Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,
I got these seeds from a good friend, they are supposed to be gg#4. I planted these April 29, they poked through the soil May 2 and I planted them outdoors May 20. I have them in 15 gallon fabric pots, using loamy soil as media, and every day check that they are in full sun at morning and scoot the bags if they're catching shade from my tree. So, my plants are about 40-ish days old. They are a foot and 7 inches tall. One has a single main stem, and the other has forked in two (can anyone say why?). I have not done any trimming, I have touched as little as possible, except to force the fork apart on the forked one so it isn't crowding itself. They look pretty happy to me, but I do believe I am seeing the very first pre-flower signs, little white feathery things at the newest nodes. I am fertilizing every other water with FoxFarm Grow Big 6-4-4.
Are my girls little? I thought these were going to be very big plants. Had I known they were going to be this small I would have planted the legal limit instead of only two.
Thank you everyone for your expert eyes and advices.
I got these seeds from a good friend, they are supposed to be gg#4. I planted these April 29, they poked through the soil May 2 and I planted them outdoors May 20. I have them in 15 gallon fabric pots, using loamy soil as media, and every day check that they are in full sun at morning and scoot the bags if they're catching shade from my tree. So, my plants are about 40-ish days old. They are a foot and 7 inches tall. One has a single main stem, and the other has forked in two (can anyone say why?). I have not done any trimming, I have touched as little as possible, except to force the fork apart on the forked one so it isn't crowding itself. They look pretty happy to me, but I do believe I am seeing the very first pre-flower signs, little white feathery things at the newest nodes. I am fertilizing every other water with FoxFarm Grow Big 6-4-4.
Are my girls little? I thought these were going to be very big plants. Had I known they were going to be this small I would have planted the legal limit instead of only two.
Thank you everyone for your expert eyes and advices.