Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
So. HYPOTHETICALLY if you had been delivered an entire gallon of heavy cream, in addition to all of your other groceries, and you already had plenty of butter, and you didn't actually pay for it, so whatever, not mad.... What would you do to not waste it?
Make ice cream, of course!
You can only make so much soup and whipped cream, never enough ice cream.


Well-Known Member


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
Don't throw it out bongsmilie
I would add that cream doesn't spoil as fast as milk so it's not a house afire to use it all
I don't use a ton of dairy, so it would go bad by the time it expired. I use maybe a pint of cream every 3 months...
Or you can freeze it!
Thanks! I'll look through those. Maybe something my roomie likes. She doesn't cook, so maybe she gets free food. It's just so damn much. A pint or a quart I could use in a few months, but a gallon is freaking wild... and it's in one jug! Which I don't have room for in my freezer, I guess I can put it in bags.

I hate feeling wasteful, so this is maybe the most stressful free thing I have ever gotten...


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
creme brulee
Main ingredients: Cream, sugar, egg or egg yolks, vanilla

I've never made it before, but it's yummy. If I'm popping the top I might as well give it a go. I've heard you can kind of cheat the torch by overheating an old spoon! I'm sure it isn't quite the same, but I am not a degenerate dabbasaurus like some of you guys, so I don't have torches lying around o_O