Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

I'm sure you'll just be able to buy a barrel chambered in the new round and use it in basically any modern rifle. All for a lot less than 8k.
A great argument for regulating all semi-automatic arms, tax and register them, the feds can do it and make taxes on some guns 100% or higher. You had better pay the tax too, pot was made illegal by taxation, the stamp act and lots of farmers grew hemp, suddenly they didn't.
A great argument for regulating all semi-automatic arms, tax and register them, the feds can do it and make taxes on some guns 100% or higher. You had better pay the tax too, pot was made illegal by taxation, the stamp act and lots of farmers grew hemp, suddenly they didn't.
Well, who said it needs to be in a semi auto? There's already bolt action rifles chambered for the new round.
I am very very familiar with artillery and I'm well aware of the pink mist we cause.
For a $200 tax stamp you can buy an artillery piece. It'd probably be hard to find someone to sell you an M777 or any of its variants.
In a free market in arms, like gun shows you would be able to buy anything short of a nuke and there are many older artillery pieces that could be on such a market. Where do you think the corrupt Russian officers sold their men's equipment and arms? Why are they running out of AKs?

If the government can't regulate semi-automatic weapons, then they can't regulate calibers or automatic weapons other arms like artillery and even grenades, all were arms when the second was written and it was written for communal military defense, not individual defense. The feds also ban certain kinds of ammunition like steel jacketed rounds or even Teflon coated ones, or poisoned bullets. So, they can regulate assault weapons out of existence and if you want a definition, any semiautomatic rifle with a removable mag and capable of firing more than 5 rounds without reloading.
A great argument for regulating all semi-automatic arms, tax and register them, the feds can do it and make taxes on some guns 100% or higher. You had better pay the tax too, pot was made illegal by taxation, the stamp act and lots of farmers grew hemp, suddenly they didn't.
fucking shut down EVERY place like that, NOW...AND get their customer list and start repoing that shit...These fucking magats shouldn't be allowed to own fucking bb guns, much less anything that could do real damage.
and fuck the second amendment, they've already perverted it so badly that it just has to go. Amendments can be amended...funny how that shit works, ain't it? those GAWD guaranteed rights aren't quite as guaranteed as the magats think they are.
Well, who said it needs to be in a semi auto? There's already bolt action rifles chambered for the new round.
My point exactly, you need to cock and shoot a repeater, slows things down and makes mass murder nearly impossible in close quarters with a rifle and harder with a revolver. So, banning all semi-automatic weapons pistols and rifles seems to be the solution and the bullet can be made illegal, other kinds of rounds are.
In a free market in arms, like gun shows you would be able to buy anything short of a nuke and there are many older artillery pieces that could be on such a market. Where do you think the corrupt Russian officers sold their men's equipment and arms? Why are they running out of AKs?

If the government can't regulate semi-automatic weapons, then they can't regulate calibers or automatic weapons other arms like artillery and even grenades, all were arms when the second was written and it was written for communal military defense, not individual defense. The feds also ban certain kinds of ammunition like steel jacketed rounds or even Teflon coated ones, or poisoned bullets. So, they can regulate assault weapons out of existence and if you want a definition, any semiautomatic rifle with a removable mag and capable of firing more than 5 rounds without reloading.
I'm not sure what this rant is about but you can buy grenades and fully auto guns, with a $200 tax stamp in addition to any other fees.
My point exactly, you need to cock and shoot a repeater, slows things down and makes mass murder nearly impossible in close quarters with a rifle and harder with a revolver. So, banning all semi-automatic weapons pistols and rifles seems to be the solution and the bullet can be made illegal, other kinds of rounds are.
Six guns won the west, If it was good enough for Wyatt Earp and Wild Bill Hickock, it's good enough for me.
I'm sure you'll just be able to buy a barrel chambered in the new round and use it in basically any modern rifle. All for a lot less than 8k.
You could also probably neck down a 308, plug in a 6.8mm bullet and it'd do really well for hunting.
If you like hamburger with metal pieces in it, it will do just fine.

How can legislators ignore the will of 70% of America? Because they're voted in by the other 30%, and the first thing they do is gerrymander the entire state so they can illegally seize control they do not deserve to have...And they are beholden to the gun industry for huge campaign contributions...
The easiest way to stop, or at least seriously slow this shit down is to remove the apportionment of districts from any state agencies. State districts have to be apportioned by bipartisan committees, with the states having absolutely no say in the matter. They had their chance and fucked up.

Teflon coated rounds are illegal? .... Jeez bud, get educated if you're going to say these things as facts.
You can also shoot steel coated ammo. Where are you getting your misinformation from?

Why exactly is a revolver harder to use in close quarters?
Teflon bullets were banned and called cop killer bullets, though the evidence is sketchy of their efficacy.

A repeating long gun is not good at close quarters or in confined indoor spaces, short weapons are preferred. A single action revolver makes it harder to do mass murder at close quarters too, without getting jumped. Where I live steel jacked armor piercing ammunition is not permitted for hunting and if it is not useful for that it can't be sold.
Teflon bullets were banned and called cop killer bullets, though the evidence is sketchy of their efficacy.

A repeating long gun is not good at close quarters or in confined indoor spaces, short weapons are preferred. A single action revolver makes it harder to do mass murder at close quarters too, without getting jumped. Where I live steel jacked armor piercing ammunition is not permitted for hunting and if it is not useful for that it can't be sold.
Teflon bullets are not banned in a very large majority of states. But, they don't really do much so they aren't used often. Most people powdercoat lead bullets if they want to help prevent leading of the barrel.

Teflon coated rounds are illegal? .... Jeez bud, get educated if you're going to say these things as facts.
You can also shoot steel coated ammo. Where are you getting your misinformation from?

Why exactly is a revolver harder to use in close quarters?
Look, the point of the thread is how to stop the mass shootings in America, not get into the weeds about this gun or that, or this bullet or that, but the POV of increasing numbers of people is to ban the works and let God sort them out. The federal government has this power, and the 2nd is no impediment to them for regulating and taxing guns. They won't care if it doesn't go over big in cornhole Oklahoma, or among the white folks in bigotville Alabama, they will just shove it down their fucking throats, like they are doing with abortion to America's women.
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Look, the point of the thread is how to stop the mass shootings in America, not get into the weeds about this gun or that, or this bullet or that, but the POV of increasing numbers of people is to ban the works and let God sort them out. The federal government has this power, and the 2nd is no impediment to them for regulating and taxing guns. They won't care if it doesn't go over big in cornhole Oklahoma, or among the white folks in bigotville Alabama, they will just shove it down their fuck throats, like they are doing with abortion to America's women.
that's how people with nothing to say argue...they say anything they can think of to justify their being horrible people who don't care if kids get killed, as long as they get to keep their guns. They want to keep drawing attention from the fact that it makes no fucking difference what you call the tools that sick fucks use to murder people with, those people are still murdered by sick fucks.