Why do you not consider better mental health screenings a valid counter measure?
You're not going to get 'counseled out of mental illness' to own a gun.
Why do you not consider better mental health screenings a valid counter measure?
no, I didn't.
BTW, the AR-15 will soon be replaced by a much more powerful and deadly military style weapon.
I don’t touch those polls.
Have you been to see a psychiatrist? It's an art not a science. Also, who appoints those counselors? How would class, racial and gender bias be eliminated? I can see this as spinning out of control and turning into a shit show. I'm more aligned with objective criteria to regulate gun ownership than subjective ones. Such as, criminal background checks, reports of domestic violence and other non-arbitrary reasons for denying the right of a person to own a gun.
But do tell. How would that work? Can you provide any links to give me a better understanding of what you suggest.
QUOTE="CANON_Grow, post: 17312407, member: 1069793"]
The following quote sums up my thoughts:
"It is my contention that the very roots of our mass shooting epidemic may be found in our core cultural value of fierce individualism, a belief in vengeance, and the ethic that might makes right. These cultural values have been central to what it means to be an American since our nation’s birth. We have always loved to settle disputes (at the individual and group levels) with violence and guns and we gleefully celebrate vigilantism in our popular culture.
I further contend there are powerful, divisive, and negative social forces at work today that fuel the increase in mass public shootings. These factors include but are not limited to: financial and healthcare fears, a declining belief in the American dream, distrust of the government, racism, xenophobia, religious and gender biases, hate crime, domestic terrorism, and near-constant war since 2001. Political and social divisions fueled by seemingly ubiquitous hate speech across media platforms over the last few years have created an environment where violence is seemingly inevitable."
The Real Reason Mass Shootings Are on the Rise
Personal Perspective: Powerful, divisive, and negative social forces are at work today that fuel the increase in mass public shootings.www.psychologytoday.com
Now how to reverse course is beyond me. It's likely going to continue to get worse for the foreseeable future.
Who said anything about being "counseled out of mental illness"You're not going to get 'counseled out of mental illness' to own a gun.
They will be in for a surprise after 24 if the democrats win, someone will anticipate this shit and make what they are trying a federal crime. Same for abortion, the feds can not only legalize it, but they can also make it a crime to conspire to limit a woman's reproductive rights and vaporize the antiabortion movement, "inadvertently".Missouri officials refuse to work with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, saying all federal 'so-called' gun laws are unconstitutional
Missouri officials refuse to work with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, saying all federal 'so-called' gun laws are unconstitutional
Camden County officials decried "any and all federal firearms laws, so-called laws" as unconstitutional when refusing to cooperate with the ATF.www.businessinsider.com
You've obviously never attempted to purchase a firearm.Age-21 no permit until training and background check, mental and felony..which I can understand why they don't wish..many wouldn't qualify. Parole? You don't qualify.
That is it! Many wouldn't qualify..in a nutshell..easy breezy, 18 + cash. Buying a cellphone requires more info than a gun.
Now I get it.
Why is saying constitutional republic so hard for you.They will be in for a surprise after 24 if the democrats win, someone will anticipate this shit and make what they are trying a federal crime. Same for abortion, the feds can not only legalize it, but they can also make it a crime to conspire to limit a woman's reproductive rights and vaporize the antiabortion movement, "inadvertently".
If the democrats win, they should end transfer and equalization payments from rich states to poor states and make it voluntary, force red states to tax their citizens and stop sponging off the federal government. That should cause a nose five in state republican popularity as places like Texas introduce income tax. Think about it, Elon moved to Texas because they have no state income tax, but instead suck on the federal tit, California got screwed and helped finance the deal.
If these red states want to go fascist and anti-democratic while doing their best to fuck America by sending traitors and clowns to DC, then why should liberal democratic states pay for fascist governments? Pay based on liberal democratic reforms and social reforms, give them some incentive to improve. After all its state's rights and the federal government wouldn't be fucking them, the blue states would and would pay them on progress in civilization and for white trash disposal. The blue states governors could develop a scoring system for them based on gerrymandering, voters rights and human rights violations (including abortion laws) and the quality of their representation, like the UN and even use UN standards.![]()
Everything would be constitutional, these are democrats, not republicans, if you wanna play civil war you can lose that war and the harder you play, the harder you lose.Why is saying constituonal republic so hard for you.
