How do you deal with depression and loss?

I decided to try shrooms. First I micro dosed than I took a few grams. I have to say it wasn't necessarily enjoyable first off. I will say brought out emotions I hadn't dealt with. I cried but I also laughed and in the end it was productive for me. So my experience is if your thinking dosing will help with grief and depression it will but be prepared it brought darkness to light and that's never easy. Honestly at this point I think I'll do it again this month. I think I'll be more mindful of my environment and maybe not do it alone this time. I understand why shaman used these substances to help people find there peace. It's never easy for me coping with trauma. For me it's been a tool not the absolute answer I hoped it would be but very therapeutic.
I decided to try shrooms. First I micro dosed than I took a few grams. I have to say it wasn't necessarily enjoyable first off. I will say brought out emotions I hadn't dealt with. I cried but I also laughed and in the end it was productive for me. So my experience is if your thinking dosing will help with grief and depression it will but be prepared it brought darkness to light and that's never easy. Honestly at this point I think I'll do it again this month. I think I'll be more mindful of my environment and maybe not do it alone this time. I understand why shaman used these substances to help people find there peace. It's never easy for me coping with trauma. For me it's been a tool not the absolute answer I hoped it would be but very therapeutic.

Im very happy you found it useful.
Definitely a tool to help; not the absolute answer.

Setting up a nice comfortable situation with a friend to help will be perfect for next time.

I hope you get to where your happy inside, and don’t feel the need to take more. But if you do, it’s a great tool to help and there’s no harm in it.

Really, enjoy your day.
I found meditation and therapy help me. Viewing grief as an old friend helped. It's natural. It's natural to expect it to leave too. When I'm feeling that deep overwhelming sadness it helps to say hello to this friend grief. The therapist asked my why I'm not kinder to myself. Honestly it took me a little while to grasp that. Now when grief comes, I tell myself to treat myself better, to love myself, to be kind to myself. That's where meditation especially helps. I allow myself to cry if I feel like it. That can be cathartic sometimes. I know grief will leave and come back again. It's a roller coaster but it smooths out.

This photo sent me into a tailspin because of the habit of instantly realizing what I miss so badly. My love was incredible. She was as funny as she was hot. Sometimes it takes me a few minutes to shift into gratitude for all the wonderful time we had together. Sometimes it takes hours. There were times when it took days. And sometimes I just flip flop back and forth, sad, happy and grateful, sad, happy and grateful.... I'm doing that today, tears and laughter. I was a very, very lucky man.

It's too bad that this is B&W because my love had the most beautiful brown eyes. I cannot describe the feeling when she looked at me with those big beautiful sparkly eyes.

My love K.png

Be well. Treat yourself better.
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I found meditation and therapy help me. Viewing grief as an old friend helped. It's natural. It's natural to expect it to leave too. When I'm feeling that deep overwhelming sadness it helps to say hello to this friend grief. The therapist asked my why I'm not kinder to myself. Honestly it took me a little while to grasp that. Now when grief comes, I tell myself to treat myself better, to love myself, to be kind to myself. That's where meditation especially helps. I allow myself to cry if I feel like it. That can be cathartic sometimes. I know grief will leave and come back again. It's a roller coaster but it smooths out.

This photo sent me into a tailspin because of the habit of instantly realizing what I miss so badly. My love was incredible. She was as funny as she was hot. Sometimes it takes me a few minutes to shift into gratitude for all the wonderful time we had together. Sometimes it takes hours. There were times when it took days. And sometimes I just flip flop back and forth, sad, happy and grateful, sad, happy and grateful.... I'm doing that today, tears and laughter. I was a very, very lucky man.

It's too bad that this is B&W because my love had the most beautiful brown eyes. I cannot describe the feeling when she looked at me with those big beautiful sparkly eyes.

View attachment 5296977

Be well. Treat yourself better.
Thanks for sharing friend, I'm going through the same thing