Is Biden really that bad?

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That's a joke if you think Biden is in the middle. He's a puppet, and the far lefties seem to have more control over him than rationality.

I'm too lazy and its too early...but imagine this on that morpheus template. "What if I told you the far left is more concerned about nationalizing the airline industry than looking at children's genitals."

Anywho, that's a further left take. We should nationalize infrastructure. Maybe advocate for a 30 hour 4 day work week.

I'm good with demanding that at the barrel of a gun.

So imma laugh at your dumb shit about radical left Joe.
No need to watch it. I will sum it up for you. Asufutimaehaehfutbw.
I will sum up republicans for you in one word.

J6 - the most anti American thing to happen in the history of America. Republicans killed Americans that day, including police. Not counting how many more police committed suicide after for the guilt they felt.

You either support America or support republicans it can’t be both.

In the days and weeks after the riot, five police officers who had served at the Capitol on Jan. 6 died.
I've got one word for you.
So, you think Trump would make a better President than Joe, or at least thought that way in 2020. Perhaps instead of attacking Joe, you should explain in some detail why you are a republican and why you voted for Trump. I would be interested in your rationale and what principles you are standing for? If it came down to a choice between Trump and Joe in 24, your choice is kinda obvious by your posts. Don't say you didn't vote for Trump, 74 million did, though few want to admit it. So, make up your mind, is it senile Joe or Dark Bradon, because the two are mutually exclusive and Joe has been running circles around the republicans and getting shit done. Meanwhile the republicans are trying to destroy America, or at least it's full faith and credit by fucking with the debt ceiling in Kevin's clown house.
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to be technical:

socialism involves collective ownership of the means of stuff.

Communism sets up the state as that collective.
Yes, but as far as i'm concerned, the difference between socialism and communism is mostly semantic. While Communism is supposedly a classless society, the very existence of the terms "apparatchik" and "nomenklatura" make that a lie.
It sure looks like Joe's main rival and overwhelming choice of republicans is not doing too well in the polls. Yep, I can see Joe ringing up Garland now. "FFS DON"T LOCK HIM UP TOO EARLY! :lol: Wait until he gets the nomination at least! Comon Merrick, I never called before and just want a tiny favor that is perfectly legal..."

Trump's favorability collapses in new polling

145,127 views Apr 11, 2023 #Trump #Politics #Elections
Former President Trump's favorability rating has dropped to just 25 percent in new ABC News/IPSOS polling.
I think actual communism is bound to fail for the same reason libertarianism is. They completely fail at considering people and human nature. Communism is bound to be corrupt and authoritarian because it still puts the power with a few people. It's centralized power structure is just too attractive.

Socialism is quite a bit better and I don't think it represents just a semantic difference. It's just higher taxes with more social services. The Scandinavian countries are doing it right.
I think actual communism is bound to fail for the same reason libertarianism is. They completely fail at considering people and human nature. Communism is bound to be corrupt and authoritarian because it still puts the power with a few people. It's centralized power structure is just too attractive.

Socialism is quite a bit better and I don't think it represents just a semantic difference. It's just higher taxes with more social services. The Scandinavian countries are doing it right.
You’re describing social democracy, I think … the more viable hybrid.
I've got one word for you.
i like Biden, he's a decent guy. trump is a filthy lying, thieving, grifting low life scumbag piece of shit...what else is there to say, really? to enumerate
Biden's virtues and trumps crimes? been done...and you prefer to remain ignorant of the show proof of those crimes and virtues? been done, and you prefer to remain ignorant of the truth. To show examples of how the republican party is trying to turn America into ameriKKA? been done, you prefer to remain ignorant of the truth. The only problem with prefering to remain ignorant of the truth is that the truth isn't ignorant of you...Everyone will remember who was supporting the criminals when we get done putting them in jail...Guess who's next?
I will sum up republicans for you in one word.

J6 - the most anti American thing to happen in the history of America. Republicans killed Americans that day, including police. Not counting how many more police committed suicide after for the guilt they felt.

You either support America or support republicans it can’t be both.

In the days and weeks after the riot, five police officers who had served at the Capitol on Jan. 6 died.
i don't think they committed suicide from guilt, i think they committed suicide from shame...that there are actually horrible shitty people who would try to destroy our government...and have the nerve to call themselves "patriots" while they were trying to do it, draping themselves in the American flag while they committed sedition. The shame they felt from having to protect the duly, legally elected representatives of this country from monstrous magat murderers is what drove them to suicide.
As coach pop said about the kids. What difference does it make they’re dead!
well, in this case, them dying of guilt makes me, at least, think that they killed themselves because they did something worth feeling guilt about.
I can't imagine that defending the Capital and the officials inside it is anything that a Capital police officer would feel guilt about.
Biden won't own a default, Kevin's clown house will, and will be blamed by enough Americans too, even though many exist in an alternative reality where facts don't count. Unless those facts happen to be a set of jail bars of course, then they seem to come to their senses really quickly, de programming from Donald's cult does not appear to be too difficult for many people, getting their heads out of their assholes could be a bigger challenge and will make a loud plopping sound when the can pull it out, but the longer their heads have been up their asses, the more difficult they are to remove.

Biden won't own a default, Kevin's clown house will, and will be blamed by enough Americans too, even though many exist in an alternative reality where facts don't count. Unless those facts happen to be a set of jail bars of course, then they seem to come to their senses really quickly, de programming from Donald's cult does not appear to be too difficult for many people, getting their heads out of their assholes could be a bigger challenge and will make a loud plopping sound when the can pull it out, but the longer their heads have been up their asses, the more difficult they are to remove.

If the republican force him to mint that trillion dollar coin, mint it...and fuck the obstructionist, blackmailing, hostage taking republicans and their fascist "budget"...
If the republican force him to mint that trillion dollar coin, mint it...and fuck the obstructionist, blackmailing, hostage taking republicans and their fascist "budget"...
If the USA defaults because of these assholes it will cause a financial earthquake FFS, these fucks will be running like cockroaches from an A bomb going off! Pointing fingers, covering their asses while foxnews lies it's head off about the true causes and conditions, so they reward those who fucked America in the first place, it will all be Biden's fault, why didn't Joe snatch the gun from Uncle Sam's forehead as Kevin's clowns attempted to blow his fucking brains out in public.
If the USA defaults because of these assholes it will cause a financial earthquake FFS, these fucks will be running like cockroaches from an A bomb going off! Pointing fingers, covering their asses while foxnews lies it's head off about the true causes and conditions, so they reward those who fucked America in the first place, it will all be Biden's fault, why didn't Joe snatch the gun from Uncle Sam's forehead as Kevin's clowns attempted to blow his fucking brains out in public.
They're stupid, but are they that fucking stupid? I'm beginning to think they are...They think they'll be able to fuck over the entire world economy and then blame Biden? The rest of the entire world already knows exactly who and what they are...the only people who believe their crap is their incredibly stupid base. They'll point fingers, and no one will believe them for a second. They'll just point right straight back at them, because they've all been watching this shit unfold in the news for months...there'll be no hiding, no lying, when everyone already knows the truth, that the republicans tried to hold the world economy hostage and the legitimate administration refused to negotiate with assholes using terrorist tactics.
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