Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

I understand, Southern California isn’t for everybody. I love it and would live there if I could afford it. Glad you’re happy where you are, that’s all that matters.
True... and Oklahoma isn't for everybody either. My son moved to Temecula/Murietta about 4-5 years ago, and you couldn't get him to leave if you tried. He has to work a lot to afford to live there, but he loves it. That area is pretty nice. It's about 40 miles North on the 15.
Not sure what "zone" it's in but right around the red circle. A no moon night is pretty damn dark. Very easy to capture the Milky Way with a long exposure camera on a tripod with a remote trigger.
Red means high light pollution. Treat yourself to a visit to a darker spot like the brown zone west of Wichita Falls. In a truly dark sky, the galaxy (especially through good 10x glass) takes on a whole different personality. Makes the hair on your neck stand up.

Also, this time of year when the galaxy is largely MIA, you can see the zodiacal light and the gegenschein, a large diffuse patch of light opposite the sun. It’s dust in the ecliptic plane backscattering sunlight.

You know you have a dark sky when the only way you know where the horizon is
is that’s where the stars end.
Red means high light pollution. Treat yourself to a visit to a darker spot like the brown zone west of Wichita Falls. In a truly dark sky, the galaxy (especially through good 10x glass) takes on a whole different personality. Makes the hair on your neck stand up.

Also, this time of year when the galaxy is largely MIA, you can see the zodiacal light and the gegenschein, a large diffuse patch of light opposite the sun. It’s dust in the ecliptic plane backscattering sunlight.

You know you have a dark sky when the only way you know where the horizon is
is that’s where the stars end.
Oh yeah... I go down to that zone East of Wichita Falls near the Red River. Super dark. .. and not too far, like 30 min drive. But even in my zone, on a no moon night, you can't hardly see your hand in front of your face. When I do take sky shots, I go down to the front 7 acres away from the house, or just turn everything off in the house and shoot from the driveway. This one was shot from the driveway... I wanted to get the trees highlighted in there too, so I set a tiny little LED light on the ground pointing that way. I think this was a 25 second exposure.

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Oh yeah... I go down to that zone East of Wichita Falls near the Red River. Super dark. .. and not too far, like 30 min drive. But even in my zone, on a no moon night, you can't hardly see your hand in front of your face. When I do take sky shots, I go down to the front 7 acres away from the house, or just turn everything off in the house and shoot from the driveway. This one was shot from the driveway... I wanted to get the trees highlighted in there too, so I set a tiny little LED light on the ground pointing that way. I think this was a 25 second exposure.

View attachment 5279572
nice! Here’s a trophy suggestion

I don't know how accurate this chart is, but OK has been very good to me. I had a great 32 year career, retired at 54, own everything outright, have great healthcare, everything is cheap, gas is around $2.89.... our most expensive monthly is healthcare at $1200 a month, but that's because we own a consulting business, and don't have a Corporate share pay to help pay for it. ... and that's ok. It's all perspective I suppose. I just got home,.. it's 1:30am, and Im blasting streaming music at level 100 with the windows open (Violent Femmes currently playing), just took a piss off the porch, fired up a blunt, and there's nobody else around me to give a fuck. .. and I like that.
Our roads are much better than SoCal, the infrastructure is solid with oil and gas as our economy driver, as well as wind farms. We don't see homeless people, but Im sure there are some. We have the worlds largest tire manufacturers, Oil service companies, the most and Worlds largest Casinos, (China is working to beat us out on that, but we keep adding on). .. and Im not saying that OK is the best place to live, but it's home to me, and I'll prob die here. We travel quite a bit, so we get to see a lot of other cultures, but SoCal has to be on the bottom of the list of all of the places we've visited on Earth... and we've been to a lot of Countries.. some I used to live in when I was younger in the Middle East. (U.A.E.) Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Bahrain.

World Casinos.. and that's just the machines. The whole resort is about a square mile.
Yep, roads last longer when there is little traffic. :lol:

Oklahoma has bottom tier education, bottom tier economy, among the worst in crime and incarceration rate, among the worst in terms of its environment, among the worst in health care, among the states rated for highest dependency on federal support, not good in terms of opportunity for OK's population, no safety net for people who lose a job or get chronically ill. But, good roads. And all you can do is blow your horn as if it matters.

Oh and you brag about a casino. lol
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Not pertinent? Wrong thread? Bad timing?
not wrong thread and not bad timing, just complete agreement and not much to say about it.

Its all woven together. The glorification of guns, the grab for power at both state and federal levels, the unequal application of rule of law, no consideration of the rights of those who disagree with them, the racist white nationalism. Its plain as day, what the legislature did in Tennessee, what the legislature in Wisconsin is talking about doing to the Supreme Court Judge that is not going to be complicit with their intentions to strip rights away from women or disenfranchise people who aren't MAGA Republicans. It's plain as day what Jim Jordan is doing when he demands NY rescind charges against his political party's leader without even claiming he's innocent. Biden said it true when he called MAGA GOP -- fascist.
Yep, roads last longer when there is little traffic. :lol:

Oklahoma has bottom tier education, bottom tier economy, among the worst in crime and incarceration rate, among the worst in terms of its environment, among the worst in health care, among the states rated for highest dependency on federal support, not good in terms of opportunity for OK's population, no safety net for people who lose a job or get chronically ill. But, good roads. And all you can do is blow your horn as if it matters.

Oh and you brag about a casino. lol
Man... you must really hate Oklahoma. Maybe you need to get out more.