What is it?
something ive wanted for a long time, a flash version of ryujin 龍神, or Ōwatatsumi no kami (大綿津見神, "great deity of the sea") basically the "big-boss" of dragons

just a huge fucking nerd, but i have always had an affinity for the water, and i absolutely love the mythology surrounding these creatures
Are you an EMT now? I bet the ladies are like… “is 420god working tonight? I think I might need some mouth to mouth resuscitation. Please call 911. I will be passed out in my bed.” Lol hee hee
I stopped training after I received my EMR certification. As I learned more about the EMT program I realized it wasn't for me, maybe if it was a full time gig but as a volunteer it just wasn't worth it. We spent an entire week talking about the legal bullshit that goes along with it and how you're on your own if something happens. At least as a firefighter if I fuck up it falls on the department, as an EMT it's your own ass 100%. Really not worth the risk.
Have the person of your dreams rip your heart out then spend the next 4 years basically living at the gym trying to build your self esteem back up. At least that's been my process
motivation and discipline bby. i went from barely being able to bench an emtpy bar to 335lbs, and lost 180lbs inside of 2 years just incase u were wondering how much i know what it's like to have your world pissed on. we get better, and they suffer.

all my love
Hawt! I think you're the first guy that I asked for a selfie in a roundabout way.
Are you asking for a dick pic in a roundabout way?
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something ive wanted for a long time, a flash version of ryujin 龍神, or Ōwatatsumi no kami (大綿津見神, "great deity of the sea") basically the "big-boss" of dragons

just a huge fucking nerd, but i have always had an affinity for the water, and i absolutely love the mythology surrounding these creatures
That’s awesome.I have a couple water tattoos . Got them both while living in Florida. The Gilman creature from the black lagoon and the shark from Jaws. I was absolutely in love with the water but had a horrible snorkeling experience in key west and since then have no interest in having anything to do with the ocean anymore. I am going to get some tribal waves and a sunset around my Gilman to finish up that area.