Most recent grow. Yellowing issue with burnt looking leaves

The second reply to the 2022 thread someone replied; "Looks like you might have some lockouts from ph or abundance of nutrients. " so it seems like at least someone thought it was the same issue as the current run..

Whats your environment like? temps, rh, also how much are you letting them dry out?

Also check the bags of soil you are using to see if any have "time released" fertilizers
I don't get the whole adding molasses to the soil to feed the microbes thing. Doesn't all the dry amendments we add, feed the microbes, and isn't it better for them to feed on the dry amendments, rather the sugar in molasses?

I totally get what you mean like the actual science and chemistry behind it but for some reason when I started using molasses it really has thickened and sweetened in the buds. I have a consistent taste in almost every grow since I've done the molasses, with their added genetic smell.
I totally get what you mean like the actual science and chemistry behind it but for some reason when I started using molasses it really has thickened and sweetened in the buds. I have a consistent taste in almost every grow since I've done the molasses, with their added genetic smell.
Plant roots don't absorb sugar though.
I like to toss it in occasionally as I stop using recharge in week 5 and it's a boost for them based solely on my limited sample size and personal observation. I have noticed using too much of it messes my soil ph up though so it's very sparingly used. I've never seen a change in terpenes from using it or not however. Including clones I've run multiple times with and without it. I could go without it and probably not be able to tell the difference but as I occasionally add Jack's 321 to help with any deficiency I see in late flower I think it helps the microbes rebound.
The second reply to the 2022 thread someone replied; "Looks like you might have some lockouts from ph or abundance of nutrients. " so it seems like at least someone thought it was the same issue as the current run..

Whats your environment like? temps, rh, also how much are you letting them dry out?

Also check the bags of soil you are using to see if any have "time released" fertilizers
Temps and everything should be on the picture of my notes. I'll have to check the RH tonight. I meant to a week ago but completely spaced. I don't let them dry out too much just to the first knuckle maybe a little lower. They have however, twice when we've been out of town, dried out and wilted pretty bad. Pretty sure that's why the nanners started. That issues null though at this point. And I avoid time release nutes like the plague!
It could be theyr turning and looking like they want to harvest earllier ...and thats not enough light to keep foilage working to make bigger buds ,and/or its getting over dehumidified without occaisionally rain/misting in the morning lights on
Nitrogen medium to high phosphorus very low to non-existent potash low to very low and pH around 5.5 kinda low!
If the soil ph is accurate you really want to get that up into the 6.5 range if possible. I'd be feeding/watering at 6.8 from here on until you can get it back up. 5.5 would lock out both of the major nutrients you're low in. Even for hydro that's low but for soil it really is an issue. Stopping the molasses and going to a higher feed/water ph will help. Good on ya for doing that test. I've never done one myself and it's good info to have.
If the soil ph is accurate you really want to get that up into the 6.5 range if possible. I'd be feeding/watering at 6.8 from here on until you can get it back up. 5.5 would lock out both of the major nutrients you're low in. Even for hydro that's low but for soil it really is an issue. Stopping the molasses and going to a higher feed/water ph will help. Good on ya for doing that test. I've never done one myself and it's good info to have.
If you saw my 2022 grow forum, those guys (grow monster) really pushed me to, and I'm glad I did. All in one test in 30 mins.

Yeah seeing it that low shocked me. I've never seen that test show that orange what can I use (and not wait 4 days in the mail to get here) to raise the pH next water? Something I can put in the soil (besides my FF nutes) to get it up? My water tests pretty neutral where I live (I use the tap)
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If you saw my 2022 grow forum, those guys (grow monster) really pushed me to, and I'm glad I did. All in one test in 30 mins.

Yeah seeing it that low shocked me. I've never seen that test show that orange what can I use (and not wait 4 days in the mail to get here) to drop the pH next water? Something I can put in the soil (besides my FF nutes) to get it up? My water tests pretty neutral where I live (I use the tap)
I think you meant to raise the ph, not lower it. I'm not sure other than ph up which you could maybe find at an aquarium section of a pet store. I only have used Citric acid to help lower my well water ph. I don't have a need for anything to raise it. There are several different house hold products that can be used but I'm unfortunately not sure which one you need. Hopefully someone else can chime in to suggest a ph up you can find locally that's safe to use.
I think you meant to raise the ph, not lower it. I'm not sure other than ph up which you could maybe find at an aquarium section of a pet store. I only have used Citric acid to help lower my well water ph. I don't have a need for anything to raise it. There are several different house hold products that can be used but I'm unfortunately not sure which one you need. Hopefully someone else can chime in to suggest a ph up you can find locally that's safe to use.
I did mean raise ‍♂️ damn. I saw on google baking soda can do it but I'm not sure if that'll fuck something ELSE up this late in flower.
I don't get the whole adding molasses to the soil to feed the microbes thing. Doesn't all the dry amendments we add, feed the microbes, and isn't it better for them to feed on the dry amendments, rather the sugar in molasses?
The plant even produce and release carbohydrates through its roots. Molasses will only cause bad integrity and structure of the soil.