whats your favorite game while stoned?

These Sniper Elites games for PS5 are addictive. Blowing holes through the brains of fascists and watching it up close and personal destroy their bodies... it was red dead redemption, shadows of mordor/war, shadow of the colossus, sleeping dogs, god of war, etc... but i guess new shit comes along. i'll also say i think its a waste of time and i might get rid of my console..
Definitely Battlefield, which made me use my savings to buy an RTX 2060
I know this isn't the right section for what I'm about to ask- But, does your RTX 2060 show what it's power usage is in MSI Afterburner? I have an EVGA RTX 2060 SC Black edition, and mine wont show any of that info in all the applications I've tested. Even HWinfo has little to show on what it's draw is.

Related to the OP topic- Which battlefield? Or do you mean the whole series?
there is a bug where you wake up but you are still sleeping and weird shit happens
There's another bug where you lucidly walk your way to your current toilet and start peeing... Then, you wake up in what is now- if were not before - water bed...

And another too. Where you vaguely remember waking up for a moment. Then when you actually snap to. You're fully dressed... albeit a little sloppily, with a grinder in your hands and some over-paid kizzunt going "are you even fekkin listening to me?" while you try and figure out how the actual funk you got from home to work in one piece, let alone on time and dressed in full attire for the job at hand.

Every once in a while something comes out that you just can’t forget and the Dropping Deuces game is just that.
The Dropping Deuces game is similiar to cornhole in that you attempt to toss (in this case small poos) into the hole (in this case a toilet).
While a little crass, the game features multi color poops that you attempt to throw in to a toilet. The toilet is a bucket that has a snap on toilet seat and lid.
Everyone that sees this game gets a little bit of a laugh and what’s better than making someone smile:)

PROS: Funny game that will get people talking and laughing.

CONS: game does best on concrete vs grass and the ‘toilet’ needs to be heavier as it will blow over with any wind.

Overall, this game really stands out from the crowd. There are a few tweaks the team at Dropping Deuces could make to really take this game to the next level. I’ve never been a fan of dropping a deuce at a tailgate…unit now:)

Check them out:

It’s the SHIT !