Super Soil burns my Plant


Well-Known Member
High my friends
I've mixed my first Supersoil for my indoor grow 3 plants on 1.44m2 with 400w Led in total.
The recipe is in the attachment.
The plants were doing great sind 10 days ago.
Today is day 28 of Flower and they start to come up with different symptoms.
The lower leafs became crispy at first and now the whole plant starts to yellow with one getting brown spots an another one turning purple(not in a good way)

I tried to flush one and got a EC of 3.8 out which seems a bit to high for me.
What I've read afterwards is that flushing could be a bad idea because it could create a nutrient imbalance...

Could you give me some advice what's wrong and how I could improve?
The bud growth is nearly stunned and I have no idea what to do.
I've spend more than 100 bucks on the ingredients just to see them fade away now

I hope some of you could help me!

Thank you!


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photos would help.
how long did you let it cook for, unless im mistaken, you need to let supersoil cook b4 you use it.
what exact ingrediance have you used to make it? or did you follow that list exactly?
I followed the instruction completely with only the crustean meal missing
I didn't let it cook because it wasn't written in there
Here you go with the photos ;)
This link is the whole website about the recipe:


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thats not something you should leave out, its very very important to follow the recapie to the letter if possable. that crustacia meal Made from ground-up shells from crabs, shrimp, and other sea creatures, crustacean meal is naturally high in nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, and chitin. It's a slow-release amendment, and it has a bonus feature: The chitin supports microbes that kill harmful nematodes that would damage roots if not kept in check.
so by omiting it, you've got/caused an imbalance in the soil. the microbes that it would have protected your plants are missing.
not to mention the all important calcium needed for proper growth. aqnd vital N/P and K and thats off the top of my head
ive not tried super soil yet, so ill hand this one over to someone with knollage of useing it.
not sure if you can remady it easily.
but someone will chime in at some point to assist you. good luck
forgot to mention, giving them some gypsum and water would be a quick calcium fix. it adds calcium and sulpher to the mix
So you say I have a calcium Deficency and should apply gypsum?

And well I couldn't get the crustean meal where I live so I had no choice but leave it out ;(
So my super soil is shit now?
First run soil like you made can be finicky. Have you too dressed anything? Everything takes time in soil mixes. Adding gypsum to top probably won’t make anything available, or any other meal/ ammendment at this stage.
I’d get some liquid organic nutes. Something to feed fast cause those plants look hangry.

alsomulching with compost on top of contsiner is vital. Like 1-2 inches layer.

and finally watering habits 9/10 are new soil growers problem.
Water everyday no exceptions.
5% ish of container volume to water. No phing or funny business like flushing

soil should stay in the Goldilocks zone-of just moist enough, but notwet. Without any dry outs in between.
So you say I have a calcium Deficency and should apply gypsum?

And well I couldn't get the crustean meal where I live so I had no choice but leave it out ;(
So my super soil is shit now?
i was just saying that theres a load of calcium missing from your mix by not having the crustacia meal in the mix.
but green-machine-two9er is the one to listen to, as he seems to have a take on it.
just ignore the bit about the gypsum, it seems to have caused complication and not help. apollogies.
theres a bunch of growers with knollage of supersoil on here, so you'll get loads of good info,
i was just saying that theres a load of calcium missing from your mix by not having the crustacia meal in the mix.
but green-machine-two9er is the one to listen to, as he seems to have a take on it.
just ignore the bit about the gypsum, it seems to have caused complication and not help. apollogies.
theres a bunch of growers with knollage of supersoil on here, so you'll get loads of good info,
You are right that is was a mistake to skip crab meal. It’s common with super soils to attack it like “traditional” growing methods. And one way to do that is think in terms of instant npk availability. Most meals take longer than the grow itself to even break down to plant available.

so it’s easy to react and throw a bunch on the soil but, those nutrients only really get to the plant the next round.

Pre flower (2 weeks) before flip toodress is a good idea. Regardless, the plant gets some now and the next round after soil recycle.
Oh boy
I fucked it up completely...
Sounds like best would be to kill the girls and start again in the future after I've added the crustean meal and let it cook?

But if I could save them what should I do?
I think I have everything avaible...
I have gypsum, liquid calmg, bio and mineral fertilizers, kelp alfalfa and neem for topdressing...

Could you give a recommendation on what to apply?

And to the point looking hungry...
I agree but the bit of drain ec was 3.8?
But the stuff in there is not plant available?
If it is available it could be a lookout?