To be fair, you didn't do much more than toss an unspecified idea out there as if we should just worship your words. Maybe you didn't mean to imply that a counselor would perform that task instead of being part of a certification process but you left plenty of room for somebody to think that's what you meant. If their role is part of the licensing process, I'm not clear about how "counselor" would assess a person for gun ownership. You haven't replied to my post, where I told you my reservations to the idea and asked for a reply back with more details.Who said anything about being "counseled out of mental illness"
No, this new military style weapon would vaporize anybody with one of those things before they could even get close.And hey! bet you can print it too..
I was just simply stating the at one point, we had better screening, training, and required classes before you could carry a handgun... now it's just like the Wild West, anybody can carry now without a lic or training or background checks, so we're moving backwards. Anyways... back to mowing.Who said anything about CCW? Who said anything about your training class?
I didn't even mention those. I talked about the need to complete some very basic requirements in order to get a permit to buy a gun. Regardless how you "feel" about it, places where that requirement was put in place showed marked reductions in gun homicides and suicides. It's about saving lives, remember?
Firearm Purchaser Licensing | Center for Gun Violence Solutions
Firearm Purchaser Licensing laws, or permit-to-purchase, are a complement to existing background check systems. They require prospective firearm purchasers to first obtain a license. These laws are associated with lower rates of diversions of firearms for use in crime, homicide, mass shootings...publichealth.jhu.edu
Research shows that Permit-to-Purchase laws are one of the most effective ways to reduce many forms of gun violence including gun homicides and suicides.
- Studies show that Connecticut’s purchaser licensing law was associated with significant reductions in rates of firearm homicide and firearm suicide and the repeal of Missouri’s purchaser licensing law was associated with significant increases in these outcome. 1,2 The most recent study estimates Connecticut’s law reduced firearm homicide rates by 28 percent and firearm suicide rates by 33 percent over a 22-year period; the repeal of Missouri’s law increased firearm homicides by 47 percent and firearm suicide rates by 23 percent.3
- Another study found evidence that these changes in handgun purchaser licensing laws were linked to decreases in fatal shootings of police officers in Connecticut and increases in shootings of police in Missouri.
- States with strong handgun purchaser licensing laws were associated with 56 percent lower rates of fatal mass shooting incidents, and 67 percent fewer mass shooting victims.4
- Permit-to-purchase laws were associated with 11 percent reduction in firearm homicides in urban counties from 1984-2015.5
- Permit-to-purchase laws are also associated with significantly lower rates of guns being diverted for criminal use shortly after retail sale.
OK, so we agree on restricting magazine so there is that. blah, blah, blah. What are you going to do about it? How many must die before you feel like doing somethng?
Ya never know when you'll come across a deer wearing body armor, so ya need to be prepared. $8K sounds like a lot of built in profit for something that can be made for a couple of hundred bucks at any scale mostly by automation. The gun is powerful, but that GI Joe feeling is priceless for a gravy seal and an AR15 will no longer do.No, this new military style weapon would vaporize anybody with one of those things before they could even get close.
The US Army's new assault rifle coming to local gun stores
Sig Sauer's MCX Spear is designed to punch through body armor at range. Selling to the general public concerns gun regulation advocates.
"It has to bring a significant change to warfare. It has to be lighter. You have to get the range. You have to get the terminal ballistic," explained Sig Sauer CEO Ron Cohen in the promotional video.
The Army’s new rifle is now for sale to the general public, both under the MCX Spear and XM5 names. It currently sells for $8,000. Various vendors we talked to at the Dulles gun show expect that price to go down by half in the coming years.
It can be accurate up to a thousand yards with enough power to punch through nearly all body armor according to the US Army. The Army says it wanted the new .277 Fury round because the Army’s current round, the 5.56 NATO, often fails to punch through enemy body armor at long range.
