52 days flowering (NEW PICS)

Have to disagree with Closetgrow here, curing will definitely not get rid of the remaining NPK in the plants, all you can hope for is the chlorophyll and the sugars to break down. I'd say flush for 10 days and get yourself a cheap 30x jewellers loupe, they're like $3 on eBay and allows you to see the trichomes at a decent size, with a camera you'll even be able to blow up the image and see a lot more detail.

I believe they dont grow anymore after you flush out all their food.

If I were you, I would not worry about the flushing part, and just let em grow.

After you harvest, dry them out fully til the stems snap, and give them a nice long cure.

The cure process will remove all them unwanted chemicals.

This is a debateable subject.

I have experimented a few times with or without flushing.

The plants I did not flush were noticeably bigger.

Each to their own :)

Have a nice eve. CG :)
New studies say otherwise. Feeding the last 2 weeks is a waste of nutes. New studies show there's no difference in size or anything if u feed vs just flushing the last 2 weeks.
How does he know when 'two weeks' is if he has never grown the strain/cut before?
Just in general and if u pay attention to the tricromes u will have a good idea. Between around average flowering times and checking tricromes u will have a good idea when those 2 weeks will be.
New studies say otherwise. Feeding the last 2 weeks is a waste of nutes. New studies show there's no difference in size or anything if u feed vs just flushing the last 2 weeks.
The post you’re replying to is 13 years old. I think the flush is done by now. Oh, and good call on the new studies, a lot has developed in the last decade, you are correct.
The post you’re replying to is 13 years old. I think the flush is done by now. Oh, and good call on the new studies, a lot has developed in the last decade, you are correct.
Just cuz the post is old don't mean ppl shouldn't reply. New ppl r reading these threads daily so there's nothing wrong with a lil update.

it seems there is some uncertainty, even your response. that means there is risk of cutting off nutes too early. the logic i understand is that if you know when, then cut the nutes. if you don't know, then don't cut the nutes. cutting down is ok to see what happens mitigating risk and cost, but if you don't give enough nutes you lost bud. if you give unneeded nutes you lots a small amount of money. personally, i would rather risk the overspend on super cheap nutes than i would getting less that optimal bud production.
If u have grown plants as long as I have u know when fir the most part. Don't take a ton of experience to kinda know. And it all depends on how u r growing. Weather it's hydro or dirt etc. At the end of your grow u r not gonna miss out on a bunch of bud production from a 2 week flush. The plant will be pretty much be done so there's no point in giving more food. If u r doing hydro then it's a lil different. If u do dirt there will be a lil food left in the pot anyways. Like the study Mr grow it does pretty much proves its a waste of nutes and that there's really no point. There was no difference in growth with feeding vs flush on the study he refers to but ppl can grow how they want. So if u like smoking chlorophyll and r more worried about quantity than quality then ya feed her till u cut her down. Lol
. So if u like smoking chlorophyll and r more worried about quantity than quality then ya feed her till u cut her down. Lol
So you’re suggesting flushing gets rid of chlorophyll? Please stop giving people information until you have a clue what you are talking about. Flushing does not get rid of chlorophyll, curing does.

Just cuz the post is old don't mean ppl shouldn't reply. New ppl r reading these threads daily so there's nothing wrong with a lil update.

It is not right to keep posting if people are still reading this and you give them bad information.
So you’re suggesting flushing gets rid of chlorophyll? Please stop giving people information until you have a clue what you are talking about. Flushing does not get rid of chlorophyll, curing does.

It is not right to keep posting if people are still reading this and you give them bad information.
So you’re suggesting flushing gets rid of chlorophyll? Please stop giving people information until you have a clue what you are talking about. Flushing does not get rid of chlorophyll, curing does.

It is not right to keep posting if people are still reading this and you give them bad information.
There's plenty of information online about flushing to help break down chlorophyll so stop being a rude and acting like Mr know it all when u clearly dont know it all and ya drying and curing really gets it out the rest of the way. Been growing for 20+ also so talking from experience.
There's plenty of information online about flushing to help break down chlorophyll so stop being a rude and acting like Mr know it all when u clearly dont know it all and ya drying and curing really gets it out the rest of the way. Been growing for 20+ also so talking from experience.
Can you describe (or point to an online resource which describes) the biological/chemical processes which occur when "flushing" to actually break down the chlorophyll within the plant's leaves while it's still alive?
There's plenty of information online about flushing to help break down chlorophyll so stop being a rude and acting like Mr know it all when u clearly dont know it all and ya drying and curing really gets it out the rest of the way. Been growing for 20+ also so talking from experience.
Science beg the differ. Just because you've been growing for 20 years doesn't mean you know what you're talking about? Flushing was debunked by growers for well over 15 years ago.
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Can you describe (or point to an online resource which describes) the biological/chemical processes which occur when "flushing" to actually break down the chlorophyll within the plant's leaves while it's still alive?
U just wanna argue instead of looking for yourself. Take u 5 seconds to type that on Google. Heck probably only 3 seconds. If anyone is curious u can just Google it. Of course curing is the #1 way but it all starts with flushing correctly.
common sense would say you flush to rid the plant of chems, ferts, nutes that you don't want to inhale/ingest in the buds.
common sense would say you flush to rid the plant of chems, ferts, nutes that you don't want to inhale/ingest in the buds.
Did any of you read the scientific article i posted regarding flushing? It does the complete opposite to what you describe in practice. If you flush the plant it tries to hold on to minerals in it's tissues instead of synthesizing and releasing them properly. It causes bad mineral ratios and a plant depleted of nutrients in it's most important final stage of growth.

Here's the actual article. I think you will learn a lot from reading this. https://www.rxgreentechnologies.com/rxgt_trials/flushing-trial/
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makes sense, i'll read it. ty.

...'k, i read just the summary, and i'll comment that it's sure interesting.
so flushing probly doesnn't rid the plant of any chemicals. kinda counter intuitive, no?
the summary said taste was preferable if 0 days flushing occurred. i'm not a grower,
and i usually mention that up front as disclaimer. All i know is i like growers and
i like smoke. that's all i really know for sure. and i don't care much for the dispo
cannabis, but it's all i've been able to find since legalization.
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