Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

Do you tolerate people jerking off in public? Then why tolerate war on your fellow citizens over race, religion or for adult or private sexual matters? Which is more disgusting? Does the government have an obligation to combat this behavior? Yer fucking right it does, and the defense of law-abiding citizens trumps the rights of those who want to make war upon them. That includes those who conspire to turn the power of the state on them too. Freedom? Go fuck yourself, because if you don't, we will fuck you!

Human rights commissions solve these problems and deal with the people directly who are the problem. Plenty of free countries use them to deal with bullshit that has no real purpose other than making people miserable for no real reason at all and to foment violence against them. Fomenting violence against minorities is what it is all about, it is not about freedom of speech, that is about facts and ideas, this is about promoting hatred and eventual violence.

'Widespread agreement' in NBC poll that American society is racist

925 views Apr 27, 2023 #America #Race
Over 50 percent of Americans think U.S. society is racist and over 50 percent say Affirmative Action is still needed, according to new NBC News polling. Steve Kornacki joins Morning Joe to discuss.

What Jerry Springer can teach us about Donald Trump & Tucker Carlson| The Warning with Steve Schmidt

2,040 views Apr 27, 2023
Steve Schmidt explains how the raunchy antics of the Jerry Springer Show led to American TV sideshows like Donald Trump & Tucker Carlson. He discusses the fallout from the Donald Trump rape trial & how FOX News will continue to be a factory for lies even without Tucker Carlson on the air.
How Trump can be any less guilty than this young fool would be astonishing and how he could get less of a sentence even more so. This kid is being held in custody, will Jack demand the same for Trump? He has a secret service detail; however, their job would be greatly simplified if he were in a cell. How do they know trump never took pictures of the documents and might just leave the country, he has the means to do so. The same thing that applies to the young air national guardsman should apply to him upon indictment. This young fellow was arrested and never indicted until a couple of days later, WTF shouldn't the same apply to the fucking commander and chief.

It's not like the don't have sufficient evidence to indict the asshole over the documents and obstruction and the only thing that makes sense is a political reason. The longer Trump is left running around by the feds, the more convinced I am that this is what is going on. Whatever details Jack has to clean up in the documents and obstruction cases can be cleaned up after indictment and during pretrial. Unless the pretrial is gonna be short and it could be, since Trump was litigating this for a year already and knew full well, he would be indicted, it is not a surprise. I can see the judge giving him a minimum of time to prepare his defense.

'Astonishing’ that a 21-year-old had security clearance to classified docs

8,403 views Apr 27, 2023 #classifieddocuments #leaker #government
Prosecutors have revealed they will be asking a judge to deny bail to alleged leaker Jack Teixeira, citing new evidence as to why he is a national security and public safety threat. NBC News Justice and Intelligence Correspondent Ken Dilanian and former Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes join Andrea Mitchell to discuss. “This is astonishing to me. I mean, it's gobsmacking to me that this kid had a security clearance. I accept the premise that there are a lot of people in the U.S. government that have a need to know classified information,” Rhodes says. “It never would have struck me that a 21-year-old who has said such crazy things in public, that he was denied a gun permit — which is a hard thing to get denied in this country — is just handed access to classified information like this.”

What Jerry Springer can teach us about Donald Trump & Tucker Carlson| The Warning with Steve Schmidt

2,040 views Apr 27, 2023
Steve Schmidt explains how the raunchy antics of the Jerry Springer Show led to American TV sideshows like Donald Trump & Tucker Carlson. He discusses the fallout from the Donald Trump rape trial & how FOX News will continue to be a factory for lies even without Tucker Carlson on the air.

Dead people can't teach much.

This is kind of interesting. I started the vid to show how much traffic goes through the straight. The next point is that the tanker is owned by a Chinese company. That will make things interesting. The last is that the oil was being shipped to Texas refineries. The reason the oil is going to the refinery when the US is now the biggest exporter of oil? The refineries are not configured to refine the type of oil that is the result of fracking. This oil is very light in weight. The refineries can use this oil if they mix in a heavier oil. Where did this heavier oil come from previously? Canada, the oilsands. But there is only so much capacity in the pipelines and trains to shipping the oil down. So the heavy oil needed comes from less friendly countries than Canada, the gulf states and Venezuela. The dollars used to buy this oil does not return to the US as it would if the oil was bought from Canada.

