Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

They're trying to harsh our mellow!

What is AEF-0117?- Big Pharma's New Drug to Get You Off of Cannabis and Back on Prescription Drugs As Soon As Possible

Tired of feeling good and happy on cannabis? Big Pharma can help you quit now!

Can’t quit weed? Pharma says try this Experimental drug!

Are you tired of enjoying yourself and feeling relaxed? Do you find it too easy to laugh and forget about your worries? Are you convinced that you're addicted and need a quick fix to outsource your problems to pot? Well, fret no more! We have the perfect solution just for you: "Weed-B-Gone™"!

"Weed-B-Gone™" is the groundbreaking pharmaceutical wonder that targets your CB1 receptors, putting an end to all that pesky enjoyment and relaxation caused by cannabis use. Say goodbye to those moments of creativity and introspection! With "Weed-B-Gone™," you'll be back to your mundane and monotonous routine in no time.

But wait, there's more! "Weed-B-Gone™" offers an array of delightful side effects, including dry mouth, nausea, anxiety, and a general sense of dissatisfaction. Say goodbye to those pesky giggles and warm fuzzy feelings, and hello to a whole new world of discomfort!

So why waste another moment feeling good when you can join the ranks of the perpetually grumpy and uninspired? Try "Weed-B-Gone™" today and rediscover the joys of a mundane existence. Remember, life is better when you're not having fun!

Some of you might be laughing – but pharma is working on this right now!

Pharma’s “wonder Cure”

In a recent article in the NY Post, there was an article about a “promising new drug” called AEF-0117, which allegedly can help combat “marijuana addiction”.

In a bid to capitalize on the increasing prevalence of cannabis consumption in the US, pharmaceutical companies have introduced a new pill that claims to combat marijuana addiction. The experimental drug, AEF-0117, has shown promise in a small trial by reducing the addictive impact of THC, the primary psychoactive compound in cannabis. While the study published in the journal Nature Medicine may appear encouraging at first glance, a closer examination raises several concerns about the motives behind such pharmaceutical interventions.

In this article, I’m only going to focus in on their questionable claims, if you want to read about the drug itself, I recommend clicking the link above.

Questionable Claims and Lack of FDA Approval:

The article highlights the positive results of the study, emphasizing the reduction of cannabis's "good effects" by up to 38% among participants who took the higher dose of AEF-0117. However, it's important to note that there is currently no FDA-approved medication available to treat cannabis-use disorder. The reason there is no FDA approved medication is because we’re talking about the endocannabinoid system. Previous drugs have made people vomit and get severely ill, because the ECS is a major system that maintains homeostasis in the body.

Therefore, if you’re simply going to be blocking CB1 receptors, and something goes wrong – it could be the difference between being healthy and your body deciding to kill you because it thinks you’re a virus. The ECS is responsible for maintaining your systems and when you’re messing with that – you could be messing with many things.

This is why in the past, no drug has been approved and why this one seems “promising” because it hasn’t had any of those side effects.

Limited Sample Size.

The trial involved only 29 individuals diagnosed with cannabis-use disorder who consumed an average of 3 grams of cannabis six days a week. While the results may be significant within this limited sample, extrapolating them to the broader population of cannabis users requires caution.

Of course, this is only the first of the trials and they will be scaling it up in order to work out these kinks – but this leads to one thing, motivation.

Why are they targeting the “feel good” effects of cannabis and why aren’t they doing that with alcohol. If this is a pharmacological strategy, why is it with cannabis and not alcohol that this type of treatments are being developed?

Targeting "Good Effects" and Unanswered Questions:

The focus of the drug seems to be on reducing the perceived "good effects" of cannabis. However, it is important to consider the reasons why individuals consume cannabis, which may include stress relief, relaxation, and enjoyment.

The article fails to address whether reducing these effects aligns with the goals and preferences of individuals seeking help for cannabis use. Furthermore, the potential long-term consequences and unintended effects of suppressing these natural experiences remain unknown as mentioned above.

Furthermore, as an “ex-addict” to tobacco, which is statistically as addictive as heroin…you don’t need to “take away the feel good” elements of a substance to reduce the importance of a substance in the minds of the addict.

It’s a process of deprogramming, of healing parts of the self – a single pill won’t let their underlying problems go away. It will simply steal them of their ability to use cannabis as a mechanism of relief.

Overemphasis on Cannabis Addiction:

While the article highlights the prevalence of cannabis addiction among younger consumers, it is crucial to acknowledge that the majority of cannabis users do not develop problematic patterns of use. The sensationalized narrative surrounding cannabis addiction risks stigmatizing responsible users and overshadowing the plant's potential benefits in various therapeutic contexts.

