Examples of GOP Leadership

The old "appeal to authority" logical fallacy.

"I asked about it with other judges and they said it's OK. So, blame it on them. If taking free trips, vacations and meals from a Billionaire who has benefitted from some of my rulings regarding taxes, labor, free speech and on political issues in ways that he favors gives the appearance of corruption, take my word for it. it wasn't. I asked about it with other judges and they said it's OK. Refute that."

Slimy as a hagfish."
See what he says at his impeachment inquiry when he is under oath and on the hotseat, if the democrats win, then there is the senate judiciary committee that could act on him sooner. An impeachment inquiry with public hearings and sworn testimony from justices and staff of the SCOTUS need not get to a house impeachment vote to be effective, and some could retire or just resign. They could also call in his billionaire buddies for some sworn testimony and I don't think a SCOTUS justice can refuse a congressional subpoena without it being an impeachable offense. The facts appear to be there for several such investigations including making false statements during confirmation and unfinished or improper vetting by Trump. Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse seems to think the SCOTUS needs a look at and reform.
tubashit doesn't give a fuck, as far as he's concerned, an America where a woman can get an abortion is an America that shouldn't exist...
He’s not even that engaged: just another brainwashed rubber-stamp robot. It might as well be a set of text files they swap in & out, using different voices. The bulk of the professional GOOP cadre is fixed on the reward for getting us all into the hands of the billionaires & pseudo-potentates & have been mainlining Buchanan’s economic & ‘philosophical’ cover stories, Koch’s “libertarian” think tanks & astroturf policies, & Dominionist ‘righteous war to defeat the devil & his demonic liberals’ emotional manipulation THEIR ENTIRE LIVES

They don’t think about it - the same way they don’t think about the sun coming up in the morning. They just do it. The banality of evil at its most corrupt and pathetic.
He’s not even that engaged: just another brainwashed rubber-stamp robot. It might as well be a set of text files they swap in & out, using different voices. The bulk of the professional GOOP cadre is fixed on the reward for getting us all into the hands of the billionaires & pseudo-potentates & have been mainlining Buchanan’s economic & ‘philosophical’ cover stories, Koch’s “libertarian” think tanks & astroturf policies, & Dominionist ‘righteous war to defeat the devil & his demonic liberals’ emotional manipulation THEIR ENTIRE LIVES

They don’t think about it - the same way they don’t think about the sun coming up in the morning. They just do it. The banality of evil at its most corrupt and pathetic.
Tubby Tommy was up to his eyeballs in the J6 conspiracy and if members of congress go down, he could be one along with Ron Johnson, who tried to give Pence fake electors from his state at the capitol and others like Gym Jordan and MTG. We will see if Mark Meadows cuts a deal with Jack, he might be the key to nailing them all and knows everybody who requested a pardon and has a ton of text and emails messages that the FBI must have by now. If he destroys or deletes them, he is gone for life and he apparently has a very good lawyer who will want to deal because Mark is gone for good if he doesn't deliver heads, including Trump's and he's not even needed for that.
He’s not even that engaged: just another brainwashed rubber-stamp robot. It might as well be a set of text files they swap in & out, using different voices. The bulk of the professional GOOP cadre is fixed on the reward for getting us all into the hands of the billionaires & pseudo-potentates & have been mainlining Buchanan’s economic & ‘philosophical’ cover stories, Koch’s “libertarian” think tanks & astroturf policies, & Dominionist ‘righteous war to defeat the devil & his demonic liberals’ emotional manipulation THEIR ENTIRE LIVES

They don’t think about it - the same way they don’t think about the sun coming up in the morning. They just do it. The banality of evil at its most corrupt and pathetic.
and they never ever question the simple fact that the sun comes up on the left.
Abortion is an issue well past it's best before date and the republicans are trapped by it, both by their base and by the remaining billionaire fanatics and wealthy donors are diminishing as they see their loss of control over the base as a threat to them. Many in the GOP leadership know it is a losing issue, but they are no longer in control and can't change on a dime. I guess they will just need to crank up the culture wars and fear for a few weeks before the election and get the fools to fuck themselves again, becaue: THEY ARE TAKING OVER!

GOP drifts farther from U.S. voters on abortion as their aims make pregnancy less safe

56,852 views Apr 8, 2023 #MSNBC #GOP #Abortion
Ali Velshi looks at how Republicans are continuing to rush headlong after their goal of banning all abortions everywhere in the United States even as American voters as well as medical professionals reject that goal.
I think it chaps desantis' ass that a mouse is kicking his ass...I wonder how he will feel if he ever figures out that 90% of people are rooting for the mouse.

Disney should "leak" that they're going to shut down and move operations to Illinois...The season won't be quite as long, but they're working on a "winter wonderland" theme, and they will have the cooperation of the local government, instead of petty obstructionist assholes trying to run a company they do not own.
Not to worry they will have another "caravan" moving towards the border set to invade America with brown people or will whip up fear a few weeks before the election. Perhaps the price of gas will increase by a dime any excuse will do, Joe is senile, even though he appears sharp as a tack and is doing an excellent job and actually working for a living, something Trump didn't. To compare Joe with Trump is a crime against Joe who is a normal human being.

Someone is gonna look you in the eye and tell you Trump is a good man and should be president and was the best president ever. How do you deal with the:
A) Delusion and obvious mental illness or
B) The insult to your intelligence by a mealy-mouthed asshole who just disrespected you by lying to your face and who thinks yer a fool.

Chuck Todd: GOP ‘driving off an electoral cliff’ to appease staunch anti-abortion wing
not a very expansive statement, but at least it lets you know the DOJ is doing SOMETHING...
Look, the way to put an end to this bullshit is for the democrats to win in 24 and pass a reproductive rights law and make it illegal to even conspire to remove a woman's basic human rights. Let them deal with a clear and unambiguous law passed by congress and signed by Joe, same for guns BTW. If you don't win in 24, expect more of the same and worse as the red states go full fascist and off the deep end, completely in the thrall of the most radical and racist elements of the base. They will do the usual whip up fear, another caravan will start its long trek north followed by fox who will sound shrill alarm as they near the border just before election day. Then they will disappear in a puff of magic, like they were never really there in the first place! The magic will work again the fools will fall for it, they always do, and many are just looking for an excuse to do what they really want to deep down, except for that commonsense thing.

The red state voters will continue to send these assholes back, they can do no wrong and represent the true will of the people. They are at war and will sacrifice for the "cause", their freedom, vote and even lives. Foxnews increases their numbers, whips them up, reinforces their worst qualities, prevents them from evolving as human beings, and keeps them at "war" over nothing but bullshit.
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The most gerrymandered state in America, the statistics are shocking.

Let's talk about the Wisconsin GOP talking about impeachments....
Crackhead Time Folks :eyesmoke:

Diaper Don jr. in full crackhead mode …. Eyes like slits , droning about gibberish, clammy fucked up face , bad breath , chicklet teeth , “ ring around the collar “ ( for you old timers :bigjoint:) and general body stank.


