What's the difference between a ionizer and a ozone generator?


Well-Known Member
What's the difference between a ionizer and a ozone generator? I know it should not be in the grow room because of adverse effects on the plants. I grow in the basement and am considering putting one on the main floor.


Well-Known Member
In theory an ionizer purifies the air by introducing ions( I believe negative charge ones ). An ozone generator produces ozone which is O3 versus o2 which is oxygen. An ozone generator eradicates smells and replaces the air with that typical ozone smell just like when lightning strikes multiple times nearby.


Sector 5 Moderator
I have an "Ionic Ball" that I have used in my grow cabinet and it does an incredible job of keeping the odor down to zero. You can pick one up on ebay for under $20.



Sector 5 Moderator
My grow cab is 2' x 4' x 6'tall. One of the mods here used one in his basement and said it totally removed the smell and it was big. They are so cheap you could get 2 or more if you feel you would need them. I don't sell them; I just have one and know what it can do. I've got a charcoal filter too but I don't use it; this little thing really does the job.


Well-Known Member
nice under leds aswell, how do you find them for vegging? you going to flower under led?


Well-Known Member
do not use an ozone generator in your grow space, it will cause damage to your foliage and may significantly reduce yeilds.

ionizers and ozone generators are not the same thing.

Ozone generators produce O3, the third O molecule is unstably attached to the 02 and easily attaches to airbone molecules, especially smoke and odor

Ionic generators produce negative ions in the air which some believe help the plants breathe better as to the point in having an ion generator in your home is to have cleaning air that is easier to breathe and allergen free. This is why people think it helps the plants.

I personally have an ion generating fan and i love it, it doesn't reduce odor in my grow room but it does seem to help. ( i know its not hurting)


Sector 5 Moderator
nice under leds aswell, how do you find them for vegging? you going to flower under led?
I started them from seeds about 5 weeks ago and now they are over a yard stick long so I think the myth that LED's is totally busted. Yes, I am flowering them right now and with the LEDs. I have a 400w HPS but I'm not going to use it. I may be wrong ...but then, it's an experiment and the knowledge can possibly help hundreds or thousands of growers here on RIU. I'm not out to prove anything; I don't have an agenda and I don't sell lights; I am only after the truth. I'm a skeptic and being on this forum for awhile has left me with the experience that you can't believe half of what you read here.


Well-Known Member
so you would or not recommend led for veg? i was thinking of vegging with them because of they are much cheaper then switching over to envirolites for flowering


Sector 5 Moderator
Oh yes, I vegged with them and I'm absolutely tickled with how they turned out. You won't notice your power bill going up either, unlike HID lights and they are not hot so you don't need to cool the cabinet or room.


Well-Known Member
the unstable 0xygen molecule reacts bad with plant leaves, and if youj ues an air pump in the same room that air is also going into the res,


Well-Known Member
Dude....I am so subscribed to this. I am like one week from going oversea's and when I get back in July I was going to buy LED's to try them out myself. I'll be here patiently watching and hoping for some fat buds to bust our RIU myths about LED's