Blaze & Daze

... Good morning, happy thursday. Now that one rat problems is addressed I need to figure out how to deal with narcissistic sky rats that like to look at themselves in my side mirror and poop on my doors. I swear I can wash my car and the next day the doors are covered with poo ...
You might be trying to solve the wrong problem ... how about not washing the car?

Just a thought ...
... I had to google timbit ...
I wish I could stop at the "Google-ing it" ... oh wait! The functioning car is about to disembark - Mrs. S appears to be on a mission. This explains the multitude of texts she's received in the past 30 minutes or so.

And the car with the FUBAR power steering remains - it's scheduled for repair tomorrow. So without any working steering, The Black Beast of Aaaargh ain't leaving the driveway.

Whew ... crisis averted.
Drop bears and now drop spiders, somehow I feel Australia is involved!
I walked face first into this beauty's web spread 8 feet wide across the jungle trail I was walking in 2006. Snapped my head back and she came running out of the bushes to see if she could eat me. We had a little time together. You can see her husband hanging out on her back, probably the safest place to be. Sri Lankan Bird Catcher, maybe 12 inches stretched out.
Man, I have'nt been camping in like forever. Been thinking about it, traveling to some of the good bass lakes around the state with camping area(s). This would be a drive to campsite so don't have to backpack stuff. Just me but I like a 4-man that you can stand up in. Hate to spend it but I think you get what you pay for in a quality tent. Looks like they're in the $4-600 range.
I got one of these last year. So far, so good.
I'd rather have a $600 mountain tent, but I've stayed dry.
