Ca Mg deficiency??? week 4 flower. what is this?

Why feed until you harvest? I use plain water until the last week or so until harvest. Let the plant start to die off. I wouldn't call it a flush as in running 5 gallons of water thru a 5 gallon pot, just plain water for the last week. That's how I do it.
sensible! i almost always do 2 weeks...
these are my numbers Jacks Finish + MgSO4 . at 1180 ppm .7 scale . then down to 600 for a week then 50ppm for a week and thats it. will remove from roots without ice water bath.
How did you get this report? I would love an instant meter to give me these type of results whenever I wanted
using hydrobuddy . visit to get you a copy... think i followed green genes tutorial . only spent a few hours learning it. not an expert user. and no its not a meter of any kind... don't think that exists short of having your water tested at a professional facility.
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That's not how things work, but if you insist, don't forget an ice bath for the roots.

"There’s a solid body of skilled growers who say that stem splitting can produce great results. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot of qualitative data to prove that. However, stem splitting is believed to originate from Holland, where it has been used by expert Dutch growers since the 1970s. "

lag screws are so much easier btw
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