How are things looking?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

I got these seeds from a good friend, they are supposed to be gg#4. I planted these April 29, they poked through the soil May 2 and I planted them outdoors May 20. I have them in 15 gallon fabric pots, using loamy soil as media, and every day check that they are in full sun at morning and scoot the bags if they're catching shade from my tree. So, my plants are about 40-ish days old. They are a foot and 7 inches tall. One has a single main stem, and the other has forked in two (can anyone say why?). I have not done any trimming, I have touched as little as possible, except to force the fork apart on the forked one so it isn't crowding itself. They look pretty happy to me, but I do believe I am seeing the very first pre-flower signs, little white feathery things at the newest nodes. I am fertilizing every other water with FoxFarm Grow Big 6-4-4.

Are my girls little? I thought these were going to be very big plants. Had I known they were going to be this small I would have planted the legal limit instead of only two.

Thank you everyone for your expert eyes and advices.


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They won't grow much bigger then that, maybe double in size at best. If you could put them directly in the ground, they can still become huge, bout 6-10 ft tall and 10 ft wide. There's still time
Hmm, I have a garden bed recently vacated of harvested bok choy. They could go there. But I'm not sure it's got ideal sun, I have a tree that shades the area early morning.
Wow. Well, the available garden is large and recently tilled and replenished with compost and quality loamy soil.
Some of my plants don't get full sun until 10 or 11:00 am because of the trees and the house. It's pretty bad when you live on a farm and still have to plant in your back yard.

Last year there was a plant that grew out of the compost that spilled along the fence. We decided to just let it grow wild. We named her "Wild Woman". For something that was just growing like a weed it was doing good. She was around 7 feet tall and flowering so we watered it two or three times. It looked fresher, smelled better, AND THE GOATS ATE IT!!!

You can't get away with things like that with a pot. Pots require a lot of care. Daily watering for outdoor plants, nutrients have to be balanced. Point is things just grow better organically in the the ground than pots.
Some of my plants don't get full sun until 10 or 11:00 am because of the trees and the house. It's pretty bad when you live on a farm and still have to plant in your back yard.

Last year there was a plant that grew out of the compost that spilled along the fence. We decided to just let it grow wild. We named her "Wild Woman". For something that was just growing like a weed it was doing good. She was around 7 feet tall and flowering so we watered it two or three times. It looked fresher, smelled better, AND THE GOATS ATE IT!!!

You can't get away with things like that with a pot. Pots require a lot of care. Daily watering for outdoor plants, nutrients have to be balanced. Point is things just grow better organically in the the ground than pots.
Oh no! I have chickens, but they are very small and I have a removable guard that goes around the perimeter. I will watch it very closely tomorrow for what the sun situation looks like, but I think it begins receiving sun at 9 am.

This is the bed, when it had plants in it. It's still got some romaine there but they need to be harvested very soon.


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Oh no! I have chickens, but they are very small and I have a removable guard that goes around the perimeter. I will watch it very closely tomorrow for what the sun situation looks like, but I think it begins receiving sun at 9 am.

This is the bed, when it had plants in it. It's still got some romaine there but they need to be harvested very soon.

Here's a picture of "The Girls" helping to get one of the gardens ready. The round part is the garden and the chicken yard is behind it. They are really good at getting things ready. Don't let them around the plants. They like to eat the young ones and roust in big ones.
Some of my plants don't get full sun until 10 or 11:00 am because of the trees and the house. It's pretty bad when you live on a farm and still have to plant in your back yard.

Last year there was a plant that grew out of the compost that spilled along the fence. We decided to just let it grow wild. We named her "Wild Woman". For something that was just growing like a weed it was doing good. She was around 7 feet tall and flowering so we watered it two or three times. It looked fresher, smelled better, AND THE GOATS ATE IT!!!

You can't get away with things like that with a pot. Pots require a lot of care. Daily watering for outdoor plants, nutrients have to be balanced. Point is things just grow better organically in the the ground than pots.
I’d be considering a “GOAT ROAST”!!!
Here's a picture of "The Girls" helping to get one of the gardens ready. The round part is the garden and the chicken yard is behind it. They are really good at getting things ready. Don't let them around the plants. They like to eat the young ones and roust in big ones.
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Barred rocks? I keep barbu de watermael and barbu d'anvers. My rooster recently perished but I've got some eggs in the incubator hatching *right now* lol.
They don't eat anything they can't reach with a mild stretch which might be 8 inches off the ground, lol. Out of sight out of mind I guess. I keep hardware cloth guards around anything I don't want them destroying. I took the guards off the cannabis for pictures :)


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Hi everyone,

Are my girls little? I thought these were going to be very big plants. Had I known they were going to be this small I would have planted the legal limit instead of only two.

