The real U.K. Cheese

I don’t know nothing but,
Foxtails are beautiful.
Well skunk was popular here for a long time its just like cheese or the uk blues/livers cut the psycho is its own thing even though its just an old skunk pheno or hybrid point is it is killer stuff and its been kept all this time for that reason the psycho yields more and smokes different from cheese or blues too also cheese n the psycho are from Luton thats southern England the blues was found in northern england by a guy called livers hence why that original cuts named after him i reckon the blues is like cheese in that its just an old skunk1 pheno other than that there different
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What is inaccurate?
That wasnt the real guy who popped the seeds it was someone pretending to be him from all i remember they might have threw some proper names and stuff in there that dont make it entirely right im sure its been written about on uk420 and probably icmag as well if you dig enough and wanna know more
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That wasnt the real guy who popped the seeds it was someone pretending to be him from all i remember they might have threw some proper names and stuff in there that dont make it entirely right im sure its been written about on uk420 and probably icmag as well if you dig enough
Nobody mentioned that when it was posted on icmag (where I got it from)...
Can you provide a link?
Nobody mentioned that when it was posted on icmag (where I got it from)...
Can you provide a link?
Well i aint digging through rn but heres this

The true origin of UK Cheese

I recently went on holiday to the Canary Islands, a friend of mine gave me a copy of Weed World magazine to read while I was there (issue 56). To my surprise, was the article by Big Buddha Cheese? On reading this I decide to tell the story from the beginning.

Back in the late 80’s early 90’s, a friend-of-a-friend of mine came back from the Sensi Seed Bank in Amsterdam with some seeds.

Most of the plants were males but 4 of them were girls – 3 of the 4 were wankers and one was kind of OK. This plant was cloned and passed on to 3 or 4 different people who grew it alongside some Northern Lights and Silver Pearl plants in their well built grow rooms.

I am 45 years old now and have been growing my own weed for about 25 years, 10 of them outside in the wild.

My best friend and I decided that we would build ourselves our own grow rooms but didn’t see the need for getting too technical so, we made them out of anything we could lay our hands on – we called them “orange crates” coz that’s what they looked like.

As for lighting, we went on a commando raid to a local disused cement factory and helped ourselves to some Sodium and Metal Halide 400’s. We made our own shades from some aluminium sheeting from a local scrap yard.

Now all we needed was some nice cuttings. I managed to get some N/L and S/P plants and also one of the Skunks. Most of the other growers concentrated on the N/L and S/P because they are good all rounders.

I think one of the Skunks went to Crewe and another to Cornwall. I quite liked the Skunk so I kept it going. Now over the next 7 or 8 years of constant cloning, the Skunk started changing – don’t know why – it just did. It started to get really smelly – I mean really stink. The smell would get everywhere and I was often creosoting the fence to try and mask the smell (a little tip there for Cheese farmers, creosote or burnt toast). Cropping was a nightmare and I wouldn’t even go out because people would often say “you stink”.

I was giving some of this weed to my close friends and they all loved it and, as the taste was changing it seemed the strength was too. This weed had become so strong and so smelly that it reminded me of something I had smelt before, but I couldn’t think what it was. Then one day the penny dropped.

When I was 17 or 18 and living at home with my parents, I would go out a lot with a friend who worked in a food essence factory. Some days I would see him and he would stink of all different kind of things: fish, beef, vanilla etc. He would bring me small test tubes of concentrated liquids home and use them in my fishing bait (the carp loved the vanilla). One day he put one under my nose and said “smell this one, its called blue cheese, and it’s a real minger”.

This was the smell I had been trying to remember. The weed smelt just like it and so she was born. I gave the weed the name “Cheese”.

The only cuttings I let out were to people who were incapable of doing their own cloning and only wanted a plant for their own garden in the summer months.

Another close friend of mine, known as “Of the Hill”, came to me one day and asked me if I would do him 21 cuttings as he was building a big lab for the Exodus people in Luton. I was a bit unsure of this as I didn’t know ay of these people but, I did it for him because he is a good egg and has dug me out of plenty of holes over the years. Anyway, off he went with his cuttings and I didn’t here too much more about it, other than a good harvest festival was had.

“Of the Hill” arranged for a cutting to make it’s way to a coffee shop in Amsterdam in 2003 (Home Grown Fantasy). It was cloned and put on the menu as ‘Cheese’ and went on to claim 3rd place in the cannabis cup in 2004.

I recently met an American at a Hawkwind gig in London who had heard of the Cheese in Washington. He had come to the UK to see Hawkwind and smoke Cheese. His face lit up when I pulled a big fat Cheese straw out of my pocket!

It’s kind of annoying really – I wish I could have put a patent on the word “Cheese” in the context of marijuana but, it’s kind of difficult when things are illegal.

All over the place now I hear people calling all sorts of weed “Cheese” and I say to them “no mate, this is Cheese”.

As for Mr Big Buddha? I have plenty of respect for him, but the Cheese is not yours no matter what you call it and, as for crossing her? She does need help –over the years she has started to show signs of stress.

Growers will notice that some plants get brown spotty leaves during growing & flowering that results I leaf drop. I don’t know what the cause is, it’s not the soil, the water, the food, or the air quality (possibly a virus of some kind), so I suppose a cross of some kind to introduce some new vigour to her would be a good thing so, like I said, respect to Big Buddha for trying.

So for nearly 14 years, the Cheese was living at only a couple of places but now it seems to be everywhere for people to enjoy.

I don’t know what she has become – some sort of mutant freak, but she sure hits the spot and everyone who smokes her loves her to pieces.

So there you have it – the truth about the origin of Cheese. You can all rejoice that I kept her going for all these years and now you all know how it came about its name.