This is kind of interesting. I started the vid to show how much traffic goes through the straight. The next point is that the tanker is owned by a Chinese company. That will make things interesting. The last is that the oil was being shipped to Texas refineries. The reason the oil is going to the refinery when the US is now the biggest exporter of oil? The refineries are not configured to refine the type of oil that is the result of fracking. This oil is very light in weight. The refineries can use this oil if they mix in a heavier oil. Where did this heavier oil come from previously? Canada, the oilsands. But there is only so much capacity in the pipelines and trains to shipping the oil down. So the heavy oil needed comes from less friendly countries than Canada, the gulf states and Venezuela. The dollars used to buy this oil does not return to the US as it would if the oil was bought from Canada.

We should take that tanker they seized back from them, and take another just to teach them a lesson...Persia doesn't exist anymore, and Xerxes has been dead for centuries...get the fuck over yourselves.
Federal judge rules Pennsylvania school district must allow After School Satan Club
A school district in Pennsylvania must allow students to convene an After School Satan Club, a federal judge ruled on Monday.

“In a victory for free speech and religious freedom, a federal court has ruled that the Saucon Valley School District must allow the After School Satan Club to meet in district facilities,” the ACLU announced.

In a Monday filing, issued in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and shared by the ACLU, a judge found that “here, although The Satanic Temple, Inc.’s objectors may challenge the sanctity of this controversially named organization, the sanctity of the First Amendment’s protections must prevail.”

The school district must allow the After School Satan Club, which is sponsored by The Satanic Temple, to meet during the school year on three previously agreed-upon dates, but it won’t have to distribute permission slips for the club for students to take home, according to the filing.

The national ACLU, the ACLU of Pennsylvania and Dechert LLP filed suit against the school district on behalf of The Satanic Temple in March, arguing the district violated the First Amendment by prohibiting the club from meeting in the district’s facilities.

“When confronted with a challenge to free speech, the government’s first instinct must be to forward expression rather than quash it. Particularly when the content is controversial or inconvenient. Nothing less is consistent with the expressed purpose of American government to secure the core, innate rights of its people,” Judge John M. Gallagher wrote in the Monday ruling.

I am sure they will have cool t-shirts. And hoodies.
Federal judge rules Pennsylvania school district must allow After School Satan Club
A school district in Pennsylvania must allow students to convene an After School Satan Club, a federal judge ruled on Monday.

“In a victory for free speech and religious freedom, a federal court has ruled that the Saucon Valley School District must allow the After School Satan Club to meet in district facilities,” the ACLU announced.

In a Monday filing, issued in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and shared by the ACLU, a judge found that “here, although The Satanic Temple, Inc.’s objectors may challenge the sanctity of this controversially named organization, the sanctity of the First Amendment’s protections must prevail.”

The school district must allow the After School Satan Club, which is sponsored by The Satanic Temple, to meet during the school year on three previously agreed-upon dates, but it won’t have to distribute permission slips for the club for students to take home, according to the filing.

The national ACLU, the ACLU of Pennsylvania and Dechert LLP filed suit against the school district on behalf of The Satanic Temple in March, arguing the district violated the First Amendment by prohibiting the club from meeting in the district’s facilities.

“When confronted with a challenge to free speech, the government’s first instinct must be to forward expression rather than quash it. Particularly when the content is controversial or inconvenient. Nothing less is consistent with the expressed purpose of American government to secure the core, innate rights of its people,” Judge John M. Gallagher wrote in the Monday ruling.

I am sure they will have cool t-shirts. And hoodies.
Hoist with his own petard
"Hoist with his own petard" is a phrase from a speech in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet that has become proverbial. The phrase's meaning is that a bomb-maker is blown off the ground by his own bomb, and indicates an ironic reversal, or poetic justice. In modern vernacular usage of the idiom, the preposition "with" is commonly exchanged for a different preposition, particularly "by". The latter form is recognised by many British and American English dictionaries as an interchangeable alternative. Prepositions other than "by" and the original "with" are not widely accepted and may be seen as erroneous or even nonsensical in the correct context of the phrase.Wikipedia
Hoist with his own petard
"Hoist with his own petard" is a phrase from a speech in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet that has become proverbial. The phrase's meaning is that a bomb-maker is blown off the ground by his own bomb, and indicates an ironic reversal, or poetic justice. In modern vernacular usage of the idiom, the preposition "with" is commonly exchanged for a different preposition, particularly "by". The latter form is recognised by many British and American English dictionaries as an interchangeable alternative. Prepositions other than "by" and the original "with" are not widely accepted and may be seen as erroneous or even nonsensical in the correct context of the phrase.Wikipedia
I could be wrong, but what I remember is that a petard was basically a backpack bomb.
You run up to the castle door or other weak spot and spike it on as high as you can, with a mighty heave. If you’re still in the straps, your feet may be lifted off the ground, literally leaving you hanging and denying you the leverage to get free of the bomb, which won’t have much fuse time left.
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Republicans want to trust businesses like these to police themselves. That has proven to be a very bad idea on so many occassions it's pointless to even begin listing them. It seems like a good idea to me to add a sliding "greed" tax to corporate tax tables, after a certain point, taxes on profits rise exponentially...Don't be greedy, don't kill competition, but do give them an incentive to keep prices within reason.

