Canadian Stuff

There's more than enough metallurgical coal coming out of BC for what's needed especially as steel making is going green too and the demand for it slows. A whole new mine is opening in the Crowsnest Pass area of BC soon as well. BC enforces much stronger laws than AB would so let them deal with the mess.

The UCP would be selling off coal mining sites to an Australian company that is known for ignoring environmental concerns and would contaminate rivers that supply water to a million Albertans while returning pennies to our coffers so fuck them and fuck the UCP as well!

It might be a while before steel making goes green there is a process that uses hydrogen being used now, but it will take decades to stop using coke to make steel.
I blocked off the windows in my shed and took the plants in every night in order for them to flower. Found out two things that made me lose my interest in growing outdoors. Ditchweed pollen and aphids. Tried it three years until I gave up.

Try having a field of hemp just down the road. 6 miles as the crow flies from me and seeded up my autos really good last year so no more outdoor growing for me. All the little bugs caught up in the buds sucked big time as well so not a great loss.

Pollen is a concern if you want seed, especially where they grow hemp, indoor is about the only thing sold by most retail places. I think the outdoor grown gets turned into oil and shatter, along with any pesticides used on it. That's what I did with mine, I grew indoors with a water-cooled cob arrays to keep the environment in the grow just right. I've retired from growing and if I want dope, there's the cheap government or cheaper on the res, but who knows what ya get there!

I keep growing just so I never have to buy gov't schwag and still haven't bought any. Been taking a bit of a break myself tho have 4 plants idling in the little tent while the grow room remains empty for now and probably until the fall. Planning to go out to BC for maybe a couple months to spend time with family. Mom turns 96 in Aug and hasn't been doing all that well lately but I bet she'll make 100 yet.

No pesticides on my buds or anything else for that matter. Got a few pounds saved up to make into oil soon.

while just about anyone is preferable to the saudis, are you sure all the oil companies operating in Canada are all that ethical?

I know it's not perfect but it's a lot better than making Saudi princes wealthier and supporting that crowd or South American countries that treat their people like shit.

Anybody buying Rooshin oil these days needs to be sanctioned up the wahzoo! Hear that India and China!

No government in Alberta would shut down the tarsands, however there look to be new sources opening up after the war in Ukraine is over and EVs will cut demand for gasoline and refineries can turn more of the crude into diesel and jet fuel using the refining process. What would happen to gas demand in say 10 years with say 40% of the cars on the road EV's, that would be here, the EU, China and maybe India too. A much higher percentage of power generation will be by renewables in 10 years also reducing demand for petroleum. Home heating is converting from oil furnaces on the east coast to heat pumps and there are government grants, a heat pump delivers between 3 and 5 (ground loop) watts of heat per watt of power used.

So, look at the big picture 10 years down the road we should be using a lot less oil and even NG and its supply and demand, during covid they were paying people to take oil FFS! I expect places like Kazakhstan and Ukraine to open up and there could be a rush by producing countries to sell it while they can, while there is a market, because the price might not be as high in 10 years as it is today with new places opening up, even Venezuela could be worried and open up again, adding to supply. Tar sands oil is expensive and I'm not sure where the breakeven point is for them, and it is considered dirty oil with high environmental costs and carbon. Predicting the future is tricky business, but some trends are apparent, the rise of the EV and renewables used for a much higher percentage of our needs We might still have NG or fuel oil power stations, but they might only end up being used when the wind doesn't blow, or the sun doesn't shine and are idle much of the time and not polluting. Batteries are the missing link for EVs and renewables and it is one that is being addressed now with battery factories and new battery technologies.

Your sometimes childish optimism about the demand for oil dropping so fast is endearing but a bit naive at times methinks.

Demand is constantly increasing at this moment and it's going to take a lot more than 10 years to be able to replace fossil fuel as a source for all the new demands on the grid. Not to mention the grids everywhere will need rebuilding and have for decades.

There is just no way renewables like wind and solar will be up to replacing fossil fuels for at least 20 years and with 3rd world countries trying to live like us expanding they'll burn their forests for power if they don't have fossil fuels. China is still building coal-fired power plants FFS.

A complete turn-around of major governments current policies could speed things up but I'm not holding my breath for that.

It'll happen but not on the timescale you hope it will.

I keep growing just so I never have to buy gov't schwag and still haven't bought any. Been taking a bit of a break myself tho have 4 plants idling in the little tent while the grow room remains empty for now and probably until the fall. Planning to go out to BC for maybe a couple months to spend time with family. Mom turns 96 in Aug and hasn't been doing all that well lately but I bet she'll make 100 yet.

