Happy St. Patrick's Day, Join us to find free gift


Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Happy St. Patrick's Day, May all your wishes come true today!
We are ready for some gifts for you. But you will need to find a "hidden treasure" in the product's comments on our website, then contact us to get your free gift! The first 5 treasure hunters get free gifts. Good luck to everyone!

Tip: It is a word about St. Patrick's Day.

Finding hidden treasure on our website:
USA: www.spider-farmer.com
CA: www.spiderfarmer.ca
EU: www.spiderfarmer.eu
UK: www.spiderfarmer.co.uk
AU: www.spiderfarmer.com.au



Well-Known Member
Was poking around a bit, didn't find it, but started to feel a little greedy. You all already gave me a most awesome light with the SE1000W, so I'm going to back out and let others carry on with the hunt.


and a most gracious "Thank You" to @Spiderfarmerled for my light and the opportunity!


Well-Known Member
Rollitup Advertiser
Thank you all for your active participation. Please check the DM and offer the shipping information.
We will ship you the random gift.


Well-Known Member
excited to see what my free gift is :) thanks for the excitement SF! I'll be sure to come brag about it when I get it