Thank you so much!
I learned alot
And I miss my Hydrosystem :p
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I found a supply for crabmeal and ordered the amount needed.
I am more than unsure now if I should finish my grow or stop it and recycle the soil, add the crabmeal and let it cook for a while(how long) before using it again because I want to do it right.
The point is I have no idea if I could save my plants or if it is a good idea to throw fertilisers in my soil which was planned to be used with out it...
Can you help me with my decision?

And again!
Thank you so much guys I was really loosing my mind because I ran out of ideas
They healthy
Definitely not sure why you are referring to this as "Super Soil". It looks more like "Coots Mix"
You clearly made it all the way through veg and are starting to exhaust the nutrients that where in the Malibu compost mid/late bloom.
Most "Super Soil" mixes would be loaded up with things like Bone Meal, Blood Meal, Soybean Meal, Fish / Fish Bone Meal, Feather Meal, etc. etc. etc.
As previously mentions, a liquid organic feed could help or if you not more than 5 weeks in top dress with a quality Organic Dry amendment mix. Grean Bicycles, Kis Organics, Green Gro, Down to Earth, Dr Earth etc.
Don't chop your crop - it will yield smokable flower :peace:
High my friends
I've mixed my first Supersoil for my indoor grow 3 plants on 1.44m2 with 400w Led in total.
The recipe is in the attachment.
The plants were doing great sind 10 days ago.
Today is day 28 of Flower and they start to come up with different symptoms.
The lower leafs became crispy at first and now the whole plant starts to yellow with one getting brown spots an another one turning purple(not in a good way)

I tried to flush one and got a EC of 3.8 out which seems a bit to high for me.
What I've read afterwards is that flushing could be a bad idea because it could create a nutrient imbalance...

Could you give me some advice what's wrong and how I could improve?
The bud growth is nearly stunned and I have no idea what to do.
I've spend more than 100 bucks on the ingredients just to see them fade away now

I hope some of you could help me!

Thank you!

That is literally Fox Farm Ocean Forest …. You could have saved the drama and bought RTU bags.
Important information on top is probably that I live in Germany and not the US which kind of limits my access to certain products.

What is a coots mix?

So you are saying even if I try to recycle my soil and start again after I've cooked a for a while I will again run into problems because my mix is missing the "animal bases meals" which are rich in phosphor etc?
Do you have an alternativ recipe for me? :)
Important information on top is probably that I live in Germany and not the US which kind of limits my access to certain products.

What is a coots mix?

So you are saying even if I try to recycle my soil and start again after I've cooked a for a while I will again run into problems because my mix is missing the "animal bases meals" which are rich in phosphor etc?
Do you have an alternativ recipe for me? :)
"Coots Mix" is just a some what popular named mix that is just another version of a 1/3 Peat 1/3 Compost (worm castings in this case) 1/3 aeration.
Yes, you will be nutrient deficient going forward if your not adding something back to replace what the plants took from the soil. It doesn't have to e animal based.
At least a top dress of some of the things you put in the mix initially would make a pretty big difference.
Most people these days seem to be migrating to Fish Bone Meal or Soft Rock Phosphate as P source in organics.
Neem and Kelp would be good top dresses of that you listed you have on hand.
You didn't mention container size?
I have different container since
They are 60l, 40l, 25l
Want me to translate to gallons?

Just topressed them with about 1/4 cup kelp and Alfalfa plus some gypsum and balted barley.

I slowly start to understands how things should work.

My question is now:
After I finish the grow(I won't chop them as you told me) I'll take the soil and mix in the missing crab meal.
I'll let it cook for a while and try again. Might do a bagged soil grow in between?
Afterwards I'll have an eye an regular top dressing with 1/4cup of alfalfa kelp and neem every month?

Should I try to add animal based meals as topdress as well or should I put them in the soil while it cooks?
Of yes which should I use in which amount?
I'll check if I can get fishbone meal later and I have already high P guano at home.
Just not sure which amounts to use
I guess I need way smaller doses because of higher nutrient content?
If you could kind of help me come up with a little fertilization schedule I have gathered every information I need so far ;)

I love you guys for your help
You told me more than the first semester of my phytotechnology studies <3
I remember doing hydro for the first time because i only ran soil.. i had no clue how to go about it.
everything went smooth though.. got a couple of grows down .
Then i tried full organics, such a PITA, there’s definitely more science involved with organic than hydro