You can give it several weeks, yet. It still looks like it has a swell coming up.But i can give her atleast few more days before flush and she won´t get angry? be angry and hungry if you flush her. are you in soil or hydro ?
Always 2 more weeks2 more weeks. Lol
Whether organic or synthetic, the nutrients taken in by the plant are EXACTLY THE SAME. The only difference is that in organic grows microbes make the nutrients available, in sythetic grows the same nutrients are chelated to a "salt" which dissosociates in water, making the nutrients available to the plant. Flushing in a sythetic grow is to remove the built up salts in the soil, which can cause absorbtion issues.Flushing is to save money on nutes and nothing more. You can't make a synthetic grow taste and burn like an organic plant by watering just water at the end of the grow. (IMO)