First Time Tent Grow


Well-Known Member
Found a growth on one of my Critical plants that is variegated. Has anyone else ever seen that?
Seen that before, yup.
I hope im not blasting them with too much light. They are approximately 28” above. They are 700w running at 70%. Any help is greatly appreciated!
If you have a smart phone, download "photone" app, if you don't have par meter.
975 PPFD on canopy.
Oh damn. How you measuring? That's heavy light downpour, haha.

Plants look really good, man. Great job so far.

Howard Kushman

Well-Known Member
You don't happen to know what your plant temp. is while the air temp. is 82*F, do you? I'm curious.
I upgraded to the 6” ac infinity x2 for air circulation and they are at about 78 degrees and 55% rh. I cant get the humidity down to the 40s because it is 80-90 rh outside.