No pesticides on my buds or anything else for that matter. Got a few pounds saved up to make into oil soon.

For what I smoke and I'm not currently, 30% THC bud works from the NSLC costs $120 CDN an ounce, less than a hundred bucks in gringo dollars. I took down my lights and disassembled the cooling system. I had a grow partner who came in the basement door every morning and did the work a good buddy of mine who liked to garden, and we split the harvest. I supplied the place, the lights and the rest, I used to grow myself, but after a time I didn't like going down every day and doing the shit that needed to be done, so we cut a deal. Al passed away from cancer a couple of years ago, he was a good friend, and it shook me. It was his workplace and it just kinda haunted me, I gave up growing before he passed away, it took any enjoyment out of it for me. It started out as a compassion club with free pot and CBD, I had a strain that was very high in CBD with very little THC. Then it became legal to grow and easy to buy, covid hit and that was the end of that, so Al and I had a grow split it and it sold a bit to friends to pay the costs and power, but pot keep getting cheaper in the government stores.

Now I have to disassemble my water cooled arrays and figure out what to do with a bunch of citizen 100 watt COBs and drivers. I had them mounted on 1" square Architectural aluminum tubes with 3/4 pipe threaded hose barbs screwed into the ends of the square tubes and sealed with good quality epoxy. I tested each of the Tubes hydrostatically to 50 PSI Using a bicycle pump and a piece of clear tubing on the other end calibrated to show the approximate pressure. The system ran at no pressure using a cheap reliable pump and I had a 50C thermal cut off switch to turn off the lights in the event of a pump failure.
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I fought for a couple of years trying to get straight CBD without any THC, or at least minimal. Then someone said why do I not just by the isolate. Before that I only knew what the retail outlets sold CBD in oil or pills charged for it. Pretty expensive if I was using it medicinally all day and night. While not as inexpensive as in the US, it would cost me more to grow my own than it does to buy the 100% isolate and measure it out myself. Have a bottle of coconut oil in front of me with the CBD and now that I am finally (I hope) over my covid I will be doing some baking once I clean up the two weeks of dishes. I am now just growing a few plants to find one that plays nice with me as an addition to the CBD.

Isolates aren't for decent medical usage IMO. I want the whole plant in the oils I make so it actually works like nature intended. Might as well wait for Big Pharma to take it all over then use whatever crap they call medicine.

I just got sent some 30:1 CBD seeds. Lab report on the strain is <1% THC and <20% CBD so just what I've been looking for. I've yet to grow them so still using some Hi-CBD I've got a lot of yet. Doesn't get my wife buzzed when she does a dose for her shoulder so must be low THC too but never had it tested. Once I make the new batch of oil a sample is going to the lab for sure.

Getting my old 8x4 tent back very soon and will use it as a lab to set up all my gear for cooking oil. :)

Your sometimes childish optimism about the demand for oil dropping so fast is endearing but a bit naive at times methinks.

Demand is constantly increasing at this moment and it's going to take a lot more than 10 years to be able to replace fossil fuel as a source for all the new demands on the grid. Not to mention the grids everywhere will need rebuilding and have for decades.

There is just no way renewables like wind and solar will be up to replacing fossil fuels for at least 20 years and with 3rd world countries trying to live like us expanding they'll burn their forests for power if they don't have fossil fuels. China is still building coal-fired power plants FFS.

A complete turn-around of major governments current policies could speed things up but I'm not holding my breath for that.

It'll happen but not on the timescale you hope it will.

I never said it would replace it in 10 years, just that it will impact demand greatly, especially for gasoline and a much higher percentage of our power will be generated by renewables with batteries. That will be part of an ongoing trend though and the next 10 years after that should see demand for gasoline pretty well dry up. Lower demand and you lower the price, gas goes up on long weekends because of demand. Have a look at the government targets for EVs in Canada and the USA by 2030, that is just 7 years away.

S&P Global Mobility forecasts electric vehicle sales in the United States could reach 40 percent of total passenger car sales by 2030, and more optimistic projections foresee electric vehicle sales surpassing 50 percent by 2030

.Feb 16, 2023

Charging into the future: the transition to electric vehicles
There's more than enough metallurgical coal coming out of BC for what's needed especially as steel making is going green too and the demand for it slows. A whole new mine is opening in the Crowsnest Pass area of BC soon as well. BC enforces much stronger laws than AB would so let them deal with the mess.

The UCP would be selling off coal mining sites to an Australian company that is known for ignoring environmental concerns and would contaminate rivers that supply water to a million Albertans while returning pennies to our coffers so fuck them and fuck the UCP as well!


