them...obama looks scared and desperate to me..rightfully so..i would be too..he has a mess on his hands jesus christ couldnt fix without a government bankruptcy..i think ill go smoke a bowl now..if it were not for weed..i wouldnt be able to tolerate idiots..bongsmilie


New Member
the people obama appointed to his cabnet are the same mother fuckers that caused this economic cant even believe im watching this shit..fucking unreal..its like the fucking twilight zone with three hundred million stooges...the people he appointed to his cabnet should be in fucking prison..especialy the fannie mae the media gives him a pass..the media has been kissing this fuckers ass for 2 years one durring the whole election even questioned what was coming out of his one asked him how he proposed to work his plans out..or how he was going to pay for them>?every time durring the election ..his economist would go on a cavuto or a finnacial show.he couldnt anwer questions asked of him by economists...and after the clown would leave they would all laugh at him..because they knew..this is the most lieing mother fucker they had ever way is any of obama's shit workable...that is why he is telling people..well..we are just going to have to put off all that shit i promised durring the campaighn ..the economy is in is obama/s solution..borrow and spend out way out of debt..and line the pocket's of his banking cronies with tax payer bank just put 50K people out of work..over a half million people lost their jobs last month...fannie mae is not going to forclose on homes now..they are going to try and rework mortgages with people losing their homes..that have NO JOBS..LOL,,,even with the 35 billion or whatever of our money they are going to give the auto makers...the auto makers are burning cash at the rate of like 5 billion a month....the bail out will last just long enough to get the car companys through to a obama [presidency.then collapse and bankruptcy..the unions are shiting their greedy little socialist pants..they are all about to lose their retirements pensions and medical bennies...millions and millions of them...obama looks scared and desperate to me..rightfully so..i would be too..he has a mess on his hands jesus christ couldnt fix without a government bankruptcy..i think ill go smoke a bowl now..if it were not for weed..i wouldnt be able to tolerate idiots..bongsmilie
what fannie mae executive did Obama appoint to his cabinet...??


New Member
think ill go smoke a bowl now..if it were not for weed..i wouldnt be able to tolerate idiots..bongsmilie

Maybe it is the weed that makes you act like an idiot! Just a thought from one of your friendly idiots, you know an idiot to idiot transpiration.


New Member
When one looks at Obama's cabinet choices which i think are for the most part prudent given his position.

So what is his position? He runs on the campaign thesis of ending the old party ways and bringing real change to the Govt. and the citizens thereof.

Sounds great but every great athlete of change can suffer a hamstring. Obamas hamstring is being cemented in place right from the start. He faces a conundrum by being brand new; he must appoint most of the power positions of his cabinetry to the old machine, if he wants to run the race at all. Can he overcome the very machine he is sworn to dismantle? This might be one of the very few times I would be interested in what Jimmy Carter has to say about it.

We'll see....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
think ill go smoke a bowl now..if it were not for weed..i wouldnt be able to tolerate idiots..bongsmilie

Maybe it is the weed that makes you act like an idiot! Just a thought from one of your friendly idiots, you know an idiot to idiot transpiration.
if it were not for weed..when i run into people like you i normaly go to jail..for beating the fuck out of them...:blsmoke:


New Member
if it were not for weed..when i run into people like you i normaly go to jail..for beating the fuck out of them...:blsmoke:
Just remember asshole, I have a carry permit and it's not nice to beat on the elderly, so believe me, your beating of my ass would be very brief, before you heard the last thing you'd ever hear, Bang! I'd walk, and you'd be dust, so take your threats and stuff them. There's nothing I dislike more than braggarts, and you my friend are a braggart and an asshole. BTW, you wouldn't have to worry about Jail. Probably Hell if there is such a place.