Thundercat's Groooooooow

Well natmoon, I am still planning on using an air basket for at least 2, maybe 4 plants. I am going to do 2-4 plants with individual scrogs. I will be using the airbaskets for these plants. Hope you enjoy the shroom grow as well!

So guys I've been asking around a bit, I'm starting to think about what nutes I'm gonna use for my grow. I'm growing with soil obviously, the soil I have is all organic, and I would like to keep the nutes as close to, or completely organic. I am on a tight budget, and would like to keep it simple. I am going to add some lime to my soil, so hopefully that will add some calcium, and MG. I am also going to use a silica addative to strengthen the plants. I've also been told that if nessecary silica works really well as a PH up. So what I'm trying to get advice on is a base nutrient, and some simple addatives to really boost my plants.

Also I just checked my jars, and I now have growth in 100% of the jars, and non of it is green!!!! lol. I tryed to take some pictures of a couple of the burma jars, they are really movin, but I couldn't really get a good pic. I also still need to get some vinegar to clean the jars better. But progress is good! :)
My JA will be way ahead of the PE...I will probably use 2 FC's because I will have 2qts of PE are gonna have a TON of myc..if you dont have room for it all when its time to fruit, put it in the fridge with foil totally covering the jars.(light and cold temps will cause em to pin in the jars)
Room for them shouldn't be an issue. When everything is fully set up I am going to have 4 fruiting chambers that house a 5 qt tray each. I hope to have a backup 5 qt of each strain in the fridge ready to go.
Well growth has increased, things are moving well in all the Burmas, I even shook one tonight, it seemed like an ok time. A couple of the ereals have decent growth, but most are kinda slow. I tryed moving some of the jars n the incubator, maybe change the temps they are all at, and change growth. I don't know. All the KS jars are showing growth, 2 have a good amount. As of right now it seems as if I'll be casing the burmas first. Thats ok I'll get them going, and start the next tray when its time, maybe I'll be able to get a perpetual arvest going. Like I said earlier I want to have a set of fully colonized jars ready in the fridge for when my trays stop flushing. I'd also like to have a set in the incubator, so there will be no point in the next 9 months that I don't have at least 1-2 trays fruiting.
you will always have a strain that will outgrow the others...those burmas will give you a TON of shrooms...good too!
Excellent....tons and good are what I'm hoping for, lol. Yours look amazing man, talk about a ton of shrooms!
Hehe, this shit always gets me so excited! :) I can't wait to see all these differant strains. Between yours, the ones I have, and JG, we will have 6-7 strains going between us all. Thats gonna be sweet!
Ok guys, I took a couple pictures today. I think you will be able to see the myc ok. The growth has been good on most jars. I think there are 2-3 that are slacking a bit, but they all have growth. I shook one of my Ereal jars today, and I am prolly gonna shake a couple more jars tomorrow. I've just been waiting till a good part of the outside is colonized, and doesn't move around when I move the jar, then shaking. Tomorrow will be 1 week, and I'm not dissapointed with where they are at, except the couple stragglers. I'm not sure which strains these are in the pics, I didn't write it down when I took them, but I do know the one with the blue line on it is a Burma. You can see in a couple of them the strong stringy growth, I think this is whats called ryzomorphic, right kush. I believe this is a good sign of real strong growth.








Hope you guys enjoy!
looks kick ass!! If the jars are atleast 40% colonized..shake em! I am going to shake my JA here in a little bit..I will post a pic before I do
I will be shaking more tomorrow, or maybe later tonight. There were a couple that atleast the outside was prolly 40%. I need to cook up my other 6 jars I have, maybe I'll do that on wednesday(I'm off work). Then I can make that SA syringe and shoot them up by this weekend. I'm also gonna have to get more jars, I only baught 24 and I'll need more once these are fully colonized, so I can do a myc transfer on the next batch! I'd also like to cook up a couple LC to have around so that I can clone if I get anything interesting. It won't be a problem to PC a LC and then just keep it in the fridge uninoculated, will it?

So Kush do you reuse your jars, and get new lids? Or do you get new ones each batch?
I will be shaking more tomorrow, or maybe later tonight. There were a couple that atleast the outside was prolly 40%. I need to cook up my other 6 jars I have, maybe I'll do that on wednesday(I'm off work). Then I can make that SA syringe and shoot them up by this weekend. I'm also gonna have to get more jars, I only baught 24 and I'll need more once these are fully colonized, so I can do a myc transfer on the next batch! I'd also like to cook up a couple LC to have around so that I can clone if I get anything interesting. It won't be a problem to PC a LC and then just keep it in the fridge uninoculated, will it?

So Kush do you reuse your jars, and get new lids? Or do you get new ones each batch?
I would just wait to make the LC till you are ready for it. As for jars...if I get any that get contams, they go right in the trash! You can buy new lids for the jars, but if you need more jars go ahead and grab some. After a couple uses, the jar lids start to get rust on the inoc sites. I pitch and get new ones when I notice rust.(lids are cheap)
Ya I saw the lids were cheap, I want to get new ones, so I can change the way I did the holes. I figured if they got contams to toss them, but other wise you reuse the jars. I'm gonna get more this weekend. I still have 6, so that will work for the SA. I just wanna get more for once these are ready to myc transfer. So I can get the next batch into the incubator asap. Then I'll clean all my other jars, and reuse them I guess!
I have a TON of jars laying around...I probably have over 100 jars, all diff sizes
I went crazy when I started this hobby!
Lol I'm prolly jumping off the deep end here, but I am tryin to make this happen fast, and constant. Atleast for a bit, get a few things straightened out. I'm also going to be moving in October of 09, so I'm tryin to plan ahead. I want to have myc ready when I move, so I can try it right up when I get there. I also want to have clones from my weed grow to start up. I would like to only have a short lapse in production. We'll see how that goes, ha!
How long has it been since you inoculated? What temp are you incubating at? If you think the spores are the issue, hop on sporevision, or spores101, and order up some more right now. A new syringe should only be like $15-20. Start some more, try to be as sterile as possible cus didn't you say you had some contams. If you didn't last time, try the WBS, it was pretty easy.