Wasn' that rescinded and reinstated, or am I missing something? Not taking sides here though. Just want to know WTF is going on in this province. I'm political neutral, and if I had it my way, politics would be neutered to its core. rescinded A Coal Development,2020-02 for more information.
It might be a while before steel making goes green there is a process that uses hydrogen being used now, but it will take decades to stop using coke to make steel.

Like pulp and paper here switching to peroxide bleaching. Took 20 years but they got it done. Steel could be on the same timeline if they want it to be. Getting off fossil fuels is a much bigger project. Magnitudes bigger.

As much as I don't like the idea, using smaller nuclear power stations would be a great help. Ringing the caldera at Yellowstone with thermal plants would be even better. Great thermal potential in north-west BC as well. Projects like those are 20 years in the planning and another decade at least dealing with protesters. They gotta learn that messing up a tiny part of the planet to save the rest ain't such a bad deal.

Wasn' that rescinded and reinstated, or am I missing something? Not taking sides here though. Just want to know WTF is going on in this province. I'm political neutral, and if I had it my way, politics would be neutered to its core. rescinded A Coal Development,2020-02 for more information.

There's still something going on with the UCP and coal mining. Some leases were sold/given to this big Australian company and as far as I know are still in limbo. To the point where the AB gov't is on the hook for many millions if they totally shut it down. I'm pretty sure that the crafty Ms. Smith is holding those cards very close to her chest for the moment. If she outright says it's still on that will lose her mega votes and if the NDP get in and shut it down for good the UCP will be screaming about the millions wasted by shutting it down.

If Smith gets in then the truth will quickly emerge about that and many other nefarious plans still up her sleeves. She's the lyingest liar of the whole conservative mob yet. She doesn't dare show those cards until after the election.

There's still something going on with the UCP and coal mining. Some leases were sold/given to this big Australian company and as far as I know are still in limbo. To the point where the AB gov't is on the hook for many millions if they totally shut it down. I'm pretty sure that the crafty Ms. Smith is holding those cards very close to her chest for the moment. If she outright says it's still on that will lose her mega votes and if the NDP get in and shut it down for good the UCP will be screaming about the millions wasted by shutting it down.

If Smith gets in then the truth will quickly emerge about that and many other nefarious plans still up her sleeves. She's the lyingest liar of the whole conservative mob yet. She doesn't dare show those cards until after the election.


Excuse my French, but I'm pretty sick of all of these cunts that "represent the people". It's offensive.
I never said it would replace it in 10 years, just that it will impact demand greatly, especially for gasoline and a much higher percentage of our power will be generated by renewables with batteries. That will be part of an ongoing trend though and the next 10 years after that should see demand for gasoline pretty well dry up. Lower demand and you lower the price, gas goes up on long weekends because of demand. Have a look at the government targets for EVs in Canada and the USA by 2030, that is just 7 years away.

S&P Global Mobility forecasts electric vehicle sales in the United States could reach 40 percent of total passenger car sales by 2030, and more optimistic projections foresee electric vehicle sales surpassing 50 percent by 2030

.Feb 16, 2023

Charging into the future: the transition to electric vehicles

Even with that it's not going to be a huge drop unless demand remains static which it isn't. Just the other billion people that will be on the planet before long. World population was only 2B in 1927 and less than 100 years later has increased four-fold.

All those extra bodies needing resources and all those extra a-holes farting methane isn't going to help.

Excuse my French, but I'm pretty sick of all of these cunts that "represent the people". It's offensive.

The proper expression is "Conservative pussies" I believe. :D

I'm damned sick of them and was in the late 70's - early 80s too. Went back to BC from '82-2001 before moving up north here.

Try having a field of hemp just down the road. 6 miles as the crow flies from me and seeded up my autos really good last year so no more outdoor growing for me. All the little bugs caught up in the buds sucked big time as well so not a great loss.

WPM is a problem growing outside around here. I see it all over the neighborhood when I’m walking the dog. I put some plants outside the first summer of the pandemic, thinking it was a good time since no visitors but I got tired of dealing with an uncontrollable environment.
WPM is a problem growing outside around here. I see it all over the neighborhood when I’m walking the dog. I put some plants outside the first summer of the pandemic, thinking it was a good time since no visitors but I got tired of dealing with an uncontrollable environment.
It's only outdoor growing here. Wpm can easily be dealt with using potassium bicarbonate. Lots of airflow and climate suitable genetics also helps to avoid wpm. A hundred square feet per plant is a guideline for space here.