In the grand scheme of things it’s not very much, but I wanted to set the record straight.

Wing Commander Blue

WeedWorld Magazine

Thats exactly what happened to me with one of the ghs exodus s1 plants. In the beginning it was like watered down cheese, but I kept it cus I recognized there was something there. Over 2 years and doing somethings to it, in the end a fresh cut stopped growing upwards like a normal plant but instead started only growing outwards completely zigzaging. The potency and scent went up 10 fold. It happened all of a sudden to one of the fresh clones after my continued fresh clone keeping of it all went through a certain process. The whole structure, the look,most the leaf finger count, all changed, it even started growing the semi wooded looking stems with all the purple. The plant then remained like that till I lost it. Probably some gene switching going on caused by certain processes.

The cloney cheese clone, something off with it. The corning isnt the same, it looks like the buds are more bigger and rounder instead of corning out. I would say its not the brightside, could be the jah hover clone. Even the leaves look different, the leaf fingers look bunched together closer and how the secondary leaf either side of the main middle one the tips flick outwards more and I dont remember seeing that on the brightside.
Also how has cloney got a 1995 super silver haze bag seed when nevil only was at the start of growing out and testing parents to make ssh yet. He has a few other dubious things too. Weird guy.
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Thats exactly what happened to me with one of the ghs exodus s1 plants. In the beginning it was like watered down cheese, but I kept it cus I recognized there was something there. Over 2 years and doing somethings to it, in the end a fresh cut stopped growing upwards like a normal plant but instead started only growing outwards completely zigzaging. The potency and scent went up 10 fold. It happened all of a sudden to one of the fresh clones after my continued fresh clone keeping of it all went through a certain process. The whole structure, the look,most the leaf finger count, all changed, it even started growing the semi wooded looking stems with all the purple. The plant then remained like that till I lost it. Probably some gene switching going on caused by certain processes.

The cloney cheese clone, something off with it. The corning isnt the same, it looks like the buds are more bigger and rounder instead of corning out. I would say its not the brightside, could be the jah hover clone. Even the leaves look different, the leaf fingers look bunched together closer and how the secondary leaf either side of the main middle one the tips flick outwards more and I dont remember seeing that on the brightside.
Also how has cloney got a 1995 super silver haze bag seed when nevil only was at the start of growing out and testing parents to make ssh yet. He has a few other dubious things too. Weird guy.
My pals got some s1s coming down this week but from seed not cuts and a couple of them smell kinda along the right lines and have the zig zag structure but its no where near as stinky i dont expect them to be close nice all the same but aye bit different vs the cut they are purpling up look right and all but anyone whos had the real deal would know its not this is indoors but sounds kinda similiar to your ones and your right mate i agree the brightside cut is definitely very wide ranging in pheno plasticity give two growers that cut and i bet they will look a bit different room to room 99% of the time makes sense this applies to the s1s a bit too and aye your right brightside confirmed jahs cuts is different to his one ages ago jahs yields more vs brightsides but no cheese cut stinks more than his one idk this cloney dude who is he?
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The potency and scent went up 10 fold.

Blue cheese smell? All this time the famous UK Cheese strain smells like blue cheese? We call this "under the motel sink" weed where I'm from. The methyl ketones responsible for the smell.. I've been assume Cheese meant cheese thiols since Cheese is supposedly related to Skunk. The formation of ketones from thiols..? Are we sure pennecilin hasn't infected the plant? I have bud from at least 2 growers on hand that have this smell. One mixed with tooth paste from the Botanicare pk booster I suppose. One us supposed to be a kush the other a glue. Who knew I could rename this shit UK Cheese and sell it instead of throwing it away.
Blue cheese smell? All this time the famous UK Cheese strain smells like blue cheese? We call this "under the motel sink" weed where I'm from. The methyl ketones responsible for the smell.. I've been assume Cheese meant cheese thiols since Cheese is supposedly related to Skunk. The formation of ketones from thiols..? Are we sure pennecilin hasn't infected the plant? I have bud from at least 2 growers on hand that have this smell. One mixed with tooth paste from the Botanicare pk booster I suppose. One us supposed to be a kush the other a glue. Who knew I could rename this shit UK Cheese and sell it instead of throwing it away.
No bluecheese and cheese do not smell the exact same a good blue cheese line will have cheese leaning phenos more than most cheese hybrids granted ime but the real deal isnt like blue cheese much its not as sweet more rank stinks more too dont get me wrong i rate bluecheese more than most cheese crosses but its more indica as well vs exo or brightside cheese also most bluecheese in seed is from a cheese x afghan then crossed to a blueberry not all places are honest and many used big buddhas bluecheese to s1 or for there crosses the exodus collective did have a cheese x blueberry but that one isnt so common that be the original one too technically and yes its thiols and fatty chain acids and stuff i reckon with stinky skunk phenos rather than just terps that make them what they are
If you've ever taken a whiff of well-preserved, unburned cannabis buds, and thought you smelled something skunky — or, less likely, been on the receiving end of skunk spray and wondered why you reeked of cannabis — you might wonder why the two smell so similar.

In other words, why does cannabis smell so much like skunk spray? It turns out, the stinky culprits in both substances belong to a family of prenylated volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs), a subset of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), according to a 2021 study published in the journal ACS Omega.

"We suspected that sulfur-containing compounds were the origins of this aroma, just based on chemical intuition as chemists," study lead author Iain Oswald, an analytical chemist at Abstrax Tech, a company that develops aromatic compounds known as terpenes in Tustin, California, told Live Science. After all, "skunks have a bunch of VOCs in their aerosol spray," so perhaps cannabis had similar properties, the team suspected.