My Scotts Og wont germinate,,, NOooo


Well-Known Member
lets all have a minutes silence for my scotts og order from Attitude that didnt make it to being in smoked up
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wtf is wrong with these seeds? this is the second last one
How long has it been soaking? I'd scratch it up a bit and plant 3/4" deep in a little pot of whatever you planned to use for medium. Keep a baggie over it so it stays moist and 75F would be good and leave it for a while. I've had seeds take about 2 weeks to show up when they're older.



Well-Known Member
If you squeeze it is it still hard or mushy inside
I germinate seeds that are 10+ years old with minimal issue. Clean hands, wear gloves keep things clean and sterile. And old crusty pop bottle is prob not the cleanest thing you could think of.
There's really no need to soak them in water. It generally does more harm then good. Just pop right into a plug or better yet right into the medium. Keep it moist not wet. And warm not hot. I cover mind with a clear party cup to keep any pathogens out and hold the moisture in just until I see it popping out the top of the medium. Then it's hats off.
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Well-Known Member
i took old meds advice and planted it in soil

its not an old pop bottle it brand new spring water that is already 6.0ph