Why Do We Smoke?


Well-Known Member
ADHD, PTSD, and Anger Management. Those are my legitimate reasons...although I do like the high I get with it. I don't smoke though...I vaporize now.


Well-Known Member
Is your avatar your plant,, cause Ive always loved plants that have lots of big buds like that,,, soooo cool....:leaf:
ADHD, PTSD, and Anger Management. Those are my legitimate reasons...although I do like the high I get with it. I don't smoke though...I vaporize now.


Well-Known Member
Not my personal plant apasunee, I don't post my grow photos here. That would be a picture of 8BallKush, it is however the first breed of plant I grew (not counting bagseed).


Well-Known Member
anger managment, stress relif,relaxation, to get high,pass time quicker when doing mindless work. im sure thers mor jusk cant think of em at the moment


Well-Known Member
Study's show that marijuana is as addictive as blowjobs are.

“If we could sniff or swallow something that would, for five or six hours each day, abolish our solitude as individuals, atone us with our fellows in a glowing exaltation of affection and make life in all its aspects seem not only worth living, but divinely beautiful and significant, and if this heavenly, world-transfiguring drug were of such a kind that we could wake up next morning with a clear head and an undamaged constitution -- then, it seems to me, all our problems (and not merely the one small problem of discovering a novel pleasure) would be wholly solved and earth would become paradise.”
Aldous Huxley


Well-Known Member
I think an interesting question to ask. Why do we smoke marijuana? Why do we choose to grow it, despite legal implications?

For me, I see it as a way to unwind after a long day. Some guys like to go to the bar and have some beers after work. I do the same thing, except I come home and roll a jay and unwind, or call some buddies and just chill.

But what about the rest of you? Why do you do it?
IF, I smoked or Vaped ,which we all know is illegal, I would be doing it for the Kreative Process, I might come up with some funny shit while stoned,I might even enjoy sex more, and we all know that cannot be allowed, so for now I will just have to imagine.:lol:


Active Member
as a MMJ patient i use it for anxiety and insomnia. but of course i use it for recreation, playing music, and just for making the same old boring things a little more fun. and it makes a good way to unwind with the wife at the end of the day.


Active Member
It makes the every day stresses go away..(MODERATION):joint:... HEMP rules. Im an electrical
engeneering student and I have too projects wich run un hemp oil.


Active Member
I smoke because i don't like hangovers:blsmoke:

Also i finds its great for sports injuries, normal painkillers just knock out the pain so you don't notice as you do more damage, with weed you can feel when it hurts, but you just don't mind so much:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I love being stoned. And the fact that potheads are significantly nicer and more understanding than "normal" people
oh no... just ask the government... we are all smoking marijuana ciggerettes and killing our mothers and fathers with axes.

If half the shit the government said was true. The streets would be running with blood.