Examples of GOP Leadership

On the one hand, what you say strikes me as fairly apparent.

On the other, a thing Printer? posted today shows that GOP voters don’t want policy, they want a show. That man’s chainsaw-flailing antics are entertaining to them. It’s like the Nascar fans who unabashedly go to the track for the crashes.

This would be a very good time for Dark Brandon to do his thing in a way that registers with the public. While I’d truly like to see 1/6 reach snaking out of the abyss and bite McCarthy on the ass, I’ll settle for him to be politically broken.
Yes, political theater is great and all that until until we find we are in the horror show and not just watching it. I'll hand it to the radicals, from day one they said this is what they were going to do and their base is cheering them on. But when that man with the chainsaw and mask shows up at their door, they will blame Biden.

Go figure.
Yes, political theater is great and all that until until we find we are in the horror show and not just watching it. I'll hand it to the radicals, from day one they said this is what they were going to do and their base is cheering them on. But when that man with the chainsaw and mask shows up at their door, they will blame Biden.

Go figure.
It’s the reason his approval numbers are so low. People disapproving of Biden say the economy or Afghanistan or some other of that man’s or the Republican House’s setups. To quote L. Niven, there ain’t no justice.
do you have to assault something that doesn't exist? If the average person on the street had any ability to think critically, would fucking douchebag tucker carlson have been getting 3 million fucking viewers a day on fux? Would a piece of shit like steve bannon ever have gotten on the air?
Would the OG piece of shit Limbaugh still be revered by the fucking idiots we're talking about?
how are they going to assault something that either doesn't exist, or is so strongly developed that they haven't had any success subverting those people, and never will?
Gaetz was recently easily reelected in his redneck district and can do no wrong, as long as he triggers the libs and sticks his thumb in Uncle Sam's eye. So be prepared to do a lot of strangling because there is enough guilt to go around in his district. It's not like they didn't know he was an idiot, pervert and traitor before his recent reelection. If the people of his NY district reelect George Santos from his prison cell, who do you blame? Santos or those stupid enough to vote for him? It's not a whole lot different with Gaetz really, except they declined to indict him. It would be the same with Trump, if he won the GOP nomination from a prison cell and that is a definite possibility, considering what the republican base has become. As it stands now millions would write his name in on the presidential ballot, if the GOP never nominated him and someone should run ads to encourage them to do so or just stay home.
"Radioactive" roads made of potentially cancer-causing mining waste could be headed to Florida under new bill
That's just fake woke libertard news! Besides them thar roads being hot will keep them snow and ice free! Jesus take the wheel, yeah haw, the south will rise again! It won't matter much since they will be under a meter of sea water soon enough... The important thing is that it triggers the libs!
"Radioactive" roads made of potentially cancer-causing mining waste could be headed to Florida under new bill
Jeebus fucking christ...Why doesn't desantis just make it mandatory to have a 5 minute xray every time you go to a movie or out to eat?
I guess this will be quicker...And it'll just be killing people stupid enough to live in florida.
Steve is really good at ripping a strip off them, a tongue like a razor.

Steve Schmidt reacts to Ron DeSantis’s disastrous Twitter announcement with Elon Musk | The Warning
Buckle your seatbelts - shit just went full twilight zone.

Donald is good at eliminating his rivals, if Jack gets the timing right, Donald should leave the GOP high and dry at the end of the primary season by going to prison. He might end up in jail too early though because once Jack indicts him for the docs a DC judge could jail him at his arraignment like everybody else who is charged with such crimes. We will see if Jack opposes his pretrial release as the DOJ would normally do in classified documents and espionage cases.