I just can't

I'm betting you believe, that flushing your plants before harvest is beneficial.
I believe I can develop the best cleanest cannabis strain on earth, called southern lights, but they won't let me go to Antarctica to setup shop. Your not allowed to bring any plants or animals within a few hundred miles, or even so much as shit outside of a bag, because of the treaty. It cost millions upon millions of dollars to get an environmental impact assessment done for any kind of expedition, and good luck trying to get a permit for anything non government related.. Its basically impossible to fulfill my dream. I mean, It's obvious they are hiding a dome.
I believe I can develop the best cleanest cannabis strain on earth, called southern lights, but they won't let me go to Antarctica to setup shop. Your not allowed to bring any plants or animals within a few hundred miles, or even so much as shit outside of a bag, because of the treaty. It cost millions upon millions of dollars to get an environmental impact assessment done for any kind of expedition, and good luck trying to get a permit for anything non government related.. Its basically impossible to fulfill my dream. I mean, It's obvious they are hiding a dome.
I like to believe I'm somewhat intelligent. I'm not saying I'm the smartest guy, but common sense and logic dictate my thinking, and there's nothing even remotely obvious to me that there's a dome around earth. It would be just too vast an undertaking for humanity. We can barely get small capsules into space, much less a ridiculously enormous dome, and honestly, where did all the resources come from? There wouldn't be enough material on earth to build something that size.
I believe I can develop the best cleanest cannabis strain on earth, called southern lights, but they won't let me go to Antarctica to setup shop. Your not allowed to bring any plants or animals within a few hundred miles, or even so much as shit outside of a bag, because of the treaty. It cost millions upon millions of dollars to get an environmental impact assessment done for any kind of expedition, and good luck trying to get a permit for anything non government related.. Its basically impossible to fulfill my dream. I mean, It's obvious they are hiding a dome.
Bullshit ,our own Charles F Farley bred the original southern lights strain
Don't worry, china is gonna bring back a sample as proof that the far side even exist. :lol:

They won't accidentally lose the samples like NASA did either this time, haha. They'll be sure to take super grainy not high res photos for you of the probe landing, but also forget to take pics of the other famous landing sites on the way out, because that isn't important to understanding how to build new moon bases on the dark side. Like, why would you wanna know how the things we left have held up on the surface for so long? Oh, and no one is allowed to fly within 80 miles of them, because NASA owns that part of the moon. Even though we have high tech spy cams supposedly orbiting outer earth space that can see your nose hairs, but we can't seem to hack the go pro's that cost billions of dollars more to see the rover and flag as they fly just over the no fly zone on all the latest moon missions..
what does any of that nonsense have to do with the shape of the earth?

They are ramping up production again charging CERN, preparing to go all out trying to bust through the dome once and for all, and blasting it with hadron collider beams to weaken an undisclosed area. China will start launching thier artificial suns soon too, aka black goo fusion powered tunnel boring machines. They'll be launched up there just as soon as the collider finds the exact frequency needed to fully take out the domes shields. They been workin' on it since the 80's :cool:

It's a world wide coordinated effort of people who secretly serve the devil himself. The master of light & illusions, who will do anything to get out of impenetrable barrier god was forced to create..

The blue beam project is actually quite the opposite many have been led to believe. It will actually be projecting a normal sky as a cover up, why they beam and drill into the dome in certain locations behind it. Sometimes it might possibly flicker in and out, and people will film and see what they think are aliens, which is actually operation to crack the dome going on. BB won't be projecting the alien like craft, it will be trying to cover them up. I'm the only one that knows this btw. All the other conspiracy theorist tell you the opposite, that the BB projections will be the aliens. I know better bongsmilie

Why would some believe the earth is flat. Ive flown around the planet and certainly didnt see the edges and drop and then the flat underneath. I wonder how time would work on the flat edges, from one day cycle to the next.