The root structures vary considerably and its cool to see how the roots are at the edge of the growth canopy, where there's usually more moisture.

Letting plants mature is another essential element in producing a better product. The aromas vary considerably from one genetic to another. Mature popcorn buds have always had admired attributes - preferring energising, problem solving and social attributes, not just high and comatose.

The advertised 30% thc buds are a gimmick IMO. There are many strains that tested about half of that and are superb for their attributes - not just high. Some hash I've made didn't test that high, so I'm guessing it's advertising bs. I wouldn't let that dense pgr bud from the res near my composter!

Mothership - most unique aroma.

Second from the right was do-si-do - longest roots ever.

Terpenes at play with a relatively clean flame - burning a few stalks.
Isolates aren't for decent medical usage IMO. I want the whole plant in the oils I make so it actually works like nature intended. Might as well wait for Big Pharma to take it all over then use whatever crap they call medicine.

I just got sent some 30:1 CBD seeds. Lab report on the strain is <1% THC and <20% CBD so just what I've been looking for. I've yet to grow them so still using some Hi-CBD I've got a lot of yet. Doesn't get my wife buzzed when she does a dose for her shoulder so must be low THC too but never had it tested. Once I make the new batch of oil a sample is going to the lab for sure.

Getting my old 8x4 tent back very soon and will use it as a lab to set up all my gear for cooking oil. :)

Be curious to see how the 30:1 goes. Sciatica sufferer here, so finding a reliable CBD strain would be ideal. I'll grow my own meds, thank you very much big Pharma! Heard wonderful things about Harlequin for a multitude of ailments. Granted, that's a 5:2 as I don't mind a little thc along for the ride :D
Isolates aren't for decent medical usage IMO. I want the whole plant in the oils I make so it actually works like nature intended. Might as well wait for Big Pharma to take it all over then use whatever crap they call medicine.

I just got sent some 30:1 CBD seeds. Lab report on the strain is <1% THC and <20% CBD so just what I've been looking for. I've yet to grow them so still using some Hi-CBD I've got a lot of yet. Doesn't get my wife buzzed when she does a dose for her shoulder so must be low THC too but never had it tested. Once I make the new batch of oil a sample is going to the lab for sure.

Getting my old 8x4 tent back very soon and will use it as a lab to set up all my gear for cooking oil. :)

Part of the reason I am growing different varieties and adding it to the isolate as you would add salt to a stew. I have some aluminum plates that I want to drill out some holes for cartridge heaters I have. I have a 20 ton press that is rusting away in the shed, want to squish out some goodness to salt my cookies.
It's only outdoor growing here. Wpm can easily be dealt with using potassium bicarbonate. Lots of airflow and climate suitable genetics also helps to avoid wpm. A hundred square feet per plant is a guideline for space here.

The root structures vary considerably and its cool to see how the roots are at the edge of the growth canopy, where there's usually more moisture.

Letting plants mature is another essential element in producing a better product. The aromas vary considerably from one genetic to another. Mature popcorn buds have always had admired attributes - preferring energising, problem solving and social attributes, not just high and comatose.

The advertised 30% thc buds are a gimmick IMO. There are many strains that tested about half of that and are superb for their attributes - not just high. Some hash I've made didn't test that high, so I'm guessing it's advertising bs. I wouldn't let that dense pgr bud from the res near my composter!

Mothership - most unique aroma.
View attachment 5284589

Second from the right was do-si-do - longest roots ever.
View attachment 5284590

Terpenes at play with a relatively clean flame - burning a few stalks.
View attachment 5284591
I sprayed a citric acid/water mixture that dealt with the WPM. Coincidentally it was Dos-si-dos that I had growing outside, love that strain. I don’t think it’s particularly sensitive to WPM but like I said, it’s all around me so it’s hard to avoid it.

Agree 100% about the 30% strains. My favourite strain is tested at 16%, so I don’t get hung up on THC percentages.
I sprayed a citric acid/water mixture that dealt with the WPM. Coincidentally it was Dos-si-dos that I had growing outside, love that strain. I don’t think it’s particularly sensitive to WPM but like I said, it’s all around me so it’s hard to avoid it.

Agree 100% about the 30% strains. My favourite strain is tested at 16%, so I don’t get hung up on THC percentages.
Interesting to hear. I grew DoSi Do outdoor last year and contracted WPM midway through flower. Ultimately it was airflow and spacing that were my culprits as best I could ascertain. Don't know if DoSi has some sensitivity like you said, but have heard that from others that attempted outdoor also.