Other Plant Grow


Here is my setup

what are some recommended plants to grow besides marijuana?

I only have a vegetative light setup at this time. -- So, Correct me if i'm wrong, but what I want to be growing is plants that are harvest NOT in the reproductive phase, -- Is there a better way to phrase this?

I've heard that with lettuce, you can grow it and then cut it and more will grow back, and you can just keep cutting it! As it stays in the veg cycle the plant never stops producing, it is my understanding.

Are there any other high yielding crops or advice for other plants?

I've got my coco coir brick, i'm going to hydrate it in tap water here soon and fill my pots. its a 10-11 pound brick, is there special method to this?

I'm thinking of taking rose clones, and hopefully later on getting seeds and a ratcheting hanger for my light, as of now, the light is very high up in the grow room, (I'm thinking this may be okay for seedlings, and such)
If you are just going to be growing in that closet, focus on the weed. Lettuce is pretty easy to ggrow and yes, if you keep it trimmed it will keep.producing.
Keep any clones cut from out door plants separate to quartine til prove not to have any infections. Most grees will keep growing back and not seed if you keep at them but will turn bitter as they age. Lettuc seed is ridiculously cheap. Wouldn't recommend roses with your weed roses are high care plants prone to both pest and illness.
I grow a boarder of marigolds around my veggie gardenit helps repelling pest.
Mushroom cultures will produce co2
Looking for advice,

Couple of questions here - first off - What happens with the crops like cabbage, lettuce, and ** that I can veg out a bit and plant in the fall -- will the plants grow in veg a bit and then flower or will they flower immediately?

I'm wondering how I can maximize the potential of my light for propagation/veg

- so, what crops can I move out during the cold months (if there are any? -- I forget how this worked with pot, ) -- I live in so cal.

Also how much closer would you recommend my 175 watt gets to my seedlings / clones?

Do circulation fans really help strengthen stems or do they cut down on bugs -- noticing a few flies (maybe fungas gnats)

Advice welcome


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Looking for advice,

Couple of questions here - first off - What happens with the crops like cabbage, lettuce, and ** that I can veg out a bit and plant in the fall -- will the plants grow in veg a bit and then flower or will they flower immediately?

I'm wondering how I can maximize the potential of my light for propagation/veg

- so, what crops can I move out during the cold months (if there are any? -- I forget how this worked with pot, ) -- I live in so cal.

Also how much closer would you recommend my 175 watt gets to my seedlings / clones?

Do circulation fans really help strengthen stems or do they cut down on bugs -- noticing a few flies (maybe fungas gnats)

Advice welcome
This is what happens when you don't tend your kale over winter and it gose to seed.
Think we planted in early September 16870176506468213605652363375749.jpg
I would think tomatoes or peppers would be good to grow in your veg area. They're day-neutral, meaning they will produce regardless of the light schedule, prefer warm weather, and have similar nutritional needs to weed.

I grew some peppers in my tent one summer in the same soil mix I used for weed, kept everything the same and left the light on 16/8, and they turned out great.

Lettuce will flower in the summer when days are long and warm, so maybe not ideal for growing in the same space as vegging weed. Cabbage and other brassicas like kale and collard greens flower in their second year, so they need a colder/short day period followed by warmer/longer days to trigger flowering.
additionally- my coir is compacted and I am worried that it is retaining to much moisture, any tips or advice here?
-- I did this intentionally as last time I could have sworn that the level of coir in my pots went way down... and I'm trying to grow roots too! eh,
also - I checked my rose clones -- so far they have not rooted. I am a little confused about whether or not this is because I have not been misting inside of the two liter bottles ( I need to get a sprayer)

(-I've forgotten how long it took those mj clones to root... )
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I would think tomatoes or peppers would be good to grow in your veg area. They're day-neutral, meaning they will produce regardless of the light schedule, prefer warm weather, and have similar nutritional needs to weed.

I grew some peppers in my tent one summer in the same soil mix I used for weed, kept everything the same and left the light on 16/8, and they turned out great.