Why CNN must confront Trump's lies at New Hampshire Town Hall | The Warning with Steve Schmidt

1,601 views May 2, 2023
Steve Schmidt addresses CNN's decision to participate in a Town Hall with Donald Trump next week. He explains the importance in calling out Trump's lies and how CNN has specifically erred in the past when it comes to covering the former President.
If Trump does not storm off the stage during the "town hall" CNN is sucking his asshole and that of his base. How about some questions on the Carrol defamation case, that he is offering no defense for? There are many questions that could make Donald storm off the stage, but will they be asked, and will they cut him off when he does not answer it and insist that he answers and does not deflect or distract. Will they fire the host for being too rude to Donald? For offending a bunch of racist traitors? For gaining control of the situation? Will they allow him to defame Carrol on live TV? How about interrupting him while he is giving out private information on the prosecutors? If you want to let Jack Smith know how you feel about him victimizing me, he lives at --------- and his phone number is-----------.

Oh please Mr. Trump don't do that! Instead of cutting his mic and telling him to STFU and get the Hell out of the studio now. Then turn to his SS agents and tell them to keep their animal on a leash and to get him the Hell out of here until he is house broken. Do the SS stand by while he is doing his sexual assaults, just in case the women fight back, and he needs protection? What if one kicks him in the nuts, does she get shot or arrested?

If Trump does not storm off the stage during the "town hall" CNN is sucking his asshole and that of his base. How about some questions on the Carrol defamation case, that he is offering no defense for? There are many questions that could make Donald storm off the stage, but will they be asked, and will they cut him off when he does not answer it and insist that he answers and does not deflect or distract. Will they fire the host for being too rude to Donald? For offending a bunch of racist traitors? For gaining control of the situation? Will they allow him to defame Carrol on live TV? How about interrupting him while he is giving out private information on the prosecutors? If you want to let Jack Smith know how you feel about him victimizing me, he lives at --------- and his phone number is-----------.

Oh please Mr. Trump don't do that! Instead of cutting his mic and telling him to STFU and get the Hell out of the studio now. Then turn to his SS agents and tell them to keep their animal on a leash and to get him the Hell out of here until he is house broken. Do the SS stand by while he is doing his sexual assaults, just in case the women fight back, and he needs protection? What if one kicks him in the nuts, does she get shot or arrested?

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well of fucking course they're going to suckle his nuts, the reason he won't do a real debate is that people are mean to him and he's not smart enough to get them to stop. The only way he would agree to something like this is if all the questions are vetted, and his team has written out answers for him.
I quit smoking pot about a week ago and I've been a bit testy and should meditate more until my brain adjusts, I guess! Stupid things piss me off more than usual.
You'll be fine. You'll re-normalize, and your mood will improve, don't worry. It's not all that bad, anyhow, just use your head, and don't go all outta whack about something that's not a big deal. I started noticing that 35 years ago. Sheeit, we'd light up every damn day, 2, 3 times a day, every day, for months on end. Then i'd quit, usually it was me, cuz hell, i just got tired of smokin' yanno. And damned if i wouldn't be bitchy as hell for just a week or so, then i was fine. I'd ask my friends, "u notice if you abstain for a few days, how u get bitchy?" And they'd all agree, my wife included. So, it's just part of the withdrawal from addiction to that schedule One narcotic, mary-ju-wanna. It's fine, you'll be fine. ANd don't start bitchin' at me, please!

This reminds me, I'm finally gonna be back on the smoke next week...FINALLY!!! Jeeze. Not that i get high on that harsh-ass dispo boston strangler shit. But, i always liked to toke up, me whole life. True smokers know just what i mean. :bigjoint:
'Astonishing’ that a 21-year-old had security clearance to classified docs
Why's that so astonishing? We were all 'nineteen, n'n'n'nineteen" and we had it. Most of us had clearances, secret and top secret. no big deal at all. The big one was crypto top secret, i didn't have that clearance, but if they needed to they'd have given it to me. FUOU was another one we all had, if i recall, just about everybody had to have FOUO. i don't even think it was a clearance, really. i can't remember, and i don't want to.