"There are probably almost no law enforcement agencies, probably almost no domestic police agencies, that are set to have body armor set to defend against the .277 Fury," added Busse.
While police vests can be pierced with current AR-15 rounds, the rounds the MCX Spear shoots are specifically designed to pierce through all but the toughest body armor, according to the US Army.
The US Army's new assault rifle coming to local gun stores
Sig Sauer's MCX Spear is designed to punch through body armor at range. Selling to the general public concerns gun regulation advocates.www.wusa9.com
So, here it is. A lighter, more powerful and more deadly military style assault weapon is already available to mass killers near you. Police wearing body armor will be vulnerable to it.
Should we nip this one in the bud and put the semi-automatic version of this gun in the same category as military style automatic weapons.?
Smart gun owners know that regulation protects them, and the NRA road will lead to eventual disaster as the extremist lead them off a cliff.I was just simply stating the at one point, we had better screening, training, and required classes before you could carry a handgun... now it's just like the Wild West, anybody can carry now without a lic or training or background checks, so we're moving backwards. Anyways... back to mowing.
You are comparing apples to oranges. You cited known ineffective licensing requirements to invalidate an altogether different program. Districts implementing a permit to purchase have seen significant reduction in gun homicides by significant amounts.I was just simply stating the at one point, we had better screening, training, and required classes before you could carry a handgun... now it's just like the Wild West, anybody can carry now without a lic or training or background checks, so we're moving backwards. Anyways... back to mowing.
From a technical standpoint this gun is a somewhat updated AR-pattern. The receiver has different dimensions, so AR-spec parts don’t fit.No, this new military style weapon would vaporize anybody with one of those things before they could even get close.
The US Army's new assault rifle coming to local gun stores
Sig Sauer's MCX Spear is designed to punch through body armor at range. Selling to the general public concerns gun regulation advocates.
"It has to bring a significant change to warfare. It has to be lighter. You have to get the range. You have to get the terminal ballistic," explained Sig Sauer CEO Ron Cohen in the promotional video.
The Army’s new rifle is now for sale to the general public, both under the MCX Spear and XM5 names. It currently sells for $8,000. Various vendors we talked to at the Dulles gun show expect that price to go down by half in the coming years.
It can be accurate up to a thousand yards with enough power to punch through nearly all body armor according to the US Army. The Army says it wanted the new .277 Fury round because the Army’s current round, the 5.56 NATO, often fails to punch through enemy body armor at long range.
"There are probably almost no law enforcement agencies, probably almost no domestic police agencies, that are set to have body armor set to defend against the .277 Fury," added Busse.
While police vests can be pierced with current AR-15 rounds, the rounds the MCX Spear shoots are specifically designed to pierce through all but the toughest body armor, according to the US Army.
The US Army's new assault rifle coming to local gun stores
Sig Sauer's MCX Spear is designed to punch through body armor at range. Selling to the general public concerns gun regulation advocates.www.wusa9.com
So, here it is. A lighter, more powerful and more deadly military style assault weapon is already available to mass killers near you. Police wearing body armor will be vulnerable to it.
Should we nip this one in the bud and put the semi-automatic version of this gun in the same category as military style automatic weapons.?
When the death rates in mass shootings goes up, I'll be concerned.From a technical standpoint this gun is a somewhat updated AR-pattern. The receiver has different dimensions, so AR-spec parts don’t fit.
The cartridge is heavier, but still behind most hunting rounds.
The $8k is for the “collectible” release edition. Expect less special units to sell for about $2k.
At day’s end just another assault weapon. Tacticool looks sell guns. I expect the AR aftermarket to make lines of macho accessories for it that parallel the goodies you can use to make one’s home-defense hallelujah heavier.
I doubt they will. The new thing is tuned toward evolving military needs. For killing lotsa civilians in a short time, the AR platform is hard to beat.When the death rates in mass shootings goes up, I'll be concerned.
That's comforting to know.I doubt they will. The new thing is tuned toward evolving military needs. For killing lotsa civilians in a short time, the AR platform is hard to beat.