They claim that 9% of the cannabis population suffers from CUD, however, this is a population that suffers from other things. Cannabis is simply the chosen substance they use to escape their problems. 9 out of 10 times, they are poor, from broken homes, parents fed them ADHD medication since they were five – yet Cannabis is the problem!

The Sticky Bottom Line

Pharmaceutical attempts to "cure" weed addiction with drugs like AEF-0117 raise concerns about their underlying motivations and the potential risks of medicalizing normal human experiences.

As the larger trial is yet to be conducted, it is essential to critically evaluate the claims made in this small study and to prioritize a comprehensive understanding of cannabis use and its potential effects.

Instead of seeking quick-fix solutions, a nuanced approach involving education, harm reduction strategies, and evidence-based treatment options would better serve individuals seeking help for cannabis use-related issues.

Addiction is not as difficult as people think. It’s simply messy, and in most cases – the “physical addiction” is the easier thing to fix.

Addiction is a snake that entangles itself into your belief systems. You then take the addiction and substance, and make it a fundamental part of your identity. You believe it provides you relief to the symptoms of your problems, however, upon further investigation you’ll see that it causes those problems.

To those who read this and say, “I suffer from cannabis addiction”, I’m not denying your experience either.

There are people who suffer from addiction, but no pill will undo the entanglement. First, you must have a true desire to quit and recognize your underlying issues – and then, you have to systematically face every “belief” you have around that addiction and challenge them.

Replace them, and automatically you’ll quit.

It’s not easy, it’s peering into your internal darkness. It hurts, but it’s definitely possible! You just have to become someone else…and allow the old addict to die.

But Pharma’s quick fix to me seems Sketchy AF.

More about AEF-0117 here -




From the summary,

"Approximately 9 % of those who use cannabis will become addicted."

I wonder if I am addicted using it for pain relief?
I wonder if I'm addicted using it to control my temper?
But think of all the people that would be addicted to opiates for pain if I didn't.
Guess I'll continue to take one for the team, better one addict than hundreds.
More theft.

Israeli cabinet approves resolution to speed up West Bank settlement building
The Israel cabinet has approved a resolution to speed up the process of constructing buildings in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.
Axios reported on Sunday that the resolution would limit the amount of control the prime minister and the defense minister have to approve building plans in the occupied settlements. The resolution would curb the ability of the U.S. and other countries to press the government to suspend such plans.

Building plans will only need to be approved twice at the political level, as building plans in the past decades had to receive a “green light” at the political level four to five times, according to Axios.

In a statement, the Palestinian minister for civilian affairs Hussein al-Sheikh said that the Palestinian Authority will boycott their Monday meeting of the Joint Israeli-Palestinian Economic Committee due to the decision.

“The Palestinian leadership will study a number of other measures and decisions for implementation related to the relationship with Israel,” al-Sheikh said.

The move comes as U.S. officials have warned against Israel’s expansion in the West Bank settlement, saying that the expansion undermines its plans to achieve a two-state solution with the Palestinians. Israel recently informed the U.S. of their plans to build thousands more housing units in the West Bank settlement.

“We have long made clear our concerns about additional settlements in the West Bank, that we don’t want to see actions taken that are going to make a two-state solution that much more difficult to achieve,” White House National Security Spokesperson John Kirby said during the White House press briefing.

“We don’t want to see steps taken that only increase the tensions and we’ve been very clear about that. Nothing’s changed about our policy,” Kirby added.
UN adopts first treaty governing the high seas
The United Nation adopted its first legally binding treaty to protect marine life in international waters on Monday.

The Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Treaty, commonly referred to as the High Seas Treaty, was approved unanimously, with delegates from all 193 member nations in favor. The Associated Press reported that delegates erupted in applause when the gavel came down after hearing no objections.

The treaty would need to be ratified by 60 countries for it to take effect. In the United States, two thirds of the Senate would need to approve a resolution to ratify the treaty. The treaty will be open for signatures during the annual meeting of world leaders at the General Assembly on Sept. 20, and will remain open for two years.

Discussions of a treaty protecting biodiversity in international waters had been in the works for more than two decades, but several obstacles prevented progress on an agreement.

U.N. Secretary General António Gueterres hailed the adoption of the agreement and called on member states to ratify the treaty “without delay.”

“You have pumped new life and hope to give the ocean a fighting chance. By acting to counter threats to our planet that go beyond national boundaries, you are demonstrating that global threats deserve global action,” Gueterres said, adding, “and that countries can come together, in unity, for the common good.”

The treaty would be the first protecting marine life outside of national boundaries. It would strengthen the legal framework for the “conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in over two-thirds of the ocean.”

It would create a body to oversee the conservation of ocean life and to establish “marine protected areas” in the high seas. The treaty also outlines specific rules for conducting research and commercial activities in the oceans, measured by their environmental impact.

The treaty text states that its general objective “is to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction, for the present and in the long term, through effective implementation of the relevant provisions of the Convention and further international cooperation and coordination.”

“This is critical to addressing the threats facing the ocean, and to the success of ocean-related goals and targets — including the 2030 Agenda and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework,” Guetteres said.
UN adopts first treaty governing the high seas
The United Nation adopted its first legally binding treaty to protect marine life in international waters on Monday.

The Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction Treaty, commonly referred to as the High Seas Treaty, was approved unanimously, with delegates from all 193 member nations in favor. The Associated Press reported that delegates erupted in applause when the gavel came down after hearing no objections.

The treaty would need to be ratified by 60 countries for it to take effect. In the United States, two thirds of the Senate would need to approve a resolution to ratify the treaty. The treaty will be open for signatures during the annual meeting of world leaders at the General Assembly on Sept. 20, and will remain open for two years.

Discussions of a treaty protecting biodiversity in international waters had been in the works for more than two decades, but several obstacles prevented progress on an agreement.

U.N. Secretary General António Gueterres hailed the adoption of the agreement and called on member states to ratify the treaty “without delay.”

“You have pumped new life and hope to give the ocean a fighting chance. By acting to counter threats to our planet that go beyond national boundaries, you are demonstrating that global threats deserve global action,” Gueterres said, adding, “and that countries can come together, in unity, for the common good.”

The treaty would be the first protecting marine life outside of national boundaries. It would strengthen the legal framework for the “conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in over two-thirds of the ocean.”

It would create a body to oversee the conservation of ocean life and to establish “marine protected areas” in the high seas. The treaty also outlines specific rules for conducting research and commercial activities in the oceans, measured by their environmental impact.

The treaty text states that its general objective “is to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction, for the present and in the long term, through effective implementation of the relevant provisions of the Convention and further international cooperation and coordination.”

“This is critical to addressing the threats facing the ocean, and to the success of ocean-related goals and targets — including the 2030 Agenda and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework,” Guetteres said.
I wonder if it will have an effect on whaling. That strikes me as the acid test.

How ironic.

Indiana Moms for Liberty chapter apologizes after newsletter quoted Hitler
A local chapter of the non-profit parental rights group labeled as “extremist” by an anti-hate watch dog has apologized after putting an Adolf Hitler quote on the front cover of its newsletter.

The Hamilton County, Indiana chapter of Moms for Liberty placed a Hitler quote on its newsletter cover, later explaining that it was meant to be a warning on government overreach.

The quote, believed to be from a 1935 speech by Hitler, reads “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.”
The Nazi Party trained young people through school and summer camps to indoctrinate them into Nazi ideology.
The chair of the Hamilton County chapter, Paige Miller, later apologized in an updated version of the newsletter after initially giving an explanation that the quote “should put parents on alert.”

“We condemn Adolf Hitler’s actions and his dark place in human history,” Miller said. “We should not have quoted him in our newsletter and express our deepest apology.”

Moms for Liberty has gained significant relevance in recent years and has been one of the preeminent organizations in seeking book bans nationwide. The right-wing organization seeks to remove books mentioning race and gender from school and public libraries.
The group claims over 100,000 members between its over 250 chapters nationwide. Initially focused on fighting COVID lockdowns in schools, the organization now focuses on critical race theory, gender ideology and other right-wing culture war topics.

The Southern Poverty Law Center named the organization an extremist group last year.
“Moms for Liberty members across the nation have been making waves for intimidating and harassing teachers and school officials. They have publicly battled teachers’ unions, labeling them as ‘cartels’ and ‘terrorist organizations,’” the SPLC said.
The national organization of Moms for Liberty also condemned the use of the Hitler quote.

“They should not have quoted Hitler. Period,” co-founders Tina Descovich and Tiffany Justice said in a statement. “Parents are passionate about protecting future generations from tyranny, but Hitler did not need to be quoted to make that point.”
Moms for Liberty has made itself an influential figure in Republican politics. After focusing on winning school board elections last year and claiming it flipped 17 school boards nationwide, at least six presidential candidates — five Republicans and Democratic candidate Robert Kennedy, Jr. — plan to attend the organization’s summit this month.