What determines plant count?


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how plant count is determined. Is it determined by root mass or stalks? I was thinking about doing multiple clones in a large pot/bed but wasn't sure if its considered as 1 large plant or does each stalk count as a plant?
I was wondering how plant count is determined. Is it determined by root mass or stalks? I was thinking about doing multiple clones in a large pot/bed but wasn't sure if its considered as 1 large plant or does each stalk count as a plant?
Clones are all separate plants as far as I am aware.

Your state will have all of the rules laid out if you google it.
Clones are an individual plat. At least they are in the unfriendly state of Ky. I got busted with 1250 clones in 1997, and went to federal prison for 7 years, and 5 years supervised release. The charge carried a 10-LIFE Mandatory Minimum, and 3-5 MILLION DOLLAR fine, which was waived.

I had given my partner 500 clones to put on his farm, and he got busted. I was the manufacturer, and got charged with all 1250 of them. I gave him 500, and had 750 when they got me. He ratted me out, and got no time. I got 12 years if you include supervised release.

So dont think the cops believe clones are all one plant. They will fry you any way they can.
>0.3% free delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol = Marijuana

Root clones seedlings cuttings are not Marijuana. Only flowering plants who's THCA has decarboxylated to at least 0.3% d9thc is a Marijuana plant.
>0.3% free delta 9 Tetrahydrocannabinol = Marijuana

Root clones seedlings cuttings are not Marijuana. Only flowering plants who's THCA has decarboxylated to at least 0.3% d9thc is a Marijuana plant.
According the laws of what location? I know people who've gone to prison for clones. I'd recommend exercising caution before giving out information that could contribute to someone losing their freedom.
I'm not a lawyer so the following is conjecture solely for the sake of discussion but I think the less than .03 THC argument might have some legs today. On a federal level anyway. State laws could be much tougher today compared to Federal?

I think the 18 farm bill and the 22 DEA seed memo puts things in a different light federally.

It seems like it to me anyway, but I don't know shit about anything really.
Check your local laws if that's the reason for your question.

My "jurisdiction" it's basically each individual attempt at a plant = plant. Each seed in a cube or solo cup for germination, each one = plant. Clones; each cut set up for rooting = plant. In fact, each plant hanging drying = plant.

*One way i found around this & cannot find any law prohibiting this; holding a handful, or even a dozen cuts in the refrigerator for later propagation. As long as they're not set up to establish roots, my understanding is they're just "pieces of plant".