

I just replanted my plants. They were first planted on March 4-6.
I put them in dark 6 hrs. Lights on 18hrs. Going to have to make more room for them. I need to put a fan on them to get those stems strong.
I used Miracle Grow indoor soil.
it has 25% nitrogen
0.25-0.23-0.19. Should I add more nitrogen for root growth??
Answer to your problems.
1) Never I mean never use miracle grow soil.
2) get some good soil (I use FFOF).
3) put them in their final resting pot.
4) if using a good soil all you should need for 3 to 4 weeks is just water, don't over water.
5) check back in 3 to 4 weeks and show us them trees! GL!
They look fine, adding more nutrients at this age to "increase growth" is a rookie move that will surely lead to issues. Especially in something like miracle grow that has time release ferts that are not ideal for cannabis. Get them some airflow, a bit more light (increase slowly and by small amounts, they are easily burned from too much light at this age) and something for drainage in your soil mix when you transplant (perlite, rice hulls, lava rocks, etc.)