Thank you everyone for your expert eyes and advices.

Are these autos? I gues so, they are flowering so soon. In that case, this size could be normal, depends on genetics, weather, care...I keep trying with autos but not very satisfied, still prefer photoperiodics.

Its still time to pop up some beans!
Are these autos? I gues so, they are flowering so soon. In that case, this size could be normal, depends on genetics, weather, care...I keep trying with autos but not very satisfied, still prefer photoperiodics.

Its still time to pop up some beans!
I'm not sure. My friend used to grow with an indoor hydroponics arrangement, but something happened to his favorite mother and she perished unexpectedly. These seeds are from that plant, and when he described it, he claimed it nearly filled the entire room. I was watching the legal proceedings for my state with great scrutiny, and when legalization seemed a sure thing, he gifted them to me and went on an hour long diatribe about how it's "easy to grow" and then made it sound like *rocket science*. I'm really an amateur plants enthusiast, I grow stuff for the pleasure of varieties to cook and eat that aren't available to buy at grocery chains with the help of the sun and rain. I had no expectations of these, I'm pleased they look so lush despite being a little wee. I've asked him questions about the seeds, but he isn't able to say, he doesn't remember. :( that's probably not very helpful, for me or anyone trying to give me useful tips.

Next year I will invest in seeds from places that are absolutely certain what they are, for sure.
Hello. Your plants look very healthy and are just about the right size for 40 days. It's showing preflowers fairly early, but it's not flowering and can't be an auto because it came from your friend's mother plant which would not be an auto. They won't actually flower until september or so. By then they will be large plants indeed. Very healthy too. You should keep doing what you're doing. You could transplant into the ground too, but you are doing well as is.

That said, outdoor growing is not going to be legal in mn without a commercial license. otherwise the law allows possession of 8 plants, 4 of which are mature. You can possess up to 2 pounds in your home and gift 2 ounces to an individual. You probably know this! I was disappointed about that part, I've never grown outside although I have raised veggie beds like yours. I love gardening in Minnesota.

Welcome to RIU!
Hello. Your plants look very healthy and are just about the right size for 40 days. It's showing preflowers fairly early, but it's not flowering and can't be an auto because it came from your friend's mother plant which would not be an auto. They won't actually flower until september or so. By then they will be large plants indeed. Very healthy too. You should keep doing what you're doing. You could transplant into the ground too, but you are doing well as is.

That said, outdoor growing is not going to be legal in mn without a commercial license. otherwise the law allows possession of 8 plants, 4 of which are mature. You can possess up to 2 pounds in your home and gift 2 ounces to an individual. You probably know this! I was disappointed about that part, I've never grown outside although I have raised veggie beds like yours. I love gardening in Minnesota.

Welcome to RIU!
I knew everything you say except the outside part. I had read they needed to be out of public view and behind fencing that locks. I wanted to be above board for this... I guess I need to do more reading. I feel kinda shady having planted the seeds before Walz signed the bill, but I lost so many tomatoes last year from not planting on last frost that I was anxiety ridden over being too late. I have no hope of understanding growing indoors :'(
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How is everyone putting likes on posts? Am I not able as a new member?

It looks like my bed is getting sun now, it is 7:37. I'm going to stick then in the ground today. I have a critter barrier made of hardware cloth a foot and a half deep under the bed, I'm hoping they can grow through it.
Give it a few more posts, then you can like away!
I’d be considering a “GOAT ROAST”!!!

That happens, sometimes.

Part of the reason for leaving it there was we wanted to see if the animals would bother it. They did leave it alone until we messed with it. The other reason was we wanted to know just how well these plants do in the wild. We found out that they better than we thought. We still got about 1/2 pound from her. This stuff would grow in the wild if it had a chance to.

Talking about "GOAT ROAST" Ms DWW is in doing a tour of the Holy Lands now. Jerusalem tomorrow, Jerico the next day. I'd bet she'll be eating a lot of goat.