Lettuce will flower in the summer when days are long and warm, so maybe not ideal for growing in the same space as vegging weed. Cabbage and other brassicas like kale and collard greens flower in their second year, so they need a colder/short day period followed by warmer/longer days to trigger flowering.

day neutral, perhaps that is the word I was looking for -- I was under the impression tomatoes, and likely peppers went into its reproductive phase during the fall.

A little confused about the lettuce, I'm under the impression it isn't harvested at flower and would make a great plant for veg
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day neutral, perhaps that is the word I was looking for -- I was under the impression tomatoes, and likely peppers went into its reproductive phase during the fall.

A little confused about the lettuce, I'm under the impression it isn't harvested at flower and would make a great plant for veg
Nah tomatoes and peppers (and lots of other garden veggies) do best when it's warm out, and slow down or go dormant in the winter.

Yeah you don't want your lettuce to bolt (flower), it gets very bitter tasting when it does. It's a cool weather crop that starts to bolt in late spring/early summer, I'm not sure how it would do in a veg tent...
In the vegetable world we have what are called determinate(autoflower) and indeterminate (photo) plants. Not a direct analog to auto photo
Determinate plants are gonna have a set life cycle put on all their fruit at the same time and ripening all within the same 10ish days. Then the plant will be mostly useless.
Indeterminate plants will put on each flower/fruit as it feels and they will each rippen on their own schedule as long as they maintain their proper feed and conditions they should continue to bloom
Nah tomatoes and peppers (and lots of other garden veggies) do best when it's warm out, and slow down or go dormant in the winter.

Yeah you don't want your lettuce to bolt (flower), it gets very bitter tasting when it does. It's a cool weather crop that starts to bolt in late spring/early summer, I'm not sure how it would do in a veg tent...

I kind of had that figured out
In general, -- aren't a lot of garden veggies planted in spring and harvested in fall? -- (memories say NO!!!!) - Is this marijuana??

and this is due to?

this should clarify things.
Nah tomatoes and peppers (and lots of other garden veggies) do best when it's warm out, and slow down or go dormant in the winter.

Yeah you don't want your lettuce to bolt (flower), it gets very bitter tasting when it does. It's a cool weather crop that starts to bolt in late spring/early summer, I'm not sure how it would do in a veg tent...
If you keep your greens trimmed back they shouldn't bolt for a long time we eat the leafs not the flower(seed pods are edible). Mine always get bitter after extended hot temps or after a year if it was a mild summer. Think in a veg ten that stays under about 80f should be great. Bet you could get good leaf of the same bunch for years. We always plant greens late August early September rip it out when we plant our summer crops in may/june. I know nothing of growing anything other then weed under artificial light, got to imagine fruiting plants would wanna be blasted with light like a bloom cycle.
If I was going to add other plants to my weed grow it would be flowers that repel the dreaded mites and aphids
Nah tomatoes and peppers (and lots of other garden veggies) do best when it's warm out, and slow down or go dormant in the winter.

Yeah you don't want your lettuce to bolt (flower), it gets very bitter tasting when it does. It's a cool weather crop that starts to bolt in late spring/early summer, I'm not sure how it would do in a veg tent...

well if you know whether it is day neutral or not, would you know?
I kind of had that figured out
In general, -- aren't a lot of garden veggies planted in spring and harvested in fall? -- (memories say NO!!!!) - Is this marijuana??

and this is due to?

this should clarify things.
Some things are harvested in the late summer or fall, like hard squash and pumpkins and other plants that take a while to mature. Tomatoes/peppers/cucumbers/eggplants/that sort of thing usually start getting harvested in the summer and continue until it gets too cold. When in doubt, just go to your local farmers market and see what's in season.
well if you know whether it is day neutral or not, would you know?
Google seems to indicate lettuce is a long-day plant, meaning it will flower when the days get long. However, as @VaSmile said, you might be able to keep it from flowering by keeping it trimmed back. It's easy enough to grow, so I'd say it's worth a shot.
I feel as if I am getting allured into asking questions.

My cue to stop what I'm doing, and go do something else.
Keep asking questions people have experience, the term "day neutral " is totally new to me.
Every plant is different and has a different life cycle. Get what you think you want try it research it find the issues and your research and experience should help you with better crop selection as you go. The learning